Sarah Hamed
Visiting teacher at Department of History of Science and Ideas
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Short presentation
Sarah Hamed is a dentist and a PhD candidate at the Department of Sociology. Her doctoral project looks at racism in healthcare focusing on Swedish healthcare.
She previously worked with a European project from 2015-2017(UPWEB) examining access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods. She also worked with the (MigHealthCare) project funded by the EC aiming at strengthening community-based care for migrants.
Sarah has also worked for many years as a dentist in Sweden and in Sudan.
Sarah is a sociologist who defended her thesis in 2023.
She originally studied dentistry at Malmö University and worked as a dentist in both Sweden and Sudan. In Sudan, Sarah Hamed also worked as a clinical teaching assistant at the Faculty of Dentistry at the Science and Technology University in Khartoum. She also worked in an NGO in Sudan (Sudanese Organization for Research and Development) with issues related to gender and human rights. This work developed her interest in research making her return to Sweden to do her masters in International Health at Uppsala University. Upon finishing her masters in 2015, Sarah Hamed started working at the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University together with Professor Hannah Bradby with the UPWEB project looking at access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Sarah Hamed started her doctoral candidacy at the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University in 2017 and is a member of the Research Group Welfare and Life-course. Sarah Hamed also worked in the MigHealthCare project which examined health inequalities in various European countries. She defended her thesis in 2023. Her thesis focused in uncovering racism and racialisation in healthcare through analysing healthcare staff's racialised talk.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Understanding racism in healthcare: Developing and implementing anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge production and evaluation: funded by Vetenskapsrådet.
Together with Hannah Bradby (PI) Suruchi Thapar-Björkert and Beth Maina Ahlberg:
Project publications
Sarah Hamed, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Hannah Bradby and Beth Maina Ahlberg 2020. ‘Racism in European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond’. Qualitative Health Research.
Ahlberg, B.M., Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S., Bradby, H. 2019. ‘Invisibility of Racism in the Global Neoliberal Era: Implications for Researching Racism in Healthcare’. Frontiers in Sociology.
Hannah Bradby, Suruchi Thapar Björkert, Sarah Hamed and Beth Maina Ahlberg. 2019 ‘Undoing the unspeakable: researching racism in Swedish healthcare using a participatory process’. BMC Health Research Policy and Systems. 17 (43)n European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond’
Recent publications
- Healthcare staff's racialized talk (2024)
- Designing an education intervention for understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden (2023)
- ‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’ (2023)
- Discussing racism in healthcare (2023)
- “Just Throw It Behind You and Just Keep Going” (2022)
All publications
- Healthcare staff's racialized talk (2024)
- Designing an education intervention for understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden (2023)
- ‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’ (2023)
- Discussing racism in healthcare (2023)
- “Just Throw It Behind You and Just Keep Going” (2022)
- Racism in healthcare (2022)
- Policy Makers', NGO, and Healthcare Workers' Accounts of Migrants' and Refugees' Healthcare Access Across Europe (2020)
- Racism in European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond (2020)
- Migrants' and refugees' health status and healthcare in Europe (2020)
- Invisibility of Racism in the Global Neoliberal Era (2019)
- Undoing the unspeakable (2019)
- Immigrants and refugees' principal characteristics across Europe (2018)
- Researching health in diverse neighbourhoods: (2018)
- Powerlessness, Normalization, and Resistance (2017)
- Asylsökande barns hälsobehov i Sverige (2017)
- ”Racism without racists”: How health care staff obfuscate racism in health care
- Understanding racism in Swedish healthcare (2019)
- Understanding racial discrimination in healthcare (2018)
- Migration and the food environment (2017)
- Spatialisation & racialization (2015)
- Putting together services to meet everyday health needs (2015)