Anders Hallberg

Short presentation

Anders Hallberg received his PhD at Lund University in 1980.
He became a full professor in Medicinal Chemistry at Uppsala University in 1990.
He was elected Vice-Chancellor/President at Uppsala University 2006.


The research interests encompass a range of protein targets of pharmaceutical relevance, including proteases and G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). One of the primary themes is to identify novel and selective low molecular weight ligands for these targets. New strategies are developed for both the design and for the synthesis of small, drug-like molecules. Lead compounds are optimized using computer-aided techniques and are preferentially synthesized using high-speed chemistry and new efficient transition metal-catalyzed reactions developed in the laboratory. Considerable efforts have in particular been devoted to the development of new robust and useful palladium-catalyzed C-C bond forming reactions. Major indications that are addressed are viral infections caused by HIV and HCV (Hepatitis C Virus). The HCV NS3 protease inhibitor simeprevir (Olysio) launched in US (2013), Japan (2013) and EU (2014) by Medivir/Johnson&Johnson (J&J) originates in part from the Hallberg group, in close collaboration with Medivir AB, in Sweden. Today, the major focus of our Drug Discovery program is to identify novel ligands that interfere with protein targets in the renin/angiotensin system (RAS). The first reported drug-like selective and potent angiotensin II, type II receptor (AT2R) agonist (C21) was discovered by the Hallberg group. Compound C21, (INN name; buloxibutid) now owned by Vicore Pharma AB (founded by Hallberg et al, listed at Nasdaq) has been extensively studied and is currently undergoing clinical evaluation (Phase II) with first indication idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).

For more details, please see the attached CV, with the list of publications (>290) and patents / patent applications.

Anders Hallberg

