Erik Nilsson
Researcher at Department of Earth Sciences; Program for Air, Water and Landscape Sciences; Meteorology
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Short presentation
Researcher in meteorology. My research is focused on air-sea interaction, wind energy, wave energy and processes influencing atmospheric turbulence. Focus is on turbulent exchanges of momentum, heat, humidity and other scalars.
Erik Nilsson received a M. Sc. degree in Physics from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden in 2008, and a Ph.D. degree in Meteorology in 2013, also from Uppsala University. He developed his academic career across Europe by working as a Postdoc within the Boundary-Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) project. His research focuses on studies of air-sea interaction and boundary layers using both measurements and numerical modeling, ranging from turbulence resolving to regional climate models. He currently work as a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University since 2015.
Studies have shown that surface gravity waves can have a significant impact on both turbulence and gradients in the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL). Since a large part of the surface of the earth is covered by oceans these processes have an important role in the total exchange of momentum, heat and other scalars such as carbon dioxide and water vapour.
In my research I study processes in the atmospheric boundary layer by analysing measurements and by using a high resolution numerical model that resolves the large-scale turbulent motion that contain most of the energy and anisotropy, but models the effects of the smaller-scale motions. This type of modelling is referred to as Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). Detailed studies of these processes can eventually lead us towards new parameterizations that can be used in Climate- and Weather forecast models.
Recent publications
- Technical note (2024)
- Influence of data source and copula statistics on estimates of compound flood extremes in a river mouth environment (2024)
- Climate Change and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea (2024)
- A review of surface swell waves and their role in air-sea interactions (2024)
- Sea spray emissions from the Baltic Sea (2024)
All publications
- Technical note (2024)
- Influence of data source and copula statistics on estimates of compound flood extremes in a river mouth environment (2024)
- Climate Change and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea (2024)
- A review of surface swell waves and their role in air-sea interactions (2024)
- Sea spray emissions from the Baltic Sea (2024)
- On physical mechanisms enhancing air-sea CO2 exchange (2022)
- Classification and properties of non-idealized coastal wind profiles - an observational study (2022)
- The sea surface heat flux at a coastal site (2022)
- Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region (2022)
- Environmental design load for the line force of a point-absorber wave energy converter (2022)
- Non-local Impacts on Eddy-Covariance Air–Lake CO2 Fluxes (2021)
- Response of Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Conversion System in 50-Years Return Period Extreme Focused Waves (2021)
- Vertical divergence of the atmospheric momentum flux near the sea surface at a coastal site (2021)
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Wind Turbine Icing Related Production Losses Using Quantile Regression Forests (2021)
- Critical Observations of Gaseous Elemental Mercury Air-Sea Exchange (2021)
- Comparative Analysis of Environmental Contour Approaches to Estimating Extreme Waves for Offshore Installations for the Baltic Sea and the North Sea (2021)
- Energy absorption from parks of point-absorbing wave energy converters in the Swedish exclusive economic zone (2020)
- Sea-Surface Stress Driven by Small-Scale Non-stationary Winds (2020)
- Assessment of Extreme and Metocean Conditions in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone for Wave Energy (2020)
- Using land-based stations for air–sea interaction studies (2020)
- Measurement of air-sea methane fluxes in the Baltic Sea using the eddy covariance method (2019)
- Characterization of Wave Energy Potential for the Baltic Sea with Focus on the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (2019)
- Nocturnal boundary layer turbulence regimes analysis during the BLLAST campaign (2019)
- The Transition from Downward to Upward Air–Sea Momentum Flux in Swell-Dominated Light Wind Conditions (2018)
- Evaluating humidity and sea salt disturbances on CO2 flux measurements (2018)
- A Case Study of Offshore Advection of Boundary Layer Rolls over a Stably Stratified Sea Surface (2017)
- Atmospheric boundary layer turbulence closure scheme for wind-following swell conditions (2017)
- Boundary-layer turbulent processes and mesoscale variability represented by Numerical Weather Prediction models during the BLLAST campaign (2016)
- Turbulence Kinetic Energy budget during the afternoon transition – Part 1 (2016)
- Turbulence Kinetic Energy budget during the afternoon transition – Part 2 (2016)
- Turbulence vertical structure of the boundary layer during the afternoon transition (2015)
- Surface Stress over the Ocean in Swell-Dominated Conditions during Moderate Winds (2015)
- Turbulent momentum flux characterisation using extended multiresolution analysis (2014)
- Convective boundary-layer structure in the presence of wind-following swell (2012)
- Introducing surface waves in a coupled wave-atmosphere regional climate model (2012)
- Flux attenuation due to sensor displacement over sea (2010)
- Air-Sea momentum flux characterization in the presence of wind-following swell
- Turbulent flux characterization using extended multiresolution analysis
- Fluxes and Mixing Processes in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (2013)
- Turbulence Structure and Fluxes over Sea (2011)
- Turbulence Structure and Fluxes over Sea (2011)
- Renewable energy and accessibility aspects in the Baltic Sea region (2019)
- Vågklimatet i Sverige och Östersjön med fokus på tillgänglighet, extremer och energimängder (2019)
- On defining wave energy pilot sites in Swedish Seawaters (2017)
- Turbulence kinetic energy decay in the afternoon transition (2016)
- Upon scaling of near-surface TKE in the afternoon transition (2016)
- Comparison of CO2 fluxes measured in dried and un-dried air (2015)
- TKE decay and budget in the afternoon transition (2015)
- Wind direction shifts, gradients, variances and variability during BLLAST (2014)
- Wind direction variability in Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (2014)
- How swell increases the stress over the ocean (2012)
- Influences of surface gravity waves on atmospheric boundary layer structure and fluxes (2012)
- Introducing surface waves in a coupled wave-atmosphere regional climate model (2012)
- Effect of swell waves on the marine atmospheric boundary layer - an inter-comparison study (2012)
- Structure of turbulence in the neutral 'eddy surface layer' (2011)
- Atmospheric boundary layers influenced by convection and surface waves (2010)
- Matching wind profiles - a question of long streaks (2010)
- Estimering av vindklimat – Normalårskorrigering. (2008)
- Flux attenuation due to sensor displacement over sea (2008)
- Boundary layer heights and synoptic situation during summer double‐layer structure events over the Baltic Sea (2013)
- Large-eddy simulations during wind-following swell in stable atmospheric boundary layers (2013)
- Large eddy simulation of the atmosphere in the presence of surface waves (2011)
- Från mätt vind till vindklimat, Normalårskorrigering (2009)
- “Cat paws” and European and Global Climate (2012)
- Vind och vågor, Turbulent utbyte över land och hav (2012)
- Turbulent structures in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (2010)
- Hunting for periodicities in temperature and wind speed in 2 GCMs using Wavelet and HHT techniques (2009)
- Modelling turbulence in the atmosphere in the presence of surface waves (2008)