Karin Björkegren
Associated Researcher at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; General practice
- E-mail:
- karin.bjorkegren@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
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Biträdande prefekt och ansvarig för institutionens undervisning i läkarprogrammet. Är även studierektor för kursen Professionell utvckling och kursen i Allmänmedicin. Har kursansvar på termin 1 och 2 i Professionell utveckling. Sitter med i läkarprogrammets programkommitté. Handleder doktorander och forskar.
Recent publications
- Neuropeptide Y and measures of stress in a longitudinal study of women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (2023)
- Decline of substance P levels after stress management with cognitive behaviour therapy in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (2019)
- Towards a healthy stomach? (2016)
- Neuropeptide Y levels are reduced after cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in women with fibromyalgia (FMS) (2014)
- Evaluation of sun holiday, diet habits, origin and other factors as determinants of vitamin D status in Swedish primary health care patients (2013)
All publications
- Neuropeptide Y and measures of stress in a longitudinal study of women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (2023)
- Decline of substance P levels after stress management with cognitive behaviour therapy in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (2019)
- Towards a healthy stomach? (2016)
- Evaluation of sun holiday, diet habits, origin and other factors as determinants of vitamin D status in Swedish primary health care patients (2013)
- Determinants for return to work among sickness certified patients in general practice (2012)
- General symptom reporting in female fibromyalgia patients and referents (2009)
- Serum vitamin B12 and folate status among patients with chemotherapy treatment for advanced colorectal cancer (2009)
- The future of homocysteine (2007)
- Atrofisk gastrit, malabsorption och B12-brist (2007)
- A population-based intervention study on elevated serum levels of methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine in elderly people (2004)
- Folat och kobalamin i mjölkprodukter (2004)
- Folat i fokus. (2004)
- Reported symptoms and clinical findings in relation to serum cobalamin,folate, methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine among elderly Swedes: apopulation-based study. (2003)
- Reported symptoms and clinical findings in relation to serum cobalamin, folate, methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine among elderly Swedes (2003)
- Injektionskrävande B12-brist (2002)
- Folat och kobalamin i primärvården (2002)
- Folat- och B12-brist (2002)
- B12- och folatbrist hos äldre (2001)
- Serum cobalamin, folate, methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine as vitamin B12 and folate tissue deficiency markers amongst elderly Swedes (2001)
- Ageing, homocysteine and methylmalonic acid (2000)
- Vitamin B12, kronisk trötthet och injektionsbehandling (1999)
- Homocystein i plasma (1999)
- Hur skall vi utreda vitamin B12-brist? (1999)
- Elevated serum levels of methylmalonic acid and homocysteine in elderly people (1999)
- Homocystein (1996)
- Professionell utveckling inom läkaryrket (2012)
- Studies on Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency Markers in the Elderly (2003)
- Neuropeptide Y levels are reduced after cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in women with fibromyalgia (FMS) (2014)
- Treatment of vitamin D insufficiency in female primary health care patients in Sweden (2012)
- A student run open health clinic (2011)
- Skillnader i socioekonomiska faktorer och rapporterade symtom mellan fibromyalgipatienter och kontroller (2006)