Kristina Andersson
Researcher at Centre for Gender Research
- Visiting address:
- Villavägen 6A
752 36 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 527
751 20 Uppsala
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Recent publications
- The child in the Swedish preschool photograph versus the child in the curriculum (2022)
- Barns berättelser (2022)
- The making of contemporary physicists (2021)
- Chafing borderlands (2020)
- How does Gendering Matter in Preschool Science (2020)
All publications
- The child in the Swedish preschool photograph versus the child in the curriculum (2022)
- Barns berättelser (2022)
- The making of contemporary physicists (2021)
- Chafing borderlands (2020)
- How does Gendering Matter in Preschool Science (2020)
- Biologi under lupp. (2018)
- Naturvetenskap för yngre barn – vilket kunskapsinnehåll (o)synliggörs i lärarstudenters beskrivningar av sin framtida undervisning (2018)
- Pre-service teachers' views of the child (2018)
- Feministisk pedagogik som skaver? (2018)
- Naturvetenskap och utbildning. En materiell, skev, "sexig" och skavande historia? (2018)
- Chemistry for whom? Gender awareness in teaching and learning chemistry (2017)
- “In biology class we would just sit indoors…” (2016)
- Spotting the science culture – Integrating gender perspectives into science courses. (2015)
- What is science in preschool and what do teachers have to know to empower the children? (2014)
- Ämnesinnehåll och genusmedvetenhet i samspel för en mer inkluderande naturvetenskap (2014)
- Ämnesinnehåll och genusmedvetenhet i samspel för en mer inkluderande naturvetenskap (2014)
- "Här håller vi inte på med genus, här håller vi på med naturvetenskap" (2014)
- "It's Funny that We Don't See the Similarities when that's what We're Aiming for"-Visualizing and Challenging Teachers' Stereotypes of Gender and Science (2012)
- En plastisk sak som lär nytt hela livet (2010)
- Gender Theory as a Tool for Analysing Science Teaching (2009)
- Lärarutbildares naturvetenskap under lupp - (2019)
- Using Spacetimemattering to Engage Science Education with Matter and Material Feminism (2019)
- Communicating through silence (2019)
- Interstitial spaces: A model for transgressive processes (2016)
- "Här håller vi inte på med genus, här håller vi på med naturvetenskap" (2014)
- Integrated gender teaching – within subject courses in teacher education (2013)
- Ignoring half the sky (2013)
- Integrerad undervisning om genus - på lärarprogrammets ämneskurser. (2012)
- Figured worlds in the university quantum mechanics classroom (2019)
- Emergent Science, ’Neutral’ Environments and Gendering Processes in Preschool (2018)
- “In biology class we would just sit indoors…”: Experiences of insideness and outsideness in the places student teachers’ associate with science. (2017)
- Science faculty as teacher educators (2016)
- In the borderland between academic disciplines and school science – feminist perspectives on science teacher education (2016)
- Transgressing disciplinary borders: position-status-power as feminists within science/scientists within gender studies (2016)
- Apparatus from a Baradian perspective: Implications for practice (2016)
- Communicating through silence: Examining the unspoken and the unsaid in discussions about science (2015)
- Using spacetimemattering to engage science education with matter and material feminism (2015)
- Using spacetimemattering to engage science education with matter and material feminism (2015)
- Communicating through silence: Examining the unspoken and the unsaid in discussions about science (2015)
- Critiquing science, thinking gender in science teacher education (2014)
- Chafing borderlands (2014)
- Critiquing science, thinking gender in science teacher education. (2014)
- Where is Science? An Exploration of the Places Student Teachers Associate with Science Learning. (2014)
- Gender Knowledge as an Important but Neglected Aspect of Pedagogy of Science (2014)
- Can the ambition to individualize pedagogy limit the children in pre-school? (2014)
- Can the Ambition with Individualize Pedagogy Limit the Children in Pre-school? (2014)
- Interstitial spaces - a model for challenge and change. (2014)
- Can material feminism make gender matter in 21st science education research? (2014)
- Engaging Science Education with Material Feminism (2014)
- Making matter matter to make feminism and gender matter in science (2014)
- Making matter matter to make feminism and gender matter in science education (2014)
- Can material feminism make gender matter in 21st science education research? (2014)
- Chafing borderlands – Student teachers' meeting with feminist critique in science courses (2013)
- Introducing science faculty to feminist pedagogical practices. (2013)
- Science = nature? An explorationof the places primary school student teachers associate with science (2013)
- Does gender matter? (2013)
- How gender awareness affects pre-service teachers’ teaching knowledge in science and technology. (2013)
- Interweaving feminist critique into science, education, and teaching for preservice teachers. (2013)
- Making gender matter in science education research: Theoretical constructs from material feminism. (2013)
- Teaching science - teaching gender. (2013)
- Chafing borderlands – pre-service teachers' meetings with different cultures in their education. (2012)
- Challenging primary student teachers’ conceptions of gender and science: The initial phases of a research and intervention project (2012)
- Kan en individualiserad barnsyn försämra barns möjlighet att lära sig naturvetenskap? (2012)
- Chafing borderlands (2012)
- Challenging primary student teachers’ conceptions of gender and science (2012)
- Gender awareness in constructing knowledge of science and science teaching (2011)
- Gender awareness in constructing knowledge of science and science teaching. (2011)