Mikael Stenmark
Professor at Department of Theology; Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 21 81
- E-mail:
- Mikael.Stenmark@teol.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 B
- Postal address:
- Box 511
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Mikael Stenmark is Professor in the Philosophy of Religion. His research focuses on the relationship between science and religion, different forms of religious criticism, and on how to understand the difference between religious and secular worldviews. In his research, he has also explored the relationship between Christian and Muslim faith and different conceptions of God and human nature.
Stenmark is a scientific leader at the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society.
Selection of publications
- Att undervisa om religion och vetenskap (2012)
- Philosophical Theology and Rational Theology (2012)
- Kan religiös tro vara rationell? (2012)
- How to Relate Christian Faith and Science (2012)
- How to Relate Theology and Science Today (2012)
- Religioner i konflikt (2012)
- Gudstro och förnuft i dagens pluralistiska samhälle (2012)
- Is there a Human Nature? (2012)
- Theories of Human Nature (2012)
- Religionsfilosofi och filosofisk teologi (2011)
- Gud, Darwin och människan (2011)
- Naturvetenskap och religion (2011)
- Om ateism och gudstro (2011)
- Response to Tarald Rasmussen (2011)
- In Science (Alone) We Trust? (2010)
- Tro och vetande (2010)
- Ways of Relating Science and Religion (2010)
- Theories of Human Nature (2009)
- Gud, evolution och ateism (2009)
- The Darwinian Account of Religion (2008)
- Scientism (2008)
- Ethics, Sustainable Development and the Millennium Declaration (2007)
- Religion and Science (2007)
- Teologen borde stärkas (2006)
- Exclusivism, tolerance and interreligious dialogue (2006)
- Science and Religion—the Methodological Dimension (2006)
- Rationality and different conceptions of science (2006)
- Science, Religion and Sustainable Development (2006)
- Models of Science and Religion (2005)
- Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology (2005)
- A Religiously Partisan Science? (2005)
- A Counter-response on "A Religiously Partisan Science" (2005)
- Űberblick űber einige normative Ethik-Prinzipien von Biozentrismus und Ökozentrismus (2004)
- How to Relate Science and Religion (2004)
- Should religion shape science? (2004)
- Contemporary Darwinism and Religion (2004)
- Scientism (2004)
- The relevance of environmental ethical theories for policy making (2004)
- Kärnavfall, etik och ansvaret för framtida generationer (2004)
- Worldview (2003)
- Contextualism (2003)
- Science and a personal conception of God: a critical response to Gordon D. Kaufman (2003)
- Falsifiability (2003)
- Fallibilism (2003)
- Om evolution, livets mening och slump (2003)
- Vetenskap, religion och moral: Är en gränsdragning möjlig? (2003)
- Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umweltethik (2003)
- Miljöetik - om miljöproblematikens tredje dimension (2003)
- Scientism (2003)
- Att välja religiös tro i ett pluralistiskt samhälle: en filosofisk reflexion (2002)
- The relevance of environmental ethical theories for policy making (2002)
- Environmental Ethics and Policy-Making (2002)
- Holmes Rolston, III, Genes, Genesis and God (Cambridge University Press, 1999) (2001)
- Gudstron i ett sekulariserat samhälle - om religionens rationalitet (2001)
- Scientism: Science, Ethics and Religion (2001)
- Evolution, Purpose and God (2001)
- Miljöetik och miljövård (2000)
- How should one do religious epistemology? (2000)
- Science and Ideology (1999)
- Religion kontra vetenskap - en olöslig konflikt? (1999)
- Rationality and religious commitment (1999)
- Rec av Anthony O’Hear, Beyond Evolution: Human Nature and the Limitation of Evolutionary Explanation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997 (1999)
- Religion och vetenskap i olika perspektiv (1999)
- Racionalidade e Compromisso Religioso (1999)
- The end of the theism-atheism debate? A response to Vincent Brümmer (1998)
- What is Scientism? (1997)
- Behovet av nya gudsbilder: En kritisk granskning av Sally McFagues metaforiska teologi (1997)
- What is Environmental Ethics and What Is It Good For? (1997)
- Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development (1997)
- An Unfinished Debate: What Are the Aims of Science and Religion? (1997)
- Villkor för en godtagbar teologisk och filosofisk forskning (1996)
- Guds relevans för livets mening (1995)
- Rationality in Science, Religion and Everyday Life. A Critical Evaluation of Four Models of Rationality (1995)
Recent publications
- Islamisk teologi och filosofi vid Uppsala universitet (2023)
- Religionskritik (2023)
- Hur undervisa om religion och vetenskap? (2023)
- Science and Religion (2022)
- Worldview Studies (2022)
All publications
- Islamisk teologi och filosofi vid Uppsala universitet (2023)
- Worldview Studies (2022)
- Att välja livsåskådning (2022)
- Secular Worldviews (2022)
- Religion and Its Public Critics (2022)
- Panentheism and its neighbors (2019)
- The Future of the Science-Religion Dialogue and the Danger of Scientism (2017)
- Is Belief in God a (Scientific) Hypothesis? (2017)
- Scientism, humaniora och vetandets gränser (2017)
- Tage Kurtén om religiös sanning och tillit till Gud (2015)
- Relativism - Pervasive Feature of the Contemporary Western World? (2015)
- Competing conceptions of God (2015)
- Relativism and Uncertainty (2014)
- Religious naturalism and its rivals (2013)
- Postmodern teologi, kunskap och sanning (2013)
- Philosophical Theology and Rational Theology (2012)
- How to Relate Theology and Science Today (2012)
- Gudstro och förnuft i dagens pluralistiska samhälle (2012)
- Is there a Human Nature? (2012)
- Theories of Human Nature (2012)
- Om ateism och gudstro (2011)
- Gud, evolution och ateism (2009)
- Three Theories of Human Nature (2009)
- Religious Pluralism and the Some-Are-Equally-Right View (2009)
- Teologen borde stärkas (2006)
- Exclusivism, tolerance and interreligious dialogue (2006)
- A Religiously Partisan Science? (2005)
- A Counter-response on "A Religiously Partisan Science" (2005)
- Űberblick űber einige normative Ethik-Prinzipien von Biozentrismus und Ökozentrismus (2004)
- Should religion shape science? (2004)
- Worldview (2003)
- Contextualism (2003)
- Science and a personal conception of God: a critical response to Gordon D. Kaufman (2003)
- Falsifiability (2003)
- Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umweltethik (2003)
- The relevance of environmental ethical theories for policy making (2002)
- Holmes Rolston, III, Genes, Genesis and God (Cambridge University Press, 1999) (2001)
- Gudstron i ett sekulariserat samhälle - om religionens rationalitet (2001)
- Evolution, Purpose and God (2001)
- Theological Pragmatism: A Critical Evaluation (2000)
- Religion kontra vetenskap - en olöslig konflikt? (1999)
- Rationality and religious commitment (1999)
- Rec av Anthony O’Hear, Beyond Evolution: Human Nature and the Limitation of Evolutionary Explanation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997 (1999)
- Religion och vetenskap i olika perspektiv (1999)
- Racionalidade e Compromisso Religioso (1999)
- The end of the theism-atheism debate? A response to Vincent Brümmer (1998)
- What is Scientism? (1997)
- Behovet av nya gudsbilder: En kritisk granskning av Sally McFagues metaforiska teologi (1997)
- What is Environmental Ethics and What Is It Good For? (1997)
- Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development (1997)
- An Unfinished Debate: What Are the Aims of Science and Religion? (1997)
- Villkor för en godtagbar teologisk och filosofisk forskning (1996)
- Guds relevans för livets mening (1995)
- Religionskritik (2023)
- Como Relacionar Ciência e Religião (2021)
- Förnuft och religion (2021)
- A Constructive Critique of Religion. (2020)
- Konstruktiv religionskritik (2019)
- Relativism and post-truth in contemporary society (2018)
- Filosofiska metoder i praktiken (2018)
- Relativism and Post-Truth in Contemporary Society (2018)
- Tankar om Gud, kristen tro och livets mening (2016)
- Tiedeusko ja todellisuuden rajat (2016)
- Att undervisa om människosyner och gudsuppfattningar (2016)
- Naturalism and Beyond (2016)
- The Customization of Science (2014)
- Att undervisa om religion och vetenskap (2012)
- Religioner i konflikt (2012)
- How to Relate Science and Religion (2004)
- Att välja religiös tro i ett pluralistiskt samhälle: en filosofisk reflexion (2002)
- Environmental Ethics and Policy-Making (2002)
- Scientism: Science, Ethics and Religion (2001)
- Miljöetik och miljövård (2000)
- Rationality in Science, Religion and Everyday Life. A Critical Evaluation of Four Models of Rationality (1995)
- Hur undervisa om religion och vetenskap? (2023)
- Science and Religion (2022)
- Postscript (2020)
- Criticizing Religion in a Secular Democratic Society (2020)
- Introduction: Constructive Criticism in Secular and Religiously Diverse Society (2020)
- Postscript: (2020)
- Religionskritik i ett sekulärt och pluralistiskt samhälle (2019)
- Om gudstrons rimlighet – och hur hållbart är alternativet? (2018)
- Att filosofiskt studera religioner och livsåskådningar (2018)
- Relativism as a Challenge to Religion (2018)
- Scientism and its rivals (2018)
- Naturalism versus Theism (2017)
- Religious Naturalism and Its Rivals (2016)
- Varför Guds existens spelar roll – om ateism och teism (2016)
- Livsåskådning, människosyn och gudsuppfattning – några centrala analyskategorier (2016)
- Naturalism and beyond: Religion and the varieties of naturalism (2016)
- The Customization of Science (2014)
- Typologies of Science and Religion (2013)
- Scientism (2013)
- Kan religiös tro vara rationell? (2012)
- How to Relate Christian Faith and Science (2012)
- Religionsfilosofi och filosofisk teologi (2011)
- Gud, Darwin och människan (2011)
- Naturvetenskap och religion (2011)
- Response to Tarald Rasmussen (2011)
- In Science (Alone) We Trust? (2010)
- Tro och vetande (2010)
- Ways of Relating Science and Religion (2010)
- Gud och slumpens skördar (2010)
- From Modern to Postmodern Conceptions of Knowledge (2010)
- Theories of Human Nature (2009)
- The Relevance of Environmental Ethical Theories for Policy Making (2009)
- The Darwinian Account of Religion (2008)
- Science and the Limits of Knowledge (2008)
- Scientism (2008)
- Ethics, Sustainable Development and the Millennium Declaration (2007)
- Religion and Science (2007)
- Science and Religion—the Methodological Dimension (2006)
- Rationality and different conceptions of science (2006)
- Science, Religion and Sustainable Development (2006)
- Models of Science and Religion (2005)
- Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology (2005)
- Contemporary Darwinism and Religion (2004)
- Scientism (2004)
- The relevance of environmental ethical theories for policy making (2004)
- Kärnavfall, etik och ansvaret för framtida generationer (2004)
- Fallibilism (2003)
- Om evolution, livets mening och slump (2003)
- Vetenskap, religion och moral: Är en gränsdragning möjlig? (2003)
- Miljöetik - om miljöproblematikens tredje dimension (2003)
- Scientism (2003)
- How should one do religious epistemology? (2000)
- Science and Ideology (1999)