Halvor Hosar
Postdoctoral position at Department of Musicology
- E-mail:
- halvor.hosar@musik.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3H
- Postal address:
- Box 633
751 26 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
I am a postdoctoral fellow. My main fields of interest are the composer Johann Baptist Wanhal and sacred music from the Viennese Classic era. I also have broader academic interest in theory and analysis, hermeneutic theory, music philology and the digital humanities.
I previously have a bachelor and master degree (2011-12) from the University of Trondheim (NTNU), which includes one year as an ERASMUS student at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, and a PhD from the University of Auckland (2015-19). I am general editor of the new digital Wanhal catalogue, Catalogus Novus Wanhali, and editor for the sacred music volumes in the Ignaz Pleyel-Gesamtausgabe. In addition to my academic activity I am editor of the Norwegian journal Musikk & Historie.
Recent publications
- Ein kritikk av omgrepet «sinfonia», eller korleis Hugo Riemann stal 100 år med norsk symfonihistorie (2024)
- Back to the Wild Frontier(s) (2024)
- Reclaiming the Cantata Mass (2023)
- Wanhal [Vanhall, Vanhal, Waṅhal, Wanhall], Johann Baptist [Jan Ignatius] [Vaňhal, Jan Křtitel] (2022)
- Catalogus novus Wanhali – Requiems and Litanies (2022)
All publications
- Ein kritikk av omgrepet «sinfonia», eller korleis Hugo Riemann stal 100 år med norsk symfonihistorie (2024)
- Back to the Wild Frontier(s) (2024)
- First Bounty of the New Wanhal Catalogue (2021)
- The Kyrie as Sonata Form (2020)
- Sjølvsitering som kommunikasjonsstrategi hjå Haydn – ei skisse (2012)
- His Name Immortal (2019)
- Johann Baptist Waňhal – Missa in G (2018)
- Johann Baptist Waňhal – Missa in C (2018)
- Wanhal [Vanhall, Vanhal, Waṅhal, Wanhall], Johann Baptist [Jan Ignatius] [Vaňhal, Jan Křtitel] (2022)
- Catalogus novus Wanhali – Requiems and Litanies (2022)
- Catalogus novus Wanhali (2020)
- Et Kjærlighetsdikt (2019)
- Singing Oboe (2019)
- Einsamkeit (2018)
- Eyvind Alnæs - Piano Concerto & Symphony (2017)
- Johann Daniel Berlin - Works (2015)