Lina Langby
PhD student at Department of Theology; Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
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- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 B
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- Box 511
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
My dissertation is about different ways of conceptualizing the God-world relationship. With a feminist theoretical approach to language and reality, I analyze arguments for and against panentheism and pantheism, in contrast to classical theism. I have written several articles and chapters about the problem of evil from different perspectives, am one of the editors of a book on the problem of evil, and have written an article on pantheism and worship worthiness.
Recent publications
- The Role of Panentheism and Pantheismfor Environmental Well-Being (2024)
- The Holy Spirit and kenotic loving power (2024)
- God and the world (2023)
- Vidgade perspektiv på lidandets problem (2022)
- Feministisk kritik och lidandets problem (2022)
All publications
- The Holy Spirit and kenotic loving power (2024)
- Process-Panentheism and the “Only Way” Argument (2022)
- En Gud värdig tillbedjan (2021)