Johanna Norberg Hägglund

Lecturer at Department of Business Studies; PhD Students

Visiting address:
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA
Postal address:
Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA

Short presentation

LLM and junior lecturer at Commercial Law with in the department of Business Studies, director of studies for Commercial Law and accepted as a PhD-student at my department, currently working on an interdisciplinary thesis combining law and business studies focusing on regulations surrounding wine production and how wine producers strategically maneuver within their regulatory environment.


As of June 2024 I am Director of Studies for Commercial Law within the department of Business Studies and apart from being a full time lecturer/PhD-student I am also a member of the Mentoring network at Uppsala University since 2013.

My teaching experience comes from various directions from teaching teenagers during their last years of school to higher academic studies and practitioners. Though I began my teaching career at Uppsala university with teaching law at the Law department, my focus over the past decade has been teaching law to non-lawyers.

The teaching elements vary with regard to different courses, the subject my students come from, the course level and which legal subject is in focus. However, I mainly work with varying lectures, seminars and tutoring students. I am also interested in and have worked a lot with distance studies. I teach at all under graduate levels and am course director of a handful of courses each year.

My viewpoint as a mentor: Mutual collegial learning, development and discussions about pedagogic work are, to me, fundamental parts of the advancement of the individual teacher. The reason why I am a mentor is that the pedagogic aspects of teaching and learning interest me and I see the importance of a continuous conversation concerning how we see ourselves and our role as pedagogues. If I can share my experiences, get the privilege of others', and contribute to our collective development as teachers, I am glad to do so!

Over the years I have had a handfull of mentoring assignments each year covering all three of Uppsala university's disciplinary domains, experiencing many different teaching situations.

Of course, I am also available for mentoring in english!


This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.

Jag arbetar med en tvärvetenskaplig avhandling med fokus på reglerna kring vinproduktion (AOC, DOC etc) och hur regleringen används eller utnyttjas av producenterna i deras arbete med kvalitet.

Johanna Norberg Hägglund


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