Ivo Zander
Professor at Department of Business Studies; Professors, teachers, researchers
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 13 55
- E-mail:
- Ivo.Zander@fek.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- PhD
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Ivo Zander is the Anders Wall Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University. He received his PhD from the Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics, and has been a visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School, SCANCOR at Stanford University, and Macquarie Graduate School of Management.
Before moving into the field of entrepreneurship, professor Zander conducted research on regional agglomerations and the internationalization of research and development in multinational corporations. His work has appeared in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of Management Studies, Industrial and Corporate Change, Research Policy, Long Range Planning, and Scandinavian Journal of Management. Current research interests include the entrepreneurial dynamics of accelerated internationalization, the evolution of advanced foreign subsidiaries of the multinational corporation, and corporate entrepreneurship.
Professor Zander was co-founder of Latvian Limousine Services and has served on the board of directors at Kumlins Holding AB, a nation-wide and rapidly expanding firm in painting services. He has served as an expert evaluator for the Swedish Research Council, the Knowledge Foundation, the European Science Foundation, and Lars Erik Lundbergs Stiftelse för forskning och utbildning. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Recent publications
- How organizational conditions affect employees' intentions to engage in intrapreneurial new venturing (2024)
- Weathering storms (2023)
- Saras Sarasvathy (2023)
- Per Davidsson (2023)
- The tech cold war, the multipolarization of the world economy, and IB research (2023)
All publications
- How organizational conditions affect employees' intentions to engage in intrapreneurial new venturing (2024)
- Weathering storms (2023)
- Saras Sarasvathy (2023)
- Per Davidsson (2023)
- The tech cold war, the multipolarization of the world economy, and IB research (2023)
- John Haltiwanger (2022)
- Jobbskapande och produktivitet i små kontra nya företag (2021)
- Developments in Strategic Entrepreneurship (2020)
- Who is in and who is out? (2019)
- Dynamics in the origins of technological knowledge in early firm years (2019)
- Blessing or blight? New venture units and the survival of internal new ventures (2019)
- The evolution of vertical boundaries in new high technology ventures (2018)
- Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? On the diffusion of technological capabilities in the ‘modern’ MNC (2017)
- On the emergence and diffusion of technological capabilities and the theory of the MNC (2015)
- On the emergence and diffusion of technological capabilities and the theory of the MNC (2015)
- Born globals and international business (2015)
- Superstar inventors - Towards a people-centric perspective on the geography of technological renewal in the multinational corporation (2014)
- Win, Place, or Show? (2014)
- Superstar inventors (2014)
- Entrepreneurship as an art of subversion (2014)
- On the Role and Importance of Core Assumptions in the Field of Entrepreneurship Research (2014)
- La Transformación del Entorno Global y el Futoro de las Empresas Multinacionales Consolidadas. [Global Transformation and the Future of the Well-Established MNC] (2013)
- Quo Vadis? (2010)
- The international entrepreneurial dynamics of accelerated internationalization (2007)
- The international entrepreneurial dynamics of accelerated internationalisation (2007)
- Do you see what I mean? (2007)
- The inside track (2005)
- The Micro-Foundations of Cluster Stickiness – (2004)
- Entrepreneurship in Geographical Space (2004)
- The Formation of International Innovation Networks in the Multinational Corporation (2002)
- Technological Advantage in the International Firm (2000)
- Cross-Border Innovation in the Multinational Corporation (2000)
- How Do You Mean ‘Global’? (1999)
- Whereto the Multinational? (1999)
- The Evolution of Technological Capabilities in the Multinational Corporation (1998)
- Technological Diversification in the Multinational Corporation (1997)
- Spatial Clustering, Local Accumulation of Knowledge and Firm Competitiveness (1996)
- Spatial clustering, local accumulation of knowledge and firm competitiveness (1996)
- Technological Specialization in an Integrated Europe (1996)
- Organization of the Dynamic Multinational Enterprise (1995)
- A gender sensitive perspective of corporate culture and the spawning of intrapreneurs
- How planned behavior drives employee intentions to pursue new product and service development
- Quo Vadis? The Entry into New Technologies in Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries of the Multinational Corporation
- Growth Engines of the Multinational Corporation - A Longitudinal Study of the Sources of Entry into New Technologies in Foreign Locations
- Art Entrepreneurship (2011)
- Art Entrepreneurship (2011)
- Ur startblocken : svensk innovationskraft II (2008)
- The Dynamic Multinational Firm (1995)
- Advantage Sweden (1991)
- Sverige - Drivhus för internationell konkurrenskraft? (1988)
- Strategic knowledge creation in multinational enterprises (2020)
- A note on how sociology can contribute to the development of entrepreneurship research (2018)
- Quo Vadis? The Entry into New Technologies in Advanced Foreign Subsidiaries of the Multinational Enterprise (2015)
- Internationalization (2015)
- The Dynamics of Resistance (2014)
- The dynamics of resistance (2014)
- Superstar Subsidiaries of the Multinational Corporation (2012)
- Emerging themes and new research openings (2011)
- Art Entrepreneurship (2011)
- Emerging themes and new research openings (2011)
- The framing of new business concepts in established corporations (2010)
- Beyond heterarchy (2010)
- The internationalization processes of the firm: a new research agenda (2009)
- The international processes of the firm: a new research agenda (2009)
- On the nature of novelty (2009)
- Spatial Clustering, Local Accumulation of Knowledge and Firm Competitiveness (2004)
- Cross-Border Innovation in the Modern Multinational (2004)
- The Phantom Multinational (2002)
- International Diffusion of Knowledge (1998)
- Successful Competition from the Periphery (1997)
- The Oscillating Multinational Firm (1996)
- Sweden (1995)
- European Myopia (1991)
- Horizontal Joint Ventures in International Markets (1987)
- Imagination and firm internationalization (2022)
- The survival of internal ventures – (2019)
- Weathering storms (2019)
- The apple falls close to the tree (2017)
- Lean internationalization (2016)
- Animal farm (2015)
- The origins and development of oganizational knowledge (2015)
- The adventurous gene (2013)
- Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? On the diffusion of technological capabilities in the modern MNC (2013)
- Win, place, or show? (2012)
- Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? (2012)
- Superstar inventors in foreign subsidiaries of the MNC (2012)
- Superstar subsidiaries of the multinational corporation - in search of origins and drivers (2011)
- Dynamics in the vertical and horizontal scope of high technology new ventures (2011)
- Superstar subsidiaries of the MNC (2010)
- Exploring the drivers of "superstar" foreign subsidiaries of the MNC (2009)
- The intraorganizational ecology of corporate entrepreneurship (2009)
- Growth engines of the multinational corporation (2008)
- Growth engines of the multinational corporation (2008)
- Animal Farm (2008)
- The Internationalization Processes of the Firm (2008)
- The internationalization processes of the firm (2008)
- The Roots of the Domain of Entrepreneurship Research (2008)
- The Roots of the Domain of Entrepreneurship Research (2008)
- Revisiting the Sherwood forest (2007)
- Quo vadis? (2007)
- The framing of new business concepts in established corporations (2007)
- The Roots of the Domain of Entrepreneurship Research (2006)
- Do you see what I mean? (2005)
- International Entrepreneurial Dynamics (2004)
- Beyond Heterarchy (2004)
- The Micro-Foundations of Cluster Stickiness (2002)
- Why does the Firm Come into Existence? (2001)
- The Inside Track (2000)
- How Do You Mean ‘Global’? (1997)
- Internationally Integrated Innovation (1997)
- Local and Global Perspectives on the Innovation Process (1996)
- The Evolution of International Innovation Networks (1996)
- The Evolution of Technological Activity in the Multinational Corporation (1995)
- Technological Diversification in the Multinational Firm (1995)
- Determinants of Local Technological Activity (1995)
- Innovation and Imitation in the Multinational Company (1993)
- Transfer and Creation of Knowledge within Firm Clusters (1992)
- Creation of Competitive Firms and Industries in Sweden (1990)
- International Competitiveness in a Dynamic Perspective (1987)
- Increasing Competition in International Markets (1985)
- Intraprenörskapskompassen 2019 (2019)
- Digitalt Intraprenörskap (2018)
- Intraprenörskapskompassen 2017 (2017)
- Vad vet vi om sambandet mellan företagets patenteringsverksamhet och dess kommersiella framgång? (1993)