Stefan Swartling Peterson
Visiting professor at Department of Women's and Children's Health; International Child Health and Nutrition
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Short presentation
leg. läk., MPH, PhD
Stefan Swartling Peterson trained as a public health physician in Sweden, did his MPH at Harvard and PhD in Central African Republic and Tanzania. With a background in IMCI he has >10 years’ experience of doing research with colleagues at Makerere University in Uganda with a focus on febrile illness in children – esp pneumonia and malaria, as well as new born health, primarily as health systems studies, in what is now known as Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM). A major current interest is in district capacity to implement services, and the use of local data to set priorities and drive quality improvement interventions, with on-going EU and Gates funded studies in Uganda and Tanzania. Stefan coordinated the development of the research collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University with 50 PhD students, research infrastructure in a Health and Demographic Surveillance Site, and a joint PhD degree based on peer-reviewed publications. He continues to pursue collaborations for mutual research capacity development with partners and colleagues primarily in Low Income countries, and teaches at undergraduate, masters and PhD level.
Recent publications
- Embedded implementation research in programming at scale (2024)
- Effectiveness of peer-supervision on pediatric fever illness treatment among registered private drug sellers in East-Central Uganda (2021)
- Addressing children's health amid the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (2021)
- Closing the know-do gap for child health (2021)
- The perfect storm (2021)
All publications
- Embedded implementation research in programming at scale (2024)
- Effectiveness of peer-supervision on pediatric fever illness treatment among registered private drug sellers in East-Central Uganda (2021)
- Addressing children's health amid the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (2021)
- Closing the know-do gap for child health (2021)
- The perfect storm (2021)
- Mental Health Consequences for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)
- Mental Distress and Human Rights Violations During COVID-19 (2021)
- Solidarity and universal preparedness for health after covid-19 (2021)
- Institutionalizing a Regional Model for Improving Quality of Newborn Care at Birth Across Hospitals in Eastern Uganda (2021)
- 'I know those people will be approachable and not mistreat us' (2020)
- Regulatory inspection of registered private drug shops in East-Central Uganda-what it is versus what it should be (2020)
- Peer supervision experiences of drug sellers in a rural district in East-Central Uganda (2020)
- Fetal Iodine Deficiency and Schooling (2020)
- Improving Hospital Oxygen Systems for COVID-19 in Low-Resource Settings (2020)
- Cohort Profile (2020)
- Bypassing or successful referral? (2020)
- Excessive premature mortality among children with cerebral palsy in rural Uganda (2020)
- Realizing the potential of embedded implementation research (2020)
- Community and stakeholders' engagement in the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes (2019)
- Impairments, functional limitations, and access to services and education for children with cerebral palsy in Uganda (2019)
- Framing an agenda for children thriving in the SDG era (2019)
- Decision making in district health planning in Uganda (2019)
- Dietary patterns and practices in rural eastern Uganda (2019)
- Leadership, action, learning and accountability to deliver quality care for women, newborns and children. (2018)
- Patient and Provider Dilemmas of Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management (2018)
- Delivering child health interventions through the private sector in low and middle income countries (2018)
- Health workers' experiences of collaborative quality improvement for maternal and newborn care in rural Tanzanian health facilities (2018)
- The how (2018)
- Study protocol for the SMART2D adaptive implementation trial (2018)
- Can malaria rapid diagnostic tests by drug sellers under feld conditions classify children 5 years old or less with or without Plasmodium falciparum malaria? (2018)
- How primary health care can make universal health coverage a reality, ensure healthy lives, and promote wellbeing for all. (2018)
- Private retail drug shops (2018)
- Sugar, tobacco, and alcohol taxes to achieve the SDGs. (2018)
- How people-centred health systems can reach the grassroots (2018)
- Using a cross-contextual reciprocal learning approach in a multisite implementation research project to improve self-management for type 2 diabetes (2018)
- Unpredictability dictates quality of maternal and newborn care provision in rural Tanzania (2017)
- Maternal and newborn health implementation research (2017)
- Enablers and barriers to evidence based planning in the district health system in Uganda; perceptions of district health managers (2017)
- Bottleneck analysis at district level to illustrate gaps within the district health system in Uganda (2017)
- Comparing performance of methods used to identify pregnant women, pregnancy outcomes, and child mortality in the Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site, Uganda (2017)
- Adverse perinatal events, treatment gap, and positive family history linked to the high burden of active convulsive epilepsy in Uganda: A population-based study (2017)
- Evaluation of Helping Babies Breathe Quality Improvement Cycle (HBB-QIC) on retention of neonatal resuscitation skills six months after training in Nepal (2017)
- Health system effects of implementing integrated community case management (iCCM) intervention in private retail drug shops in South Western Uganda: a qualitative study (2017)
- Integrated community case management by drug sellers influences appropriate treatment of paediatric febrile illness in South Western Uganda (2017)
- Cadres, content and costs for community-based care for mothers and newborns from seven countries (2017)
- Community health systems (2017)
- Effects of the EQUIP quasi-experimental study testing a collaborative quality improvement approach for maternal and newborn health care in Tanzania and Uganda (2017)
- Integrated Pediatric Fever Management And Antibiotic Over-Treatment In Malawi Health Facilities (2017)
- "It could be viral, but you don't know. You have not diagnosed it" (2016)
- Integrated paediatric fever management and antibiotic over-treatment in Malawi health facilities (2016)
- Pneumococcal Carriage in Children under Five Years in Uganda-Will Present Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Be Appropriate? (2016)
- Community and District Empowerment for Scale-up (CODES) (2016)
- Integrated pediatric fever management and antibiotic over-treatment in Malawi health facilities (2016)
- Drug seller adherence to clinical protocols with integrated management of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea at drug shops in Uganda (2015)
- Bottlenecks in the implementation of essential screening tests in antenatal care (2015)
- Identifying implementation bottlenecks for maternal and newborn health interventions in rural districts of the United Republic of Tanzania (2015)
- Health system context and implementation of evidence-based practices-development and validation of the Context Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool for low- and middle-income settings (2015)
- Effect of diagnostic testing on medicines used by febrile children less than five years in 12 malaria-endemic African countries (2015)
- Improving child survival through a district management strengthening and community empowerment intervention (2015)
- Special issue (2015)
- Weeping in silence (2015)
- A systematic review of community-to-facility neonatal referral completion rates in Africa and Asia (2015)
- Effect of Community Support Agents on Retention of People Living With HIV in Pre-antiretroviral Care (2015)
- 'As soon as the umbilical cord gets off, the child ceases to be called a newborn' (2015)
- Strengthening health facilities for maternal and newborn care (2015)
- High prevalence of antibiotic resistance in nasopharyngeal bacterial isolates from healthy children in rural Uganda (2015)
- Enabling Dynamic Partnerships through Joint Degrees between Low- and High-Income Countries for Capacity Development in Global Health Research (2015)
- Differences in essential newborn care at birth between private and public health facilities in eastern Uganda (2015)
- Designing for action (2015)
- Effect of the Uganda Newborn Study on care-seeking and care practices (2015)
- Systematic literature review of integrated community case management and the private sector in Africa (2014)
- Increased access to care and appropriateness of treatment at private sector drug shops with integrated management of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea (2014)
- Utmaningar och möjligheter för nästa generation inom global hälsa (2014)
- Expanded Quality Management Using Information Power (EQUIP) (2014)
- Access, excess, and ethics—towards a sustainable distribution model for antibiotics (2014)
- Diagnostic Testing of Pediatric Fevers (2014)
- The use of continuous surveys to generate and continuously report high quality timely maternal and newborn health data at the district level in Tanzania and Uganda (2014)
- Comparison of fasting plasma glucose and haemoglobin A1c point-of-care tests in screening for diabetes and abnormal glucose regulation in a rural low income setting (2014)
- Setting global research priorities for integrated community case management (iCCM) (2014)
- Dödligheten minskar, men fortfarande dör 7 miljoner barn varje år (2013)
- The context assessment for community health tool (2013)
- Integrated community case management of malaria and pneumonia increases prompt and appropriate treatment for pneumonia symptoms in children under five years in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- High Adherence to Antimalarials and Antibiotics under Integrated Community Case Management of Illness in Children Less than Five Years in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- Community health workers (2013)
- Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes among Persons Aged 35 to 60 Years in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- Malaria diagnosis and treatment practices following introduction of rapid diagnostic tests in Kibaha District, Coast Region, Tanzania (2013)
- High Compliance with Newborn Community-to-Facility Referral in Eastern Uganda (2013)
- Private sector drug shops in integrated community case management of malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea in children in Uganda (2012)
- Knowledge translation in Uganda (2012)
- Integrated Community Case Management (2012)
- Increased Use of Community Medicine Distributors and Rational Use of Drugs in Children Less than Five Years of Age in Uganda Caused by Integrated Community Case Management of Fever (2012)
- Performance of community health workers under integrated community case management of childhood illnesses in eastern Uganda (2012)
- Introduction to a Special Supplement (2012)
- Modifiable Socio-Behavioural Factors Associated with Overweight and Hypertension among Persons Aged 35 to 60 Years in Eastern Uganda (2012)
- A Health Systems Approach to Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illness (2012)
- Access, acceptability and utilization of community health workers using diagnostics for case management of fever in Ugandan children (2012)
- The Uganda Newborn Study (UNEST) (2012)
- Hurdles and opportunities for newborn care in rural Uganda (2011)
- Spatial analysis of determinants of choice of treatment provider for fever in under-five children in Iganga, Uganda (2011)
- A Single-Blind randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of extended counseling on uptake of pre-antiretroviral care in Eastern Uganda (2011)
- Lack of pre-antiretroviral care and competition from traditional healers, crucial risk factors for very late initiation of antiretroviral therapy for HIV (2011)
- Can lay community health workers be trained to use diagnostics to distinguish and treat malaria and pneumonia in children? (2011)
- Policy and practice, lost in transition (2010)
- Inadequate pre-antiretroviral care, stock-out of antiretroviral drugs and stigma (2010)
- Using the three delays model to understand why newborn babies die in eastern Uganda (2010)
- 'I never thought that this baby would survive; I thought that it would die any time' (2010)
- Poor newborn care practices (2010)
- Tanzania national survey on iodine deficiency (2009)
- Improved salt iodation methods for small-scale salt producers in low-resource settings in Tanzania (2009)
- Voices on adherence to ART in Ethiopia and Uganda (2009)
- Use of drugs, perceived drug efficacy and preferred providers for febrile children (2009)
- Utilization of public or private health care providers by febrile children after user fee removal in Uganda (2009)
- Sustainable universal salt iodization in low-income countries (2008)
- "I never had the money for blood testing" - caretakers' experiences of care-seeking for fatal childhood fevers in rural Uganda (2008)
- Acceptability of evidence-based neonatal care practices in rural Uganda (2008)
- Perceived quality of paediatric fever care from private drug shops and care-seeking choice in South Western Uganda: data from household surveys.
- Inclusion of private sector in district helath systems; case study of private drug shops implementing modified Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) strategy in Rural Uganda (2014)
- Health system preparedness for newborn care (2014)