Marie Linton
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor Docent at Department of Law; Professors, Instructors, Researchers
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Dr. LLD Marie Linton is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University, and President of the Swedish Association of Comparative Law since 2004. The focus of her research interest lies primarily in private international law, including procedural issues, comparative law, and consumer law. She is currently conducting a research project which focuses on transfrontier procedural issues with special regard to the legal status of foreign judgments and other decisions in another state. She has published in Sweden and abroad in journals and edited books on primarily issues on private international law and international civil procedure, as well as matters relating to university education. She has served as an Adjunct Member of the Svea Court of Appeal in Stockholm.
LL.M., Uppsala Univeristy, Sweden, 1994).
LL.D., Uppsala University, Sweden, 2002).
Chairman of the Swedish Society for Comparative Law Research (2004-).
Associate Professor of Private International Law and Procedure (2009).
Co-opted member of the Court of Appeal (2008-2009).
Elected member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (2012-).
Member of the Nordic Group of Private International Law (2002-).
Internal Appointments
Member of the Faculty of Law Research Committee (2014-).
Host of the doctoral candidate Liudmila Vedernikova, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (2016-2017).
Chairman of Uppsala University Scholarship Board (2016-).
External appointments
Expert in the EU European Judicial Training Network (2011, 2013 and 2014).
National Reporter in the EU project European Research Network (2004-2007).
Expert and National Rapporteur on EU project Brussels I Regulation A - Remedies (2016-).
Analyst for the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Swedish Consumer Agency (2002).
Contract education within international private and procedural law (VJS and Courts Administration).
Keynote speaker, moderator, or panelist at numerous conferences in Sweden.
von Bahr premium for especially meritorious dissertation (2003).
Karnov Prize (2003), for the doctoral thesis.
Almén Scholarship (2002), for the doctoral thesis.
International experience
Lecturer, chairman or panelist at numerous conferences abroad.
Member of the steering committee for the Nordic Group of Private International Law.
Conference organiser within the EU project DE JURE and the European Research Network. Organiser of expert group meetings.
Organiser (on behalf of SIDA) of a seminar on international legal assistance in Hanoi, Vietnam (1999).
Longer research stays at the University of Saarbruecken, Germany, and at the Istituto Universitario Europeo, Italy.
Lectures in Sweden, Belgium, Lithuania, Germany, Romania, the Netherlands and Portugal.
Areas of interest
International private and procedural law as well as its interaction with national and international law, comparative law research, national sentences moveability across the borders.
Recent publications
- Types of Judgments According to Different Criteria (2023)
- Questionnaire for National Reports SWEDEN (2023)
- Case Study 37: Surfers in Paradise (ESCP) (2022)
- Case Study 12: The Closed Gates of the Garden of Edén (EOPP) (2022)
- Case Study 16: A Swedish Artist in Germany (ESCP) (2022)
All publications
- S.k. tillämpningsområdesbestämmelser och Rom I-förordningen - internationellt privaträttsliga perspektiv på sjötransporträtten (2013)
- Romkonventionen och befraktningsavtal - ett första rättsfall (2010)
- Det internationellt processrättsliga skyddet för svagare parter inom EU (2010)
- Overview of European Civil Procedure (2006)
- Nya internationellt processrättsliga regler i förhållande till Danmark från och med den 1 juli 2007 (2006)
- The present situation of private international law in Sweden (2005)
- Om Europeiska kommissionens förslag till en "Rom II"-förordning om tillämplig lag för utomobligatoriska förpliktelser (2004)
- Direktiv om distansförsäljning av finansiella tjänster till konsumenter (2003)
- Lagvalsregler för försäkringsavtal, särskilt konsumentförsäkringsavtal (1996)
- Abolition of exekvatur, All in the Name of Mutual Trust!
- Cross Border Enforcement of Monetary Claims - (2018)
- Förnuft, känsla och rättens verklighet (2014)
- Konsumentens skydd i handeln över landgränserna (2013)
- Konsumentskyddet över gränserna - särskilt inom EU (2002)
- Types of Judgments According to Different Criteria (2023)
- Case Study 37: Surfers in Paradise (ESCP) (2022)
- Case Study 12: The Closed Gates of the Garden of Edén (EOPP) (2022)
- Case Study 16: A Swedish Artist in Germany (ESCP) (2022)
- Case Study 11: The German Office Furniture (EOPP) (2022)
- EU-En4s Final Expert Report: Types of Judgments according to Different Criteria (2022)
- Bristande delgivning som hinder för erkännande och verkställighet av utländska domar enligt 2019 års Haagkonvention (2022)
- Omedelbara omhändertaganden av barn i vissa europeiska situationer (2020)
- The Concepts of Recognition and Enforcement: (2018)
- Kvinnor "i kläm" vid bedömning av mångfald (2018)
- Abolition of Exequatur, All in the Name of Mutual Trust! (2016)
- EU:s internationella privat- och processrätt - vilket inflytande har den i svensk rättskipning i gränsöverskridande civilrättsliga tvister? (2015)
- The Brussels I bis Regulation - Status Quo or a New Order for Enforcement? (2013)
- The Place of Performance in the Brussels I Regulation Reconsidered (2007)
- Questionnaire for National Reports SWEDEN (2023)
- Konsumentkrav på genomförande av EU:s direktiv om distansavtal för finanseilla tjänster (2003)
- Nordic Group for Private International Law (2002)