Kevin Vikström
Postdoctoral position at Department of Ecology and Genetics; Limnology
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- Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 Uppsala
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Originally from a small town in the south of Finland, he studied Marine sciences in Gothenburg and got his PhD from Umeå University with a focus on bacterial oxygen consumption and the metabolic balance between algae and bacteria in sub-arctic systems. Over the years Kevin has worked with a range of topics including, marine traffic and their role on invasive species, K/Na pumps in fish gills, jellyfish, method development and microbial life in marine system. After a few years abroad he returned to work as a premiere research engineer at Umeå Marine Sciences Centre in late 2021. Where he oversaw the scientific output, ice safety and sampling at Umeå Marine Sciences centre for the large-scale EU project AQUACOSM-plus within task 8.4.
At Uppsala University Kevin is working with ice in a more focused way than before together with Gesa Weyhenmeyer and Ellinor Jakobsson