Matteo Magnani
Professor at Department of Information Technology; Division of Computing Science
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 40 21
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- Visiting address:
- Lägerhyddsvägen 2, hus 1
SE-752 37 Uppsala
Sweden - Postal address:
- Box 337
751 05 UPPSALA
- 0000-0002-3437-9018
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
Matteo's mission is to create, preserve, teach and apply knowledge in the service of humanity. Luckily enough, most of the humanity is not aware of Matteo's mission. Matteo leads the Uppsala University Information Laboratory and is a founding member of the Uppsala University Computational Social Science Lab.
Pronouns: he/him
- artificial intelligence
- computational social science
- data science
- network science
- social data mining
- social network analysis
Matteo Magnani, director of the Uppsala University Information Laboratory and founding member of the Uppsala University Computational Social Science Lab, graduated with honours in Information Sciences at the University of Bologna in 2002. He studied Computer Science at the University of Marne la Vallée (undergraduate level) and the Imperial College London (postgraduate research level). In 2006 he obtained a PhD in Computer Science (Bologna) where in 2011 he also graduated with honours in Violin.
He has received a Rotary Prize for the best student of the Science Faculty, a Best Paper Award, a Funniest Presentation Award, a Best Poster award, some nominations as Best Reviewer, a Pedagogical Prize by the Students Union of the Faculty of Science and Technology (UTN), and a Best Young Chess Player Award at a competition with two participants - one not knowing how to play chess. The other. He is an Excellent Teacher (this is actually a real title in Sweden... update! - they have changed the title to a less embarrassing "Distinguished University Teacher", sounds much better I think) and a Docent (which is also some kind of Swedish recognition, also sounding much better. "Docent Magnani", nice!).
Before joining Uppsala University he held positions at the National Research Council in Pisa (third-level researcher - or "ricercatore di ultima", in Italian), at the University of Bologna in Italy (assistant professor - for a week or two), and at Aarhus University, Denmark (research assistant professor level).
He has done research on Database and Information Management systems, specifically uncertain information management and multidimensional database queries, and is now active in Social Data Mining. He has written around 1.5 Kg of papers on these topics (when printed on heavy A4 size sheets) and he has an h-index. He has successfully attracted funding from Working Capital (Telecom Italia), FIRB (MIUR - Italian Ministry for education, University and Research), STINT (the Swedish foundation for cooperation in research and higher education), NOS-HS (the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences), VR (Swedish Research Council), CHANCE/FORTE, H2020 (Horizon 2020, EU) and CET (EU) schemes. (Funny to read this some time after I wrote it... "successfully"... I wonder what I meant with this? "Not unsuccessfully"? Note to myself: take some time to reflect about academic culture)
Recent publications
- Improved Visual Saliency of Graph Clusters with Orderable Node-Link Layouts (2024)
- Current challenges in multilayer network engineering (2024)
- Do You See What I See? (2024)
- Analysing the effect of different design choices in network-based topic detection (2023)
- Robustness and Sensitivity of Network-Based Topic Detection (2023)
All publications
- Improved Visual Saliency of Graph Clusters with Orderable Node-Link Layouts (2024)
- Current challenges in multilayer network engineering (2024)
- Do You See What I See? (2024)
- Immigrant-critical alternative media in online conversations (2023)
- Overlapping Clustering of Probabilistic Networks (2022)
- Defining and measuring probabilistic ego networks (2021)
- Probabilistic network sparsification with ego betweenness (2021)
- Community Detection in Multiplex Networks (2021)
- Analysis of Multiplex Social Networks with R (2021)
- Deep neural networks for social visuals (2021)
- Unspoken Assumptions in Multi-layer Modularity maximization (2020)
- Multilayer network simplification (2020)
- A Twitter-Based Study of the European Internet of Things (2020)
- Comparing node degrees in probabilistic networks (2019)
- An Analysis of the Consequences of the General Data Protection Regulation on Social Network Research (2019)
- Observing the tech, using meetup data to observe the evolution of the discourse around IoT (2019)
- Quantifying layer similarity in multiplex networks (2018)
- Foundations of Temporal Text Networks (2018)
- Shortest Paths in Multiplex Networks (2017)
- Introduction to the special issue on multilayer networks (2017)
- Social Network Analysis in Applications (2016)
- Effects of missing data in multilayer networks (2016)
- A new approach to role and position detection in networks (2016)
- Clustering attributed graphs (2015)
- Towards effective visual analytics on multiplex and multilayer networks (2015)
- Spreading processes in Multilayer Networks (2015)
- Multidimensional epidemic thresholds in diffusion processes over interdependent networks (2015)
- Taking the Big Picture (2014)
- Dinamiche comunicative e Social Network (2023)
- Modularity-Based Selection of the Number of Slices in Temporal Network Clustering (2023)
- Metrics for Temporal Text Networks (2019)
- Large-Scale Social Network Analysis (2014)
- Path-based and Whole Network Measures (2014)
- Multiple social networks, data models and measures for (2014)
- Factors Enabling Information Propagation in a Social Network Site (2013)
- Analysing the effect of different design choices in network-based topic detection (2023)
- Robustness and Sensitivity of Network-Based Topic Detection (2023)
- On the conditions for integrating deep learning into the study of visual politics (2021)
- International Workshop on Mining Attributed Networks (MATNET 2018) Chairs' Welcome (2018)
- A generalized force-directed layout for multiplex sociograms (2018)
- From Interaction to Participation (2018)
- Partial and Overlapping Community Detection in Multiplex Social Networks (2018)
- A Join Operator for Property Graphs (2017)
- Multilayer Analysis of Online Illicit Marketplaces (2016)
- Using indirect blockmodeling for monitoring students roles in collaborative learning networks (2016)
- Efficient caching for constrained skyline queries (2015)
- Diffusion of Innovations over Multiplex Social Networks (2015)
- Understanding community patterns in large attributed social networks (2015)
- Investigating the types and effects of missing data in multilayer networks (2015)
- Role and position detection in networks (2015)
- Missing data in multiplex networks (2014)
- Efficient GPU-based skyline computation (2013)
- Spatio-Temporal Keyword Queries in Social Networks (2013)
- From stars to galaxies (2013)
- SkyView (2013)
- On multidimensional network measures (2013)
- Pareto Distance for Multi-layer Network Analysis (2013)
- Formation of multiple networks (2013)