Hassan Sharif
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Education
- E-mail:
- hassan.sharif@edu.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Von Kraemers allé 1 A
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 2136
750 02 Uppsala
Download contact information for Hassan Sharif at Department of Education
- 0000-0002-1684-3868
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
PhD. Sociology of Education and Senior Lecturer in Child- and Youth Studies
Ongoing research projects:
School Social Work - Preventive Social Work and Early Intervention with Pupils in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Forte financed research project. Diary number: 2023-01818. Project period: 2024-04-01--2030-03-31.
This project focuses on an intervention with social workers in a primary and lower secondary school in Uppsala, method development and experiences from both a child and a professional perspective. The project is part of a larger Forte-funded program. The principal investigator of the research program is Pia Tham, Professor in Social Work at Uppsala University. Project title: What Works? Early identification of children and young people at risk of harm. Knowledge and method development in collaboration with social services, schools, police, Childcare centres and clients, in which researchers, in collaboration with Uppsala Municipality, are working to establish long-term models for knowledge and method development for prevention and early intervention in social services for children and young people.
Everyday Racisms in the Superdiverse Swedish School: Children's experience and Educational Practices
The Swedish Research Council (Diary Number: 2024-05218). Project period: 2025-01-01--2028-12-31. The principal investigator of the project: Claes Tängh Wrangel.
Education is often defined as key to combatting racism. At the same time, research has shown that racism is a
part of everyday life in Swedish schools. This project foregrounds the voices of children affected by racism, and
analyses how different forms of everyday racisms is experienced, enabled, practiced and potentially countered in the superdiverse life-word of Swedish public upper-secondary education. Our starting point is that the complex nature of everyday racisms, and the experiences of children and youth, cannot be understood without taking into account how of the concepts of racism, discrimination and integration is understood, discussed, defined and practiced across the different levels of the complex Swedish educational policy chain. To that end, the project employs a contextual approach that combines 1) ethnographic field work in a public upper secondary school, characterized by a socio-cultural and socio-economic heterogenous student population, 2) interviews with students, teachers and school leaders, as well as 3) quantitative and qualitative discourse- and sociolegal
analysis of policy documents, legal frameworks and political debates on racism, discrimination and integration
across the many levels of the Swedish educational system. The project aims to provide important knowledge and tools for educators, school leaders and decision makers, in their work to address issues of racism and racial inequality in education.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Forskningsprogram: What works? Att tidigt fånga upp barn och unga som riskerar att fara illa. Kunskaps- och metodutveckling i samverkan med socialtjänst, skola, polis, BVC och brukare. https://live.mediaflow.com/64CBH0BVFC
Integration och utbildning - ett samtal om Vetenskapsrådets forskningsöversikt: https://play.vr.se/media/Integration+och+utbildning+-+ett+samtal+om+Vetenskapsr%C3%A5dets+forsknings%C3%B6versikt/0_8i4hgl1u (9 september 2023)
Uppsala universitet: https://www.uu.se/nyheter/artikel/?id=14436&typ=artikel&fbclid=IwAR3sat5N0Cy9G6CawsF3ktp6ct2eDdrPrm7XAtK2RzPWGfyCJK9_vrRmj-E
Tidskriften läraren: https://www.lararen.se/nyheter/modersmalsundervisning/politikerna-behover-fact-checking-om-modersmal?fbclid=IwAR2uFqVXdezlMfWvxXYHUEOvzSOKDdiOVG6HxBHPlUl18xCFhC_RSSl_Wx8
Forum för skolsamverkan: https://www.forumforsamverkan.uu.se/insatsomrade-nyanlanda/?fbclid=IwAR0d4etkF-_SvRBPqI6MzGUA2Jy2LjHuxiE_goeJBiXfLLs2Ym7a60te8fE
Tidskriften Universen: https://issuu.com/universen/docs/universen_nr_5_2017/12
Lärarnas tidning: Reath Warren, A. & Sharif, H. (2019). Modersmål eller svenska – eleverna vill ha både och. I Lärarnas Tidning. 19.02.21. https://lararnastidning.se/modersmal-eller-svenska-eleverna-vill-ha-bade-och/
Youtube: Lêkolîner Hassan Sharif di derbarê perwerdeya biyaniên nişteciyên Swêdê de lêkolînên xwe da nasîn. https://youtu.be/90KIj_GEaZ0
Selection of publications
- Svenska som mål och hinder – enspråkiga normer i flerspråkiga undervisningspraktiker (2021)
- Nyanlända socialarbetares röster om mötet med arbetsmarknaden i Sverige. (2021)
- ”Man plockar poäng på oss.” (2020)
- Migration, nation och etnicitet (2019)
- ”Här i Sverige måste man gå i skolan för att få respekt” (2017)
Recent publications
- Rapport från en forskningscirkel om likvärdighet och segregation (2022)
- Forskningscirkelrapport Likvärdighet och (skol)segregation Enköpings kommun (2022)
- Svenska som mål och hinder – enspråkiga normer i flerspråkiga undervisningspraktiker (2021)
- Interkulturalitet i förskolans arbete med barns sociala och kunskapsmässiga utveckling (2021)
- Nyanlända socialarbetares röster om mötet med arbetsmarknaden i Sverige. (2021)
All publications
- Svenska som mål och hinder – enspråkiga normer i flerspråkiga undervisningspraktiker (2021)
- Nyanlända socialarbetares röster om mötet med arbetsmarknaden i Sverige. (2021)
- ”Man plockar poäng på oss.” (2020)
- Migration, nation och etnicitet (2019)
- Ungdomarnas beskrivningar av mötet med introduktionsutbildningen för nyanlända. (2016)
- Mångkultur, skola och interkulturell pedagogik (2008)
- Schools beyond ethnicity (2007)
- Rapport från en forskningscirkel om likvärdighet och segregation (2022)
- Forskningscirkelrapport Likvärdighet och (skol)segregation Enköpings kommun (2022)
- Interkulturalitet i förskolans arbete med barns sociala och kunskapsmässiga utveckling (2021)