Steffi Burchardt
Professor in Tectonics at Department of Earth Sciences; Mineralogy Petrology and Tectonics
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 25 68
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- Visiting address:
- Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- Docent
- CV:
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- argentina
- berggrundsgeologi
- fältarbete
- geologi
- geovetenskap
- granit
- island
- magma
- magmakammare
- naturkatastrofer
- samverkan
- strukturgeologi
- vetsnakpskommunikation
- vulkan
- vulkanutbrott
Docent in mineralogy, petrology and tectonics, Uppsala University, Sweden (2015)
Dr. rer. nat. in geology, University of Göttingen, Germany (2009)
Dipl. Geow., University of Göttingen, Germany (2006)
B.Sc. Geosciences, University of Göttingen, Germany (2004)
Oscar II prize of Uppsala university to young prolific researchers
Bernd-Rendel-Preis 2007 of the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft (DFG) for scientific attainments
Selection of publications
- The influence of viscosity contrasts on the strain pattern and magnitude within and around dense blocks sinking through Newtonian salt (2012)
- Sinking of anhydrite blocks within a Newtonian salt diapir (2012)
- The Slaufrudar pluton, southeast Iceland (2011)
- Mode of emplacement of the Slaufrudalur Pluton, Southeast Iceland inferred from three-dimensional GPS mapping and model building (2010)
- Propagation, linkage, and interaction of caldera ring-faults: Comparison between analogue experiments and caldera collapse at Miyakejima, Japan, in 2001 (2009)
Recent publications
- Stratigraphy and structure of Chachahuén volcanic complex, southern Mendoza province, Argentina (2024)
- Volcanic unrest as seen from the magmatic source: Reyðarártindur pluton, Iceland (2024)
- Development of permeable networks by viscous-brittle deformation in a shallow rhyolite intrusion. Part 1: Field evidence (2024)
- Interaction between propagating basaltic dikes and pre-existing fractures (2023)
- Developments in the study of volcanic and igneous plumbing systems (2022)
All publications
- Stratigraphy and structure of Chachahuén volcanic complex, southern Mendoza province, Argentina (2024)
- Volcanic unrest as seen from the magmatic source: Reyðarártindur pluton, Iceland (2024)
- Development of permeable networks by viscous-brittle deformation in a shallow rhyolite intrusion. Part 1: Field evidence (2024)
- Interaction between propagating basaltic dikes and pre-existing fractures (2023)
- Developments in the study of volcanic and igneous plumbing systems (2022)
- Geothermal potential of small sub-volcanic intrusions in a typical Icelandic caldera setting (2022)
- Volcanologists-who are we and where are we going? (2022)
- Thermal impact of dykes on ignimbrite and implications for fluid flow compartmentalisation in calderas (2022)
- Decrypting Magnetic Fabrics (AMS, AARM, AIRM) Through the Analysis of Mineral Shape Fabrics and Distribution Anisotropy (2021)
- Rapid Assembly and Eruption of a Shallow Silicic Magma Reservoir, Reyðarártindur Pluton, Southeast Iceland (2021)
- Emplacement and Segment Geometry of Large, High-Viscosity Magmatic Sheets (2021)
- Host-rock deformation during the emplacement of the Mourne Mountains granite pluton (2020)
- Progressive growth of the Cerro Bayo cryptodome, Chachahuén volcano, Argentina (2019)
- Comparative field study of shallow rhyolite intrusions in Iceland (2019)
- Exceptionally high whole-rock delta O-18 values in intra-caldera rhyolites from Northeast Iceland (2018)
- An Integrative Research Framework to Unravel the Interplay of Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities (2018)
- Experimental Constraints on Forecasting the Location of Volcanic Eruptions from Pre-eruptive Surface Deformation (2018)
- Syn-Emplacement Fracturing in the Sandfell Laccolith, Eastern Iceland (2018)
- Dynamics of Surface Deformation Induced by Dikes and Cone Sheets in a Cohesive Coulomb Brittle Crust (2017)
- Magma transport in sheet intrusions of the Alnö carbonatite complex, central Sweden (2016)
- Heterogeneous vesiculation of 2011 El Hierro xeno-pumice revealed by X-ray computed microtomography (2016)
- Persistent multitiered magma plumbing beneath Katla volcano, Iceland (2016)
- Erupted frothy xenoliths may explain lack of country-rock fragments in plutons (2016)
- Application of open-source photogrammetric software MicMac for monitoring surface deformation in laboratory models (2016)
- Magma plumbing for the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland (2016)
- Geological constraints on the dynamic emplacement of cone-sheets - The Ardnamurchan cone-sheet swarm, NW Scotland (2015)
- Nannofossils: the smoking gun for the Canarian hotspot (2015)
- Nannofossils in 2011 El Hierro eruptive products reinstate plume model for Canary Islands (2015)
- Iceland's best kept secret (2014)
- Dynamics of dikes versus cone sheets in volcanic systems (2014)
- Weibull-distributed dyke thickness reflects probabilistic character of host-rock strength (2014)
- Ardnamurchan 3D cone-sheet architecture explained by a single elongate magma chamber (2013)
- Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems (2013)
- Shear zones between rock units with no relative movement (2013)
- The influence of viscosity contrasts on the strain pattern and magnitude within and around dense blocks sinking through Newtonian salt (2012)
- Sinking of anhydrite blocks within a Newtonian salt diapir (2012)
- A critical discussion of the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) method to determine stress orientations within the crust (2012)
- Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption (2012)
- Strain pattern within and around denser blocks sinking within Newtonian salt structures (2011)
- Three-dimensional geometry of concentric intrusive sheet swarms in the Geitafell and the Dyrfjöll Volcanoes, Eastern Iceland (2011)
- Three-dimensional geometry of concentric intrusive sheet swarms in the Geitafell and the Dyrfjoll volcanoes, eastern Iceland (2011)
- The Slaufrudar pluton, southeast Iceland (2011)
- Mode of emplacement of the Slaufrudalur Pluton, Southeast Iceland inferred from three-dimensional GPS mapping and model building (2010)
- Propagation, linkage, and interaction of caldera ring-faults: Comparison between analogue experiments and caldera collapse at Miyakejima, Japan, in 2001 (2009)
- New insights in the mechanics of sill emplacement provided by field observations of the Njardvik Sill, Northeast Iceland (2008)
- New insights into the mechanics of sill emplacement provided by field observations of the Njardvik Sill, Northeast Iceland (2008)
- Progressive growth of the Cerro Bayo cryptodome, Chachahuén volcano, Argentina – implications for viscous magma emplacement
- Sink or swim
- Floor subsidence and roof and wall-rock deformation during the emplacement of the Mourne Mountains granite pluton; Insights from the regional fracture pattern
- Quantifying the crystal cargo of the Cerro Bayo cryptodome, Argentina; A window into pre-emplacement magma processes and storage conditions
- Rapid formation and eruption of a silicic magma chamber (2022)
- Growth stages of cryptodomes: Examples from Iceland and Argentina (2019)
- Insights into the magmatic processes of a shallow, silicic storage zone: Reyðarártindur Pluton, Iceland (2019)
- The plutonic-volcanic connection – Preliminary results from Reyðarártindur pluton, Iceland (2019)
- What is the role of Wiki during volcanic eruptions? (2019)
- Magma Deformation During Laccolith Emplacement: Examples From Iceland And Argentina (2018)
- Syn-emplacement fracturing in the Sandfell laccolith, eastern Iceland (2018)
- Insights into cryptodome emplacement from the Sandfell laccolith, eastern Iceland – implications for seismic and geodetic monitoring (2017)
- Fracturing related to granite emplacement in the Mourne Mountains (2017)
- Modeling of magma emplacement processes during laccolith growth. (2017)
- Host-rock fracturing and disintegration related to granite emplacement in the Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland (2016)
- Rapid high-silica magma generation in basalt-dominated rift settings (2015)
- Dynamics of dikes versus cone sheets in volcanic systems (2015)
- Laboratory Modelling of Volcano Plumbing Systems (2015)
- 3D modelling of the Tejeda Caldera cone-sheet swarm, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain (2015)
- Distribution and growth of fractures in the damage zone of a fault in outcrop (2015)
- Making Earth’s earliest continental crust (2014)
- Persistent shallow magma storage beneath Katla volcano (2014)
- 3D-model of the Rum central complex (2014)
- The sub-volcanic structure of the Alnö carbonatite complex, Sweden (2014)
- Canary Island volcanism: fracture induced or mantle plume related? (2014)
- Origin and significance of the 2011 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Significance of 2011/201 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Voluminous outburst of silicic low d18O magma in NE-Iceland inferred from zircon d18O and U-Pb geochronology (2013)
- Dykes versus cone sheets in volcanic systems– two sides of the same coin? (2013)
- 3 or 1? 3D cone-sheet architecture provides insight into the centre(s) of Ardnamurchan (2013)
- Qualitative and quantitative analyses of magmatic stoping in the roof of the Proterozoic Åva ring complex (2013)
- Petrogenesis of Voluminous Silicic Magma in Northeast Iceland (2012)
- Silicic Magma Genesis in Neogene Central Volcanoes in Northeast Iceland (2012)
- Eroded Neogene Silicic Central Volcanoes in Northeast Iceland Revisited (2012)
- Strain pattern in and around anhydrite blocks sinking within a salt structures (2010)
- The influence of viscosity contrasts on the strain pattern in and around anhydrite blocks sinking within a salt structure (2010)