Stefano Moretti

Short presentation

Stefano Moretti is Full Professor within the Theoretical Particle Physics group in the Division of High Energy Physics (HEP) at the Department of Physics & Astronomy.

He is also Full Professor of Particle Physics Phenomenology within the Southampton HEP (SHEP) group in the School of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Southampton and Director of the NExT Institute. He is then Visiting Staff in RAL PPD. Finally, he is a member of the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.


After securing in PhD from the University of Torino, he was Post-Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) at the University of Cambridge, then Senior PDRA in RAL and the University of Oxford. Subsequently, he was Fellow as well as Scientific Associate at CERN. He permanently moved to the University of Southampton on an STFC Advanced Fellowship in 2003.

Prof Moretti is the Post-Graduate (PG) Recruitment Officer for the Southampton High Energy Physics (SHEP) group.

He is member of the Senior Management Team (SMT), Teaching Committee (TC) and Recuitment Committee (RC) of the Data Intensive Science Centre in the South-East Physics network (DISCnet).

He is the Southampton PG Training Director for the Graduate school (GRADnet) of the South-East Physics network (SEPnet).

He has regularly acted as referee/panel member/(vice-)chair of grant applications to EU Framework Programmes 6 & 7, ESF, Italy-INFN, UK Royal Society, UK Leverhulme Trust, UK-CCLRC, UK-PPARC/STFC, US-NSF and US-DoE, Swedish NSF & Wallenberg, Estonian Research Council (ETF/ETAg), NWO (The Netherlands), CONICYT (Chile), GIF (Germany/Israel), SNSF (Switzerland), National Science Centre (Poland), IRIS-RPF (Cyprus), FWO (Belgium), etc.

Furthermore, Prof Moretti joined the prestigious panel membership of the UK 2021 Reference Excellent Framework (REF 2021). As a member for the Physics panel (Unit 9), he evaluated the submissions of all Physics & Astronomy Departments in the UK, with ranking determining the distribution of an Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), Scottish Funding Council (SFC), Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland (DfE) funding allocation in excess of 1.8bn GBP.

Finally, he acted as an assessor for the equivalent Italian exercise (VQR 2015-2019) and is currently advising on Science Policy ad Assessment Methods within Horizon Europe.

Prof Moretti is formally affiliated to the University of Uppsala since 2018 following his honorary degree herein.


Prof Moretti's research interests include: Standard Model (QCD and EW Interactions), Supersymmetry, Non-minimal Higgs Models, Higher Order Corrections and Monte Carlo Event Generators.

Prof Moretti’s scientific activity is in particle phenomenology, particularly in the area of collider physics. His contribution to particle physics is substantial as seen from more than 550 scientific papers/articles that he has published.

Prof Moretti is also author of two textbooks: S. Khalil and S. Moretti, ``Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality: from Theory to Experiment", Taylor & Francis (2017), and S. Khalil and S. Moretti, ``SM Phenomenology'', Taylor & Francis (2022). (Plus two more are in the pipeline.)

The high standard of his works can be testified by more than 34,000 citations to his papers. In fact, in recognition of his scientific achievements, Prof Moretti has been made Honorary Doctor of Philosophy by Uppsala University in its 2018 honour list. Furthermore, he was awarded the 2024 Lilly and Sven Thuréus prize (Physics/Mathematics class) by the Royal Society of Sciences (Sweden).

Finally, he is Chief Editor of OJM, PSIJ, JPP and JMLFS, Editor of Frontiers, JAPSI, LHEP, PI and AJMP as well as Review Editor for ROPP, EPJC and AHEP.


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Stefano Moretti


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