Thomas Persson
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Government; Faculty
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Short presentation
Thomas Persson is Associate Professor of Political Science and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Government. His research interests include European Union politics, democratic governance and parliamentary democracy. His work has appeared in journals such as European Union Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, and West European Politics. His latest book is the co-authored Civil Protection Cooperation in the European Union (Palgrave Macmillan 2019).
- civil protection
- civil society
- democratic governance
- european integration
- european union
- parliamentary democracy
- political opposition
- political participation
- public administration
- swedish politics
Selection of publications
- Patterns of Parliamentary Opposition (2021)
- The Political Dynamics of Portfolio Design in European Democracies (2021)
- The effectiveness of national and EU-level civil protection systems (2019)
- Eurosceptic Challenger Parties and Political Opposition in European Union Politics (2019)
- How trust in EU institutions is linked to trust in national institutions (2019)
- Civil Protection Cooperation in the European Union (2019)
- The Alleged Opposition Deficit in European Union Politics (2018)
- Assessing the Effects of European Union Funding of Civil Society Organizations: Money for Nothing? (2018)
- Social trust, impartial administration and public confidence in EU crisis management institutions (2017)
- European Integration and Prime Ministerial Power (2012)
- Participatory Governance in the EU (2011)
- Parliamentary Government in the Nordic Countries at a Crossroads (2011)
- Input and Output Legitimacy: Synergy or Trade-off? (2010)
- Does European Integration Lead to a 'Presidentialization' of Executive Politics? (2009)
- Party Size and Portfolio Payoffs (2009)
- The illusion of accountability in the European Union (2009)
- The structure of conflict over EU chemicals policy (2008)
- Democratizing European Chemicals Policy (2007)
Recent publications
- Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs (2025)
- Is Oppositional Behaviour in European Union Affairs Gendered? Evidence from Plenary Debates and Committee Deliberations in Four Legislatures (2024)
- Do Members of Parliament Express More Opposition in the Plenary than in the Committee? (2024)
- Drivers of parliamentary opposition in European Union politics: Institutional factors or party characteristics? (2024)
- Political intolerance in comprehensive welfare states (2024)
All publications
- Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs (2025)
- Is Oppositional Behaviour in European Union Affairs Gendered? Evidence from Plenary Debates and Committee Deliberations in Four Legislatures (2024)
- Do Members of Parliament Express More Opposition in the Plenary than in the Committee? (2024)
- Drivers of parliamentary opposition in European Union politics: Institutional factors or party characteristics? (2024)
- Political intolerance in comprehensive welfare states (2024)
- Upon entering NATO (2024)
- The influence of Eurosceptic challenger parties on mainstream party behaviour (2023)
- Comparing oppositional behaviour in European Union affairs (2022)
- Intolerans och självcensur präglar det politiska klimatet (2022)
- Patterns of Parliamentary Opposition (2021)
- The Political Dynamics of Portfolio Design in European Democracies (2021)
- The effectiveness of national and EU-level civil protection systems (2019)
- Eurosceptic Challenger Parties and Political Opposition in European Union Politics (2019)
- How trust in EU institutions is linked to trust in national institutions (2019)
- The Alleged Opposition Deficit in European Union Politics (2018)
- Assessing the Effects of European Union Funding of Civil Society Organizations: Money for Nothing? (2018)
- EU har inte råd att blunda för klyftorna (2017)
- Social trust, impartial administration and public confidence in EU crisis management institutions (2017)
- Dags för Lemne att lämna (2015)
- Välfärden undermineras av vårt fokus på utvärderingar (2014)
- European Integration and Prime Ministerial Power (2012)
- Input and Output Legitimacy: Synergy or Trade-off? (2010)
- Does European Integration Lead to a 'Presidentialization' of Executive Politics? (2009)
- Party Size and Portfolio Payoffs (2009)
- The structure of conflict over EU chemicals policy (2008)
- The presidentialization of politics (2008)
- Democratizing European Chemicals Policy (2007)
- Explaining European Union adjustments in Sweden's central administration (2007)
- Litteraturgranskning: Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor (2004)
- Offentlige organisasjoner er ingen privat bedrift (2004)
- Can overconfidence be used as an indicator of reconstructive rather than retrieval processes? (1995)
- Skör demokrati (2022)
- Civil Protection Cooperation in the European Union (2019)
- Bridging the Prosperity Gap in the EU (2018)
- The EU's Role in Fighting Global Imbalances (2015)
- The EU's Role in Fighting Global Imbalances (2015)
- Välfärdsgapet : EU:s sociala utmaning (2015)
- EU och de globala obalanserna (2014)
- Ett konkurrenskraftigt EU till rätt pris (2013)
- Arbetslöshet, migrationspolitik och nationalism (2012)
- Överlever EMU utan fiskal union? (2011)
- Participatory Governance in the EU (2011)
- Parliamentary Government in the Nordic Countries at a Crossroads (2011)
- Regeringsmakten i Sverige (2010)
- EU och den globala krisen (2010)
- The illusion of accountability in the European Union (2009)
- Normer eller nytta? (2003)
- Demokrati, autokrati eller expertstyre (2024)
- Demokrati som överideologi eller en ideologi bland andra? (2023)
- Parlamentet som arena för opposition i EU-politiken (2022)
- Politisk tolerans och självcensur i orostider (2022)
- Till värn för en skör demokrati (2022)
- Det fria meningsutbytet och den sköra demokratin (2022)
- Hur mycket opposition finns det i svensk EU-politik? (2019)
- How the elections to the European Parliament fell short of providing alternatives (2019)
- Analysing the Prosperity Gap (2018)
- No More Political Insiders? Ministerial Selection in Sweden During the Post-WWII Period (2018)
- Participatory governance in the European Union (2018)
- Det parlamentariska experimentet (2018)
- The EU’s civilian crisis management capacity and the challenge of trust (2018)
- The Parliaments of the Scandinavian Countries (2017)
- EU:s civila krishanteringsförmåga och tillitens utmaningar (2016)
- The EU and Global Imbalances (2015)
- Policy Coordination Under Minority and Majority Rule (2015)
- Presidentialisation from a Historical Perspective (2011)
- The Nordic Model of Parliamentary Government and its Challenges (2011)
- Att regera under parlamentarism (2009)
- En ifrågasatt regeringsform (2009)
- Taking accountability seriously (2009)
- Examining the illusion of accountability (2009)
- En offulbordad politisk gemenskap (2009)
- An Unfinished Polity (2009)
- Civil society participation and accountability (2009)
- De parlamentariska regeringarnas sociala och politiska förankring (2009)
- In Tranquil waters (2009)
- Grundlösa påståenden om parlamentarismens kris (2008)
- Parlamentarismen ifrågasatt (2008)
- The Role of Scientific Expertise in EU Policy-Making (2005)
- European chemicals policy as a democratic problem (2004)
- Sektorn som försvann! (2001)
- Hur mycket opposition finns det i svensk EU-politik? (2018)
- Civilskyddssamarbete i Europeiska unionen (2018)
- Organiserade intressen i Europeiska unionen (2011)
- Från statsminister till president? (2007)
- Regeringskansliets omvandling: från förhandlingsorganisation till stabsorganisation (2004)
- När socialdemokratin avvecklade det statliga bankägandet (1997)