Katarina Gustafson
Professor at Department of Education
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 24 50
- E-mail:
- katarina.gustafson@edu.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Von Kraemers allé 1 A
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 2136
750 02 Uppsala
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Short presentation
Professor in Child and Youth Studies and associate professor in Education.
Her research interests are children's agency, socialization and diverse living conditions as well as spatial dimensions of childhood, school and early childhoodhood education and care (ECEC) and urban space.
She teach in Child and Youth Studies on basic and advanced level as well as in preschool- and teacher training education.
My research field is
children´s everyday lives and identity work within families, schools, leisure and neighbourhoods. Starting point is children’s agency, diverse living conditions and spatial dimensions of childhoods. I study phenomena as mobile preschools, preschools in dense cities, children's everyday mobilities, urban childhoods, segregation and local school markets. Another research interest is pupils in need of special support and special education pedagogues' and teacher's professions.
In my research I together with traditional ethnographical research methods as participating observations and interviews also work with children’s own documentations as narratives, photo, maps etc.
I participate in following research groups
Child and Youth Studies https://edu.uu.se/research/childandyouthstudies/
Studies in Childhood, Learning and Identities as Interactive Practices, CLIP http://forskning.edu.uu.se/clip/
Network for research on Preschool and Public Space https://www.su.se/english/research/research-groups/network-for-research-on-preschool-and-public-space
Ongoing research projects
Project leader for the project: A citywide preschool yard? Challenges and possibilities for supporting inner city preschool's mobility and space for play in dense areas, in cooperation with ass.prof. Danielle Ekman Ladru. (finansied by FORMAS)
Participate in a project about school-social work together with senior lecturer Hassan Sharif, that is part of What Works? Att tidigt fånga upp barn och unga som riskerar att fara illa. Kunskaps- och metodutveckling i samverkan med socialtjänst, skola, polis, BVC och brukare. Project leadare: professor Pia Tham, Social work, UU and financed by Forte.
Earlier research projects
Project leader for the project: A citywide classroom: Time-spatial aspects of a mobile preschool pedagogy, a longitudinal study. (finansied by VR, Swedish Research Council)
Mobility, informal learning and citizenship in mobile preschools. In cooperation with PhD Danielle van der Burgt. (finansied by RJ, The Swedish Foundation of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Work with children in need of special support in independant schools. (Fristående skolors arbete med elever i behov av särskilt stöd.) In cooperation with professor Ann-Carita Evaldsson, Uppsala universitet and professor Claes Nilholm, Malmö Högskola (finansied by the Swedish Research Council)
I teach in courses in Child and Youth Studies, on basic and advanced level. I also teach in different courses within the preschool- and teacher training education.
Recent publications
- Barns deltagande i undervisning (2024)
- Tid och rum i förskolebarns vardag. (2024)
- Teaching nature and nation in the Swedish mobile preschool (2023)
- Embodied spatial learning in the mobile preschool: the sociospatial organization of meals as interactional achievement. (2022)
- Children’s prosthetic citizenship as ‘here-and-now’, ‘not-yet’ and ‘not-here’. the case of the mobile preschool (2021)
All publications
- Teaching nature and nation in the Swedish mobile preschool (2023)
- Embodied spatial learning in the mobile preschool: the sociospatial organization of meals as interactional achievement. (2022)
- Children’s prosthetic citizenship as ‘here-and-now’, ‘not-yet’ and ‘not-here’. the case of the mobile preschool (2021)
- Children's education in 'good' nature (2021)
- Children's collective embodiment - Mobility practices and materialities in mobile preschools (2020)
- Children’s socialization into the mobile preschool (2020)
- Säkerhet samt upplevelsebaserat lärande i en variation av lärmiljöer– två centrala policyer i mobila förskolor (2020)
- Parental Reasoning on Choosing the Mobile Preschool (2020)
- 'Yay, a downhill!': Mobile preschool children's collective mobility practices and 'doing' space in walks in line (2018)
- "Doing family" at the soccer field (2018)
- Enacting the role of special needs educator (2017)
- Friskolan som en frizon för elever i behov av särskilt stöd? Inkludering, olikhet och specialpedagogik för alla (2015)
- 'Being on the move' (2015)
- 'Doing Time' and 'Creating Space' (2013)
- Book review of The Hidden Life of Girls. Games, of Stance, Status and Exclusion, Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (2006) Blackwell Publishing: Oxford, UK / Malden, MA, USA /Victoria, Australia (2011)
- No-go- area, no-go- school (2011)
- Us and them - children’s identity work and social geography in a Swedish school yard (2009)
- "Det här är en bild på oss" (2004)
- Barns deltagande i undervisning (2024)
- Tid och rum i förskolebarns vardag. (2024)
- Sweden (2020)
- Berättelser om måltider i en mobil förskola (2018)
- Konstruowanie dzieciecych tozsamosci a spoleczna geografia szkoly (2009)
- Los alumnos, la formacion de identidades y la geografica social de la escuela: Experiences de etnografia educacional en Suecia. (2005)
- "Välkommen till vårat fotoalbum!" (2004)
- Vi och dom i förorten (2001)
- A citywide classroom? Children’s learning and mobility in mobile preschools (2017)
- Young children’s participation and citizenship in public space – mobile preschool children’s mobility and spatial appropriation (2017)
- Informal learning in the mobile preschool. (2016)
- The mobile preschool as a potential for children's active citizenship? (2016)
- Mobility, learning and interaction in the mobile preschool.– a reaction to a child-unfriendly city? (2015)
- Mobile preschool children's moving and mooring - a reaction to a child-unfriendly city? (2015)
- Mobility, learning and interaction in the mobile preschool. (2014)
- Childhood and Risk (2013)
- Unequal places - unequal time space puzzles (2012)
- School transports, space and identities. (2011)
- School transport in change: Experiences and narratives. (2010)
- No-go-area - no-go-school. Community Discources, School Market and Children's Identity work. (2009)
- Adolescents identity-work, school choice and community discourses (2008)
- Children’s social geographies in school and neighbourhoods (2006)
- Children's photographs and identity-work. (2004)
- Children's identitywork and the social geography of the school (2003)