Volker Ziemann
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; FREIA
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 38 67
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 425 03 98
- E-mail:
- volker.ziemann@physics.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
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Recent publications
- Swedish Beams (2024)
- New method to measure the unloaded quality factor of superconducting cavities (2024)
- German Beams (2024)
- Earth-field compensation in Gersemi (2023)
- Magnetic-field leakage through unshielded holes (2023)
All publications
- New method to measure the unloaded quality factor of superconducting cavities (2024)
- Emittance growth of kicked and mismatched beams due to amplitude-dependent tune shift (2022)
- Equilibrium parameters in coupled storage ring lattices and practical applications (2022)
- Accelerator development at the FREIA Laboratory (2021)
- Noninvasively improving the orbit-response matrix while continuously correcting the orbit (2021)
- A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator (2020)
- Envelope dynamics and stability with non-linear space-charge forces (2020)
- Retro-Fitting Earth-Field Compensation Coils to the Vertical Cryostat GERSEMI in FREIA (2020)
- Citizen Science and Radioactivity (2019)
- Optimum resonance control knobs for sextupoles (2018)
- An electron energy loss spectrometer based streak camera for time resolved TEM measurements (2017)
- Compensating amplitude-dependent tune-shift without driving fourth-order resonances (2017)
- Aligning linac accelerating structures using a copropagating octupolar mode (2017)
- Spectrometers for RF breakdown studies for CLIC (2016)
- How well do we know the circumference of a storage ring? (2015)
- Minimization of power consumption during charging of superconducting accelerating cavities (2015)
- Time-resolved momentum and beam size diagnostics for bunch trains with very large momentum spread (2015)
- Response matrices in strongly coupled storage rings with a radio-frequency system constraining the revolution time (2015)
- Measuring the full transverse beam matrix using a single octupole (2015)
- Self-amplified coherent spontaneous emission in a free electron laser with "quiet" bunches (2013)
- Beam profile monitoring at the test beam line at the Compact Linear Collider test facility (2013)
- Beam Profile Monitoring at the test beam line at the Compact Linear Collider test facility (2013)
- Effect of large momentum spread on emittance measurements (2013)
- Conceptual design of the post-PETS instrumentation line for CLIC (2013)
- Effects of rf breakdown on the beam in the Compact Linear Collider prototype accelerator structure (2013)
- The CTF3 Two-beam Test Stand (2013)
- X-band rf power production and deceleration in the two-beam test stand of the Compact Linear Collider test facility (2011)
- X-band rf power production and deceleration in the two-beam test stand of the Compact Linear Collider test facility (2011)
- Instrumental developments for in situ breakdown experiments inside a scanning electron microscope (2011)
- Instrumental developments for in situ breakdown experiments inside a scanning electron microscope (2011)
- Conceptual design of a beam line for post-collision extraction and diagnostics at the multi-TeV Compact Linear Collider (2009)
- Internet Radio Router (2009)
- Observation of two-dimensional longitudinal-transverse correlations in an electron beam by laser-electron interactions (2008)
- PETAG01 (2008)
- Arrival time measurements of ions accompanying RF breakdown (2008)
- Desktop Bluetooth Remote (2008)
- Experimental studies of the magnetized friction force (2006)
- Comparison of Non-Linear Effects from the Electric Field of Several Current Distributions (2006)
- Some thoughts regarding a method to measure the length of femto-second X-ray pulses (2006)
- Precise measurements of hot S-parameters of superconducting cavities
- Effects of RF breakdown on the beam in a CLIC prototype accelerator structure
- High-gradient test of a X-band accelerator structure assembled in a klystron-driven resonant ring
- Short pulse capabilities of the instrumetation beam line
- Gamma spectroscopy methodology for large amounts of environmental samples in Sweden 30 years after the Chernobyl accident (2020)
- Wave propagation in a fractal wave guide (2017)
- Working with context rich problems to teach problem solving (2017)
- Kontextrika problem för effektiv problemlösning i en avancerad mekanikkurs (2017)
- Beam-based alignment studies at CTF3 using the octupole component of CLIC accelerating structures (2017)
- A method for determining the roll angle of the CLIC accelerating structures from the beam shape downstream of the structure (2017)
- Surface Characterization and Field Emission Measurements of Copper Samples inside a Scanning Electron Microscope (2016)
- Beam-based Alignment of CLIC Accelerating Structures Utilizing Their Octupole Component (2016)
- The Momentum Distribution Of The Decelerated Drive Beam In Clic And The Two-Beam Test Stand At Ctf3 (2014)
- Solid-state amplifier development at FREIA (2014)
- General-purpose spectrometer for vacuum breakdown diagnostics for the 12 GHz test stand at CERN (2014)
- Novel Diagnostics for Breakdown Studies (2013)
- Emittance and Momentum Diagnostics for Beams with Large Momentum Spread (2013)
- Green function approach to the problem of electromagnetic field excitation in THz free electron lasers (2012)
- RF-breakdown Kicks at the CTF3 Two-beam Test Stand (2012)
- Uppsala high power test stand for ESS spoke cavities (2012)
- Two Beam Test Stand Experiments in the CTF3 Facility (2011)
- Transverse alignment tolerances for the European XFEL laser heater (2011)
- Instrumentation for the 12 GHz Stand-alone Test-stand to Test CLIC Acceleration Structures (2011)
- In-situ Experiments of Vacuum Discharge using Scanning Electron Microscopes (2011)
- Echo Seeding Experiments in FLASH in 2012 (2011)
- CTF3 probe beam LINAC commissioning and operations (2010)
- Results from the Optical Replica Synthesizer at FLASH (2009)
- First Beam Tests of the CLIC Power Extraction Structure with the Two-Beam Test Stand (2009)
- Recent Results from the Optical Replica Synthesizer Experiment in FLASH (2009)
- Results from the Optical Replica Experiment in FLASH (2008)
- The XFEL Laser Heater (2008)
- Results from the optical replica experiment at Flash (2008)
- RF breakdown experiments at the CTF3 Two-beam Test-stand (2008)
- The CTF3 Two-beam Test-stand, (2008)
- A New Neutron Beam Facility at TSL (2007)
- Status of the Optical Replica Synthesizer at FLASH (2007)
- A new neutron beam facility at TSL (2006)
- A new neutron facility for single-event effect testing (2005)
- A New Neutron Facility for Single-Event Effect Testing (2004)
- A New Mono-energetic Neutron Beam Facility in the 20-180 MeV Range (2004)
- A Test Facility for micro Machining and Other Applications of Ion-assisted Etching Technology (1996)
- Swedish Beams (2024)
- German Beams (2024)
- Earth-field compensation in Gersemi (2023)
- Magnetic-field leakage through unshielded holes (2023)
- Real-time system identification of superconducting cavities with a recursive least-squares algorithm (2023)
- Beam parameters of a Möbius ring (2022)
- RF gymnastics with transfer matrices (2022)
- EPICS Data Acquisition Pods (2021)
- Longitudinal phase-space matching between radio-frequency systems with different harmonic numbers and accelerating voltages (2021)
- Beam Optics Primer using Octave or MATLAB (2019)
- PuddlePeeker (2018)
- Earth-field Compensation Coils for the Vertical Cryostat in FREIA (2018)
- Analytic Space-Charge Model for Gaussian Beams with cross-plane Coupling (2017)
- Gyroscope, tracking 3D-motion via WIFI (2017)
- GeoScope, a system to finger-print vibrations (2017)
- Reflections on RF-breakdown (2017)
- Luminosity Loss due to Kicks and Mismatch from radio-frequency breakdown in a Linear Collider (2017)
- Determining Scattering Source Parameters from Radiation Detector Excitation Patterns (2017)
- Spectrometers for RF breakdown studies for CLIC (2016)
- ESS RF Source and Spoke Cavity Test Plan (2015)
- The Cryogenic System at the FREIA Laboratory (2015)
- Charged Particle Transport, Gaussian Optics, Error Propagation: It's all the same (2015)
- RF Power Consumption in the ESS Spoke LINAC (2013)
- Proposal for Design and Test of a 352 MHz Spoke RF Source (2012)
- Tests of the Spoke Cavity RF Source and Cryomodules in Uppsala (2012)
- Power Supplies for Tetrode High Power Amplfiers at FREIA (2012)
- Selection of RF Power Source and Distribution Scheme at 352 MHz for Spoke Cavities at ESS and FREIA (2012)
- A comparative study of field emission properties of Cu, Cr, and CrN (2011)
- Drive Beam Phase Measurement using RF data from the PETS (2011)
- General Report on key accelerator research areas and key R&D issues (2011)
- Results of the EUROTeV Confocal Beam Position Monitor (CPBM) Task (2008)
- Conceptual design of a vacuum window at the exit of the CLIC post-collision line (2008)
- CLIC Post-collision Diagnostics (2008)