Danuta Fjellestad
Professor at Department of English
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 12 56
- E-mail:
- danuta.fjellestad@engelska.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 L
- Postal address:
- Box 527
751 20 Uppsala
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Ph.D. 1986; Docent 1995
2007— Chair Professor of American Literature and Culture, Uppsala University
1998-2007 Full Professor of American and Postcolonial Studies, Blekinge Institute of Technology
1995 – 1998 Associate Professor, Göteborg University
1990 – 1995 Research Fellow, Uppsala University
Professor Fjellestad’s main research interests are 20th and 21st century American fiction, in particular postmodern and post-postmodern texts; visual culture; literary theory; intellectual auto/biography; ethnic studies; new media; electronic literature. She is also keenly interested in pedagogy and organization of higher education. Her present book-length study, The Pictorial Turn in Literature: Reading Fiction Today, focuses on word-image interactions in contemporary American literature.
Danuta Fjellestad is currently faculty member of the Futures of American Studies Institute at Dartmouth College. In the past she was Visiting Scholar at the Center for Twentieth-Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1986, 1989), Columbia University (1996), Bucknell University (2000-2001), Franke Institute for the Humanities, University of Chicago (2008). Professor Fjellestad is the recipient of several grants and scholarships, among others from the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ) and the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (2004), Fulbright (2000 – 2001), the Swedish Research Council (1995-1997), ACLS (1989), and Vilas (1986). Since 2010 Fjellestad has been member of the Board of the Swedish Research Council (VR). She has worked as an expert for VR, the Research Council of Norway, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and STINT. She is member of the Editorial Board of Studia Neophilologica and Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, and co-editor of Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia.
Recent publications
- Networked uniqueness (2019)
- Testing the Limits (2018)
- 'A Figment of Someone Else's Imagination' (2018)
- The Futures of the Present (2017)
- "A figment in someone else's imagiantion" (2017)
All publications
- Networked uniqueness (2019)
- Testing the Limits (2018)
- Ekphrastic Assemblages: (2017)
- Dancing with the Digital (2016)
- The Paradoxes of "Unnatural" Mimesis in Gordon Sheppard's HA! (2015)
- The Paradoxes of ‘Unnatural’ Mimesis in Gordon Sheppard’s HA! (2015)
- Platonic Occasions (2015)
- Platonic occasions (2015)
- The Futures of American Literature (2015)
- N. Katherine Hayles and Jessica Pressman (eds): Comparative textual media: Transforming the humanities in the postprint era (Electronic mediations). Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-8166-8003-0 (2014)
- The Specter of the Center (2014)
- The Specter of the Center or ‘Post-Americanization’ America (2014)
- Comparative textual media, ed. by N. Katherine Hayles and Jessica Pressman (2014)
- Mocking Photographic Truth (2013)
- Toward the Concept of Post-Postmodernism (2013)
- Resisting Extinction (2010)
- Writing Affiliation and Dislocation in the Memoirs of Ihab Hassan and Edward Said (2009)
- "Humaniora i den digitala era" (2005)
- Recension av Meili Steele, Theorizing textual subjects: Agency and oppression (1999)
- Recension av Ursula K. Heise, Chronoschisms: Time, narrative, and postmodernism (1999)
- Frank Lentricchia's Critical Confession, or, the Traumas of Teaching Theory (1999)
- The insertion of the self into the space of borderless possibility (1995)
- Critical essays on T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land, ed. by Lois A. Cuddy and David H. Hirsch (1994)
- Hard Core (1990)
- The Futures of the Present (2017)
- The Futures of the Present (2016)
- The Futures of the Present (2016)
- The Futures of the Present (2016)
- Authority Matters (2008)
- Authority Matters (2008)
- Eros, logos, and (fictional) masculinity (1998)
- Reading Texts (1995)
- Criticism in the Twilight Zone (1990)
- 'A Figment of Someone Else's Imagination' (2018)
- "A figment in someone else's imagiantion" (2017)
- Context Matters (2016)
- Nesting, Braiding, and Weaving (2015)
- Ord som vackra ting (2015)
- The Pictorial Turn in the Contemporary Novel (2012)
- Making the (Book's) Margins Visible (2011)
- Fiction and Film (2009)
- Author, Authorship, Authority, and Other Matters (2008)
- David Malouf, Remembering Babylon (2008)
- A Traveling Intellectual (2005)
- Discontents With/In Realism (2003)
- Touch and tactility in multimodal print novels (2015)
- Tctility and Realism Today (2014)
- The Next Big Thing (2013)
- Making Sense of Graphic Elements in Fictional Narrative (2013)
- The Artifacts Called P-Books (2012)
- Wrestling with the Multimodal Novel (2012)
- In Vogue (2012)
- Reterritorialization of ‘American’ Images in Sweden (2011)
- Imagining Civil Wrongs (2011)
- Staying Young or Staying Alive? (2010)
- Seeing Words, Reading Images (2009)