Roger Andersson
Professor emeritus at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
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Short presentation
My current research is focused on four substantive areas in the housing and urban development field: Residential segregation, Intra-urban migration, urban policy, and economic and social integration of immigrants.
Some of my ongoing projects are conducted in cooperation with geographers, sociologists and political scientists and have a European dimension. The Swedish studies deal primarily with processes taking place in the larger metropolitan regions of Sweden: Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Ongoing Projects
Den demografiska segregationens bestämningsfaktorer och dynamik (Funded by Forte 2017-19)
Earlier research
Concluded research projects 1999-2015
Dilemmas of Diversity: Ethnic Integration and Segregation in the City. (Funded by FAS (Swedish council for working life and social research) 2010-2015).
Nordic welfare states and the dynamics and effects of ethnic residential segregation (Funded by Norface 2010-2013, Principal Investigator: Mari Vattovaara, Helsinki, Finland)
Housing and social mix in Swedish cities (Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council), 2009-2011)
Ethnic housing segmentation and discrimination - a study of institutional practices and preferences. In the list of publications no. 63, 77, 84, and 87 have relevance for this project.
Neighbourhood effects - studies of the effects of segregation
(1999-2003, funded by SFR and FAS (Swedish council for working life and social research))
Production and reproduction of immigrant-dense neighbourhoods - a dynamic approach
(Funded by Formas, the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, 2002-04)
A Matter of Luck? The Youth and the Swedish Housing Market
Concluded research projects in the 1990s
In the first half of the 1990s I initiated two different projects that aimed at studying different socio-spatial aspects of the new refugee dispersal programme that had been initiated by the Swedish government in the mid-1980s. The first of these two projects ("Integration and segregation in Swedish municipalities", funded by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities) problematised one of the underlying presumptions of the new dispersal programme, namely that the dispersal of refugees lacked importance for (alternatively improved) integration processes. The project also involved the first comprehensive Swedish study of ethnic residential segregation done by Scandinavian geographers. The project resulted in two dissertations (Irene Molina and Andreas Sandberg, the former is now a senior lecturer at IBF, Uppsala university, and Sandberg is now at the National Board of Integration). In the list of publications, no. 2, 5 and 8 are connected to this project.
The second of the projects dealing with the dispersal programme was called "The Geographical and Social Mobility of Immigrants - the Impacts of the Whole of Sweden Strategy" (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation). This project focused on the secondary migration of refugees, in particular on the movement from rural to urban areas and from North to South in Sweden. The project involved analyses of the relation between geographic and social mobility from an ethnic perspective. This project resulted in one dissertation (Mekonnen Tesfahuney, now lecturer at the University of Karlstad) and several research reports and articles). In the list of publications, no. 4, 7, 10,11, 17, 24 and 28 are connected to this project.
In the mid-1990s, I received the responsibility as a national coordinator for a European Cost Action ("Civitas": "Transformation of European Cities and Urban Governance". Besides taking part in the management committee of the action, I was active in one of the three working groups that were set up ("Fragmentation, social cohesion and urban governance"). My research input here came from a research project launched by myself and two senior colleagues at the Department of Social and Economic Geography in Uppsala (Mats Lundmark, now professor at Örebro university, and Brita Hermelin, now a senior lecturer at the University of Stockholm). The project was called The Urban Geography of the Service Economy (funded by the Swedish Social Science Research Council, HSFR 1997-1999), and the project represents a first attempt to systematically and comparatively study economic, demographic and social restructurings in the three metropolitan regions of Sweden (Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö). Due to the economic downturn in the early 1990s, resulting in heavy job losses, rising unemployment, increasing social polarisation and segregation, we focused most of our attention to these negative developments, which much affected the social and economic situation for the immigrant population in the metropolitan regions. Like in the above-mentioned projects, we have based our empirical research on comprehensive longitudinal, individual data, where (in this project) the entire population of the metropolitan regions could be followed over time and localised to specific neighbourhoods and workplace areas.
This database is called GEOMETRO and it has been used for a large number of different empirical studies, some reported in research reports but many also in book chapters and as articles in journals. In the list of publications no.15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 34, 37 and 40 refer to this project.
Parallel to this I took part in the efforts to launch another international project, connected to the MOST research programme "Partnership for Multiethnic Inclusion" (directed by Steven Vertovec (at Warwick university, UK). Aleksandra Ålund (now at the university of Linköping at Campus Norrköping) directed the Swedish part of the programme. The project was inspired by the Metropolis initiative (see, an international network initiated by the Canadian government to promote relations between researchers, policy-makers and practioneers within the field of immigration and urban development. The Swedish project deals with many aspects of the local integration efforts that have been launched in several large housing estates in Stockholm (labour market integration, segregation processes, school development, cultural strategies etc; more information at Our primary focus was placed on four estates: Kista, Rinkeby, Tensta in north-western Stockholm And Jordbro in Haninge municipality, located in the southeast of the capital region. The Swedish government (Office of Metropolitan Affairs) funded the project and the geographical part was run by Irene Molina (Dept. of Social & Econ. Geography, Uppsala University) and myself. The local network, comprising planners and local municipal organisers in the neighbourhoods, has been useful not only for conducting our empirical research but also for organising study trips for students at different levels. In the list of publications, no.15, 27 and 31 refer to this project.
Although the geographical part of PfMI has finished, our cooperation within the network continues both with the researchers and the local municipal staff in the neighbourhoods. The same housing estates continued to be in focus in some subsequent research (UGIS and RESTATE, see below).
Burgeoning Sweden - studies of labour recruiting in expansive businesses, industries and regions, from an ethnic perspective
(1999-2002, funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and involving prof. Mats Lundmark, Örebro university and Dr. Brita Hermelin, Stockholm university as senior researchers)
Project aim and rationale
In the project outlined here, our points of departure were a few insights that we consider self-evident:
First, there is a significant body of knowledge about inadequate ethnic integration in Sweden, not least through the research that has been done and/or summarised within the framework of recently disbanded government fact-finding committees (The Immigrant Policy Committee, The Housing Policy Committee, The Urban Committee). Therewith, we have an excellent picture of the scope of inadequacy, but not always of its causes.
Secondly, indications are that the public policy goals which currently have widespread (if not general) support (economic growth, more jobs, tax cuts, ethnic integration) will not be attainable if the exclusion of the immigrant population from the labour market persists. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities estimated in a recently completed study that 30 percent of the labour force between the ages of 20-44 will be made up of people of foreign background in just over ten years (Year 2010; The Advantage of Diversity). Large portions of the corresponding category today have an employment frequency below 50 percent and even though many are still engaged in basic education, retraining, or Swedish language instruction programs, a significant change in the labour market will be required to eliminate the current exclusion. The Swedish Labour Market Board's recent report concerning the ethnic dimension of employment indicates only a very modest improvement for non-Scandinavian immigrants, despite the more favourable general employment situation that has now existed for some years.
Thirdly, two current discourses that are essentially parallel, the debates on economic growth and on integration, must be better integrated politically and with respect to research if any progress is to be made. Economic policy-wise, the problems must be audited nationally, regionally and locally. With respect to research, there are insufficient empirical grounds to clarify the connection between growing companies/organizations and the ethnic aspect of labour force recruiting, despite several important contributions in Sweden and abroad. In our opinion, it is the latter area that the Geometro database, combined with certain complementary register data and adjoining case studies, could provide very valuable knowledge regarding the prospects for ethnic integration in "burgeoning Sweden."
The fundamental precept is that if the tremendous infusion of (actual and potential) new labour brought to Sweden through immigration during the 1980s and 1990s cannot be successfully integrated in the growth segment, prospects for integration may be nearly non-existent. Therefore, the aims of this project are to theoretically and empirically advance the knowledge about labour recruitment patterns in growing industries, and to do this with particular emphasis on the ethnic/racial dimension. Focus on the burgeoning Sweden, on labour recruiting in growing companies, industries and regions is in our opinion a valid research strategy.
Popular opinion in Europe has, until recently, denied that the continent has any real role in the contemporary global refugee crisis. However, the growth in the number of spontaneous refugees seeking entry into the EU, and the decision to resettle quotas of expellees from the Former Yugoslavia throughout Europe has made such an opinion untenable. As the public has struggled to adjust tot he fact that Europe is now a generator as well as a receiver of refugees, there have been clear signs of a 'moral panic' about immigration in general, and refugee immigration in particular. Partly as a response to this growing 'moral panic', and associated fears of social instability, many European governments have chosen to intervene much more actively in refugee resettlement. One example of such interventions is the way in which many countries now seek to engineer desired spatial distributions of refugees through dispersal policies. Dispersal policies are not new, nor are they confined to refugee groups (see the Caravans Act in Britain), but they can be applied much more aggressively to refugees because they arrive in new countries without full knowledge of their legal rights and with a sense of obligation to their new host societies.
Sweden, the Netherlands and the UK have all experimented with dispersal, and with different form of dispersal. In some cases, these different policies have been evaluated by academics see Summaries of Previous projects but no previous work has attempted cross-national comparisons with the aim of consolidating knowledge and identifying models of good practice.
Project Objectives
The project brought together three leading national authorities on issues of refugee resettlement with the aim of:
1. Identifying current knowledge about refugee dispersal policies in the UK, Netherlands and Sweden, summarising it and making it available to the widest possible audience.
2. Making international comparisons of why and how dispersal policies have been implemented, and critically appraising their impacts.
3. Identifying models of good and bad practice in refugee dispersal, and making grounded recommendations about how future dispersal policies might be implemented.
Project Outcomes
The findings of the initial position papers of the researchers was combined into a written final report with a comprehensive annotated bibliography of literature on dispersal/concentration in the three countries. Both of these documents will be available on the project´s website. The findings will also be fed directly into the EU Networks on Integration of Refugees project (formerly ECRE Task Force on Integration) and will be available to relevant government departments. The publisher Policy Press printed our book and it was released in May 2003. In the list of publications no. 30, 45 and 46 have relevance for this project.
Urban development programmes, urban governance, social inclusion & sustainability
(Denna information finns för närvarande endast på engelska)
Official homepage:*UGIS
Research Tasks addressed:
Key Action 4: City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage (1.1.4)
(4.1.1 Improving urban governance and decision making)
(4.3.1 Revitalisation of city centres and neighbourhoods)
Key Action: Improving the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base (1.4.1 4)
(Task 3: Challenges to European Welfare Systems)
The starting point of this proposal is that during the last decade all over Europe programmes have been established with a view of combating urban problems and/or stimulating urban dynamics. These programmes have been set up in a new policy-making context, that of urban governance, the development of which they often have stimulated.
The objective of this project is threefold. First, we will analyse to what extent these urban development programmes have succeeded in promoting social inclusion and urban sustainability. Compared to former definitions of the problematic in terms of 'combating social exclusion', this redefinition implies more than a change from a 'negative' to a 'positive' formulation; it is a shift in paradigm. Secondly, we will focus on how certain forms of urban governance have shaped these programmes, their definition, their implementation and their successes and failures. Thirdly, we include a feedback loop into our analysis. The central question here is how the presence of these programmes has changed urban governance or even stimulated (new) forms of urban governance.
To answer these questions, we will undertake a multilevel research in 9 countries, 18 cities and 32 neighbourhoods. Although all neighbourhoods are participating in an urban development programme, their selection is such of that a sufficient range is obtained on a number of crucial variables, on top of that already guaranteed by the differences generated by national welfare states and urban governance types. On basis of a cross-evaluation by the project team, the programmes' effects on these neighbourhoods and their strengths and weaknesses will be assessed.
What are the results that we expect?
1. To increase our knowledge of the complicated relationships between urban development programmes, trends in social inclusion and sustainability (specified in terms of social cohesion), and the type of urban governance.
2. To identify the European dimension of urban social inclusion and urban governance, taking into account the dynamic relationship between national and local diversity and common European characteristics.
3. To construct a common framework for the analysis and evaluation of urban programmes and urban governance with the aim of strengthening their European dimension.
What is new in this project?
1. The development and use of a method of 'cross-evaluation' undertaken by a team of foreign experts, independent from but in close collaboration with local stakeholders.
2. Its comprehensive framework with its focus on the links between urban governance, social inclusion and sustainability.
3. Its intention to create a common database of quantitative and qualitative data that supersedes the level of a mere collection of national data.
4. The attention paid to (policy) innovation and institutional change provides us with an answer to contemporary key questions concerning the impact of social welfare provision by urban public authorities on inclusion and sustainability; in other words with the developing and functioning of a 'welfare city'. This could then result in the identification of successful types of 'urban governance', and to the construction of 'models of best examples'.
5. Its focus on how the implementation of new urban politics is a co-production of policy, integrated and partnership processes, network policy, etc. Are these new ways to construct urban governance systems?
6. Its truly European perspective. Indeed, the framework of the whole enterprise is determined by a genuine effort to treat national characteristics as specifications of a European approach. They are but one of the factors explaining the different forms of urban governance.
The scientific objectives of the project
The general aim of the project is to analyse the effects of different urban programmes on the promotion of social inclusion and sustainability. This implies the description and analysis of a set of specific relationships between social inclusion, sustainability and (types of) urban governance. It takes into account the characteristics of specific spatial and political contexts (neighbourhood, city, and state) and of different forms of urban programmes (their scope, objectives, and methods).
Therefore, a group of researchers from different European countries will evaluate a number of important urban programmes intended to alleviate the living conditions in deprived urban areas and to assess which type of urban governance is required to successfully achieve this task. The cases are selected on two criterions. First, the neighbourhood must be part of a programme to ameliorate the living conditions for its residents. Second, to minimise primary research, dataavailable, if possible for at least two points in time. The research will integrate multiple levels and will proceed from a comparative perspective, but focusing on the European dimensions.
In order to obtain comparable results, a special effort has been undertaken to develop a common framework. The central concepts of this framework are social inclusion, sustainability and urban governance.
The Swedish part of the project focuses on two housing estates each in Stockholm (Tensta and Husby) and Gothenburg (Hjällbo and Norra Biskopsgården). Lists of publications and much more information can be found at the project's homepage (see reference above). In the list of publications no. 27, 29, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44, 57 and 64 have relevance for this project.
Restructuring Large-scale Housing Estates in European Cities:
Good Practices and New Visions for Sustainable Neighbourhoods and Cities
Contract No. EVK4-CT-2002-00085
Official homepage:
This EU-funded project commenced November 1st 2002, and will run for three years. The Institute for Housing & Urban Research is one of twelve partners. Prof. Roger Andersson functions as a senior researcher, supervising the research in Stockholm. One more researcher (Irene Molina) and one assistant (Emma Holmqvist) take part in the project. The project has established an official homepage where results are made public.
Problems to be solved
Cities are the dynamos of the European economy, enabling the EU (and potential member states) to maintain a strong position in the global economy. When these cities contain large areas that are not faring well or, even worse, hinder the economy, it is important to find out how best to change these areas in order to remove the dysfunctional characteristics. Large-scale post-war housing estates can be seen as problematic areas in many cities all over Europe. Economic decline goes hand in hand with physical and social decline in these areas. The focus of this project is on the circumstances in these large post-war estates, on policies to counteract negative trends and on activities which stimulate positive developments. If the problems of these areas will not be solved they will increasingly hinder cities to function well in an economic sense.
Scientific objectives and approach
The project has the following objectives (1) to identify and to clarify the social and economic changes which have occurred in large post-war estates and particularly to identify general and specific factors influencing emerging problems and patterns of decline in these areas; (2) to develop a checklist of items that have proved to be important in successful and less successful policy responses with respect to these estates; (3) to draw conclusions about the potential for cross-national transfer of knowledge and experience and for co-operation in strategic planning for these areas and in area and estate management; (4) to produce a comprehensive handbook in which forward looking scenarios and new visions for large post-war estates in Europe will be coupled with examples of evidence based best practice to achieve sustainable future development of these areas; (5) to build an easy to use database for practitioners and researchers containing details of the nature, successes and failures of present policies aimed at improving the position of large post-war estates and their inhabitants; (6) to consider whether and how European level policy could contribute to more effective responses to problems associated with these estates. Methods used in the research are literature research, statistical overviews, interviews, a survey and discussion with urban representatives.
Expected impacts
The primary objective of RESTATE is to produce a comprehensive, evidence based handbook which draws on the experience in different European cities and sets out alternative, forward looking scenarios and new visions for large-scale post-WWII housing estates in Europe (East and West). This handbook will also set out best practices for future sustainable developments of these areas and for effective policy implementation. The results can be used by policy makers to find out in which context which measures have been and can expected to be successful with respect to improving large-scale housing estates in cities.
The following principal research question will be answered:
What structural and other factors explain why some large post-war estates are relatively successful and others are associated with a range of problems? How do current policies for these estates in different Western and Eastern European cities contribute to increasing social inclusion, social cohesion, sustainability, well-being, housing quality and access to services? How do these policies combat the negative aspects of the neighbourhoods (such as crime, poor environmental quality, run-down appearance, stigmatisation, increasing out-migration, residualisation of the housing stock, increasing conflicts between groups)? What are the main advantages and disadvantages associated with different policies? In what ways and under what circumstances can these policies be improved for future use in different kinds of Western and Eastern European cities? What forward looking scenarios and visions for these areas and the cities in which they are located can be formulated and how can policies contribute to achieving the most positive results?
The following cities are included in the project: Amsterdam (NL), Barcelona (ES), Berlin (GE), Birmingham (UK), Budapest (HU), Jönköping (S), Koper (SL), Ljubljana (SL), London (UK), Lyon (F), Madrid (ES), Milan (I), Stockholm (S), Utrecht (NL) and Warsaw (PL).
The Swedish cases are: Tensta and Kista in Stockholm and Råslätt and Oxnahaga in Jönköping.
The Restate reports will be published on the project's homepage. At the end of 2003, all national background reports were published and they are also available as printed versions (the Swedish report is no. 50 in the list of publications).
The consortium
The consortium comprises the following partners:
P1 Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands (Project Co-ordinator) (UUtrecht)
P2 IRS, Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, Erkner, Germany (IRS)
P3 UMR 5600 "Environment-Ville-Société", Institute des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, France (ISH)
P4 Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary (MRI)
P5 Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy (UNI-BIC)
P6 AME Amsterdam study centre for the Metropolitan Environment, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (UvAmsterdam)
P7 Department of Urban and Population Studies, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (IGSO)
P8 The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia (UPIRS)
P9 Centre de Recerca en Economia del Benestar - Centre for Research in Welfare Economics (CREB), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (BCN)
P10 Institute for Housing & Urban Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (UUppsala)
P11 Department of Spatial Planning, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden (BIT)
P12 Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, School of Public Policy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom (CURS)
The Restate project has so far generated three research reports (no 50, 54 and 60) dealing with the Swedish case studies. Parallell reports exist for the other nine countries. In november 2005 an edited volume was published, containing four chapters with Swedish contributors (including 61, 62 and 64). More output will follow.
by Roger Andersson, connected to the projects described on this site
116. Andersson, Roger & Bråmå, Åsa (2018) The Stockholm Estates—A Tale of the Importance of Initial Conditions, Macroeconomic Dependencies, Tenure and Immigration. In: D. B. Hess et al. (eds.), Housing Estates in Europe, Springer The Urban Book Series, p. 362-387.
115. Andersson, R., Musterd, S. & Galster, G. (2018) Port-of-Entry Neighbourhood and its Effects on the Economic Success of Refugees in Sweden. International Migration Review. DOI: 10.1177/0197918318781785
114. Andersson, R. (2017) Flyktingmottagandets geografi. Plan 72(4): 20-25.
113. Andersson, R., Holmqvist, E., Zetterlund, H. (2018) Hur kan markpolitik och planering påverka segregation och social hållbarhet? Underlagsrapport från Kommissionen för ett socialt hållbart Stockholm. Stockholms stad. Tillgänglig via
112. Andersson, R., Franzén, M., Hedman, L. & Lindberg, H. (2017) Segregation: vad menas och hur mäts den? Forskning i korthet nr 9, Stockholm: Forte.
111. Andersson, R. Migration och segregation – några reflektioner om dilemman och utmaningar. I: Migration och socialförsäkringen. Rapport från forskarseminariet i Umeå 18–19 januari 2017. Socialförsäkringsrapport 2017:6, pp. 21-35.
110. Andersson, R., Brattbakk, I. & Vaattovaara, M. (2016) Natives’ opinions on ethnic residential segregation and neighbourhood diversity in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm. Published online (open access): Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2016.1219332
109. Galster, G., Andersson, R. & Musterd, S. (2016) Neighbourhood social mix and adults’ income trajectories: longitudinal evidence from Stockholm. Geografiska Annaler Series B Human Geography 98(2):145-170. DOI: 10.1111/geob.12096
108. Andersson, R. & Hedman, L. (2016) Economic decline and residential segregation: a Swedish study with focus on Malmö. Published online (open access): Urban Geography DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2015.1133993
107. Wessel, T., Andersson, R., Kauppinen, T., Skifter Andersen, H. (2016) Spatial Integration of Immigrants in Nordic Cities: The Relevance of Spatial Assimilation Theory in a Welfare State Context. Urban Affairs Review. Published online, doi: 10.1177/1078087416638448
106. Sako Musterd, Roger Andersson & George Galster (2016) Neighbourhood Effects on Social Mobility. Chapter 20 for Handbook of Urban Geography. Edward Elgar Publishing. (Submitted)
105. Andersson, Roger (2016) Flyktingmottagandets geografi – en flernivåanalys av integrationsutfallet för tio årskohorter av invandrade från Somalia, Irak och Iran. I Andersson, Roger, Bengtsson, Bo & Myrberg, Gunnar (red.) Mångfaldens dilemman. Boendesegregation och områdespolitik. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB. s. 39-73.
104. Andersson, Roger, Myrberg, Gunnar & Bengtsson, Bo (2016) Boendesegregation och områdespolitik – en introduktion. I Andersson, Roger, Bengtsson, Bo & Myrberg, Gunnar (red.) Mångfaldens dilemman. Boendesegregation och områdespolitik. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB. s. 7-13.
103. Hedman, Lina & Andersson, Roger (2016) Etnisk segregation och inkomstsegregation i Sveriges tio största arbetsmarknadsregioner 1990–2010. I Andersson, Roger, Bengtsson, Bo & Myrberg, Gunnar (red.) Mångfaldens dilemman. Boendesegregation och områdespolitik. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB. s. 15-38.
102. Myrberg, Gunnar, Andersson, Roger & Bengtsson, Bo (2016) Medborgarskap och integrationspolitik – en introduktion. I Bo Bengtsson, Gunnar Myrberg & Roger Andersson (red.) Mångfaldens dilemman. Medborgarskap och integrationspolitik. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB. s. 7-15.
101. Skifter Andersen, H., Andersson, R., Wessel, T. & Vilkama, K. (2015) The Impact of Housing Policies and Housing Markets on Ethnic Spatial Segregation: Comparing the Capital Cities of Four Nordic Welfare States. International Journal for Housing Policy.
100. Andersson, Roger & Kährik, Anneli (2015) Widening gaps: segregation dynamics during two decades of economic and institutional change in Stockholm. In: Tiit Tammaru, Szymon Marcińczak, Maarten van Ham, Sako Musterd (Eds.) Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities. East meets West, pp. 110-131. London and New York: Routledge.
99. Galster, G., Andersson, R., & Musterd, S., 2014, Are Males’ Incomes Influenced by the Income Mix of Their Male Neighbors? Explorations into Nonlinear and Threshold Effects in Stockholm. Housing Studies 30(2):1-29, published online:
98. Andersson, R. (2014) Housing, Contexts, and the Well-Being of Children and Youth: A European Perspective. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 16:1, 203-206.
97. Andersson, R. & Magnusson Turner, L. (2014) Segregation, gentrification, and residualisation: from public housing to market driven housing allocation in inner city Stockholm. International Journal of Housing Policy 14:1, 3-29. DOI:10.1080/14616718.2013.872949.
96. Andersson, R. (2014) Understanding Variation in the Size of the Public Housing Sector Across Swedish Municipalities: The Role of Politics. In:, Jie Chen, Mark Stephens, Yanyun Man (Eds) The Future of Public Housing. Ongoing Trends in the East and the West, pp. 261-280. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
95. Andersson, R., Musterd, S. & Galster, G. (2014) Neighbourhood Ethnic Composition and Employment Effects on Immigrant Incomes. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40:5, 710-736. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2013.830503.
94. Andersson R., 2013, Reproducing and reshaping ethnic residential segregation in Stockholm: the role of selective migration moves", Geografiska Annaler B. 95(2): 163-187.
93. Andersson, R. (2012) Understanding Ethnic Minorities' Settlement and Geographical Mobility Patterns in Sweden Using Longitudinal Data. In: Nissa Finney and Gemma Catney (Eds.) Minority Internal Migration in Europe, pp. 263-291. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
92. Musterd, S., Galster, G., Andersson, R., 2012,Temporal Dimensions and the Measurement of Neighbourhood Effects. Environment and Planning A. 44(3):605–627. DOI:10.1068/a44298.
91. Andersson, R., 2011, Exploring Social and Geographical Trajectories of Latin Americans in Sweden, International Migration. Published online: DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2010.00679.x.
90. Andersson, R., Magnusson Turner, L. & Holmqvist, E., 2010, Contextualising ethnic residential segregation in Sweden: welfare, housing and immigration-related politices. Research report available online from Helsinki University:
89. Andersson, R., H. Dhalmann, E. Holmqvist, T. M. Kauppinen, L. Magnusson Turner, H. Skifter Andersen, S. Söholt, M. Vaattovaara, K. Vilkama, T. Wessel & S. Yousfi, 2010, Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states. Department of Geosciences and Geography C2, University of Helsinki. Helsinki.
88. Galster, G., Andersson, R., & Musterd, S., 2010, Who Is Affected by Neighbourhood Income Mix? Gender, Age, Family, Employment and Income Differences. Urban Studies 47(14): 2915-2944.
87. Bråmå, Å. & Andersson, R., 2010, Who leaves rental housing? Examining possible explanations for ethnic housing segmentation in Uppsala, Sweden. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Published online: DOI: 10.1007/s10901-010-9179-4.
86. Andersson, R. & Musterd, S., 2010, What Scale Matters? Exploring the relationships between individuals' social position, neighbourhood context and the scale of neighbourhood. Geografiska Annaler B 92(1): 23-43.
85. Andersson, R., Bråmå, Å., Holmqvist, E., 2010, Counteracting Segregation: Swedish Policies and Experiences. Housing Studies 25(2): 237-256.
84. Andersson, R., Bråmå, Å., Hogdal, J., 2009, Fattiga och rika - segregerad stad. Flyttningar och segregationens dynamik i Göteborg 1990-2006. Stadskansliet i Göteborg.
83. Andersson, R., 2009, Boendesegregation och grannskapseffekter. I: Graninger, G. & C. Knuthammar, Samhällsbyggande och integration. Frågor om assimilation, mångfald och boende, s. 40-65. Linköping University Interdisciplinary Studies No 9.
82. Andersson, R., 2009, Svensk IMER-forskning - några reflektioner. I: Olsson, E. & Rabo, A. (red.) Vem älskar imerforskning? En jubileumsskrift för CEIFO 2009, s. 94-98. CEIFO, Stockholm.
81. Jacobs, D., Swyngedouw, M., Hanquinet, L., Vandezande, V., Andersson, R., Beja Horta, A. P. & Berger, M., Diani, M., Gonzalez Ferrer, A., Giugni, M., Morariu, M., Pilati, K., Statham, P., 2009, The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related ethnicity in Europe, International Migration & Integration 10: 67–88.
80. Galster, G., Andersson, R., Musterd, S., Kauppinen, T., 2008, Does Neighborhood Income Mix Affect Earnings of Adults? New Evidence from Sweden, Journal of Urban Economics 63: 858-870.
79. Andersson, R., 2008, Neighbourhood Effects and the Welfare State. Towards a European research agenda? Schmollers Jahrbuch 128, 1-14. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin.
78. Musterd, S., Andersson, R., Galster, G. & Kauppinen, T., 2008, Are immigrants' earnings influenced by the characteristics of their neighbours?, Environment and Planning A, 40: 785-805.
77. Andersson, R., Bråmå, Å., 2008, Segregation och segmentation på bostadsmarknaden - Exemplet Malmöregionen. IBF Working Papers No. 56.
76. Andersson, R., Bråmå, Å., Hogdal, J., 2007, Segregationens dynamik och planeringens möjligheter. En studie av bostadsmarknad och flyttningar i Malmöregionen. Malmö: Stadskontoret.
75. Andersson, R., 2007, Vem bor du granne med? Invandrare & Minoriteter 2007 no 4-5, pp. 5-9.
74. Andersson, R., Musterd, S., Galster, G. & Kauppinen, T., What Mix Matters? Exploring the relationships between individuals' incomes and different measures of their neighbourhood context. Housing Studies, 22(5): pp. 637-660.
73. Andersson, R., 2007, Boende och segregation. I: Abby Peterson & Mikael Hjerm, Etnicitet. Perspektiv på samhället, s. 116-144. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB.
72. Andersson, R., 2007, Boendesegregation än sen då? I: Utanförskapet - välfärdssamhällets baksida. Socialtjänstforum - ett möte mellan forskning och socialtjänst. En konferens i Göteborg 24-25 april 2007. Stockholm: Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och sociala frågor, FAS.
71. Andersson, R., 2007, Ethnic Residential Segregation and Integration Processes in Sweden. In: Karen Schönwälder (ed.) Residential Segregation and the Integration of Immigrants: Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden, p. 61-90. Discussion Paper Nr. SP IV 2007-602, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.
70. Andersson, R., Johansson, S. & Solid, D., 2007, Ungdomarna och bostadsmarknaden – en enkätbaserad analys av ungdomars erfarenhet av och situation på bostadsmarknaden i större städer. I: Andersson, R. (red.) Måste man ha tur? Studier av yngre på bostadsmarknaden i svenska städer. SOU 2007:14, s. 111-175, rapport nr 2 från Boutredningen. Stockholm: Fritzes.
69. Molina, I., Johansson, S., Solid, D. & Andersson, R., 2007, Någonstans att bo. En kvalitativ studie av ungdomars erfarenhet av bostadsmarknaden i större städer. I: Andersson, R. (red.) Måste man ha tur? Studier av yngre på bostadsmarknaden i svenska städer. SOU 2007:14, s. 81-110, rapport nr 2 från Boutredningen. Stockholm: Fritzes.
68. Solid, D., Andersson, R. & Molina, I., 2007, Ungdomarna och allmännyttan – en kartläggning av kommunernas ägardirektiv och bostadsföretagens regler för tilldelning och uthyrning av lägenheter. I: Andersson, R. (red.) Måste man ha tur? Studier av yngre på bostadsmarknaden i svenska städer. SOU 2007:14, s. 7-79, rapport nr 2 från Boutredningen. Stockholm: Fritzes.
67. Andersson, R., Hogdal, J. & Johansson, S., 2007, Planering för minskad boendesegregation. Rapport 2007:1 från Regionplane- och trafikkontoret. Stockholm: Stockholms läns landsting.
66. Andersson, R., 2007, Immigrant Stockholm – Some Reflections on Ethnic Residential Segregation and Urban Policy. In: Sven Gustavsson (Ed.) Stockholm – Belgrade. Proceedings from the third Swedish-Serbian Symposium in Stockholm, April 21-25, 2004. Konferenser 63, pp. 23-45. Stockholm: The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities.
65. Musterd, Sako & Andersson, Roger, 2006, Employment, Social Mobility and Neighbourhood Effects in Sweden. International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, 30(1): 120-140.
64. Andersson, Roger, 2006, "Breaking Segregation" - Rhetorical Construct or Effective Policy? The Case of the Metropolitan Development Initiative in Sweden, Urban Studies 43(4): 787-799.
63. Bråmå, Å., Andersson, R., Solid, D., 2006, Bostadsmarknadens institutioner och grindvakter i den etniskt segmenterade staden - exemplen Stockholm och Uppsala. Bilaga till Rapport Integration 2005. Norrköping: Integrationsverket. (Electronic version available at
62. Andersson, R. & Musterd, S., 2005, Social mix and social perspectives in post-war housing estates. In: R. van Kempen, Dekker, K., Hall, S., and Tosics, I., Restructuring large housing estates in Europe, pp. 127-147. Bristol: The Policy Press.
61. Bråmå, Å. & Andersson, R., 2005, Who leave Sweden's large housing estates? In: R. van Kempen, Dekker, K., Hall, S., and Tosics, I., Restructuring large housing estates in Europe, pp.169-192. Bristol: The Policy Press.
60. Andersson, R., Öresjö, E., Pettersson, L., Holmqvist, E., Siwertsson, C., Solid, D., 2005, Large Housing Estates in Stockholm and Jönköping, Sweden. Opinions of residents on recent developments. Restate Report 4i. Urban and Regional Research Centre. Faculty of Geosciences. University of Utrecht.
59. Andersson, R. & Amcoff, J., 2004, Främjar statliga stöd till bostadsbyggandet jämlika och värdiga levnadsförhållanden? Bilaga till Boverkets utvärdering av statens stöd till bostadsbyggande. Karlskrona: Boverket.
58. Musterd, S. & Andersson, R., 2005, Housing Mix, Social Mix and Social Opportunities. Urban Affairs Review, 40(6): 761-790.
57. Andersson, Roger and Musterd, Sako, 2005, Area-based Policies: A Critical Appraisal. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 96(4): 377-389.
56. Andersson, R., 2005, Integration, migration och geografisk politik - reflektioner kring den svenska storstadspolitiken (Integration, migration and geographical politics. Reflexions on the swedish metropolitan policy). Analyserar, 2005:2 s 49-73 Försäkringskassan.
55. Andersson, R., 2005, Segregerad flyttkarusell (Segregation and Selective Migration). Invandrare och minoriteter, nr 1 2005 s 5-8.
54. Öresjö, E., Andersson, R., Holmqvist, E., Pettersson, L., Siwertsson, C., 2004, Large Housing Estates in Sweden. Policies and practices. Restate report 3i. Urban and Regional Research Centre. Faculty of Geosciences. University of Utrecht. (Electronic version available at
53. Andersson, R. & Bråmå, Å., 2004, Selective Migration in Swedish Distressed Neighbourhoods: Can Area-based Urban Policies Counteract Segregation Processes? Housing Studies, 19(4): 517-539, July 2004.
52. Andersson, R., 2004, Att flytta eller inte flytta? En kvantitativ studie av socioekonomiska utfall för flyktingar som flyttat från de svenska storstäderna. Bilaga till Rapport Integration 2003. Integrationsverket. (Electronic version available at
51. Andersson R., 2004, Områdesbaserade interventioner i utsatta bostadsområden - reflektioner kring ett europeiskt forskningsprogram, UGIS. Bilaga till Rapport Integration 2003. Integrationsverket. (Electronic version available at
50. Andersson, R., Molina, I., Öresjö, E., Pettersson, L., Siwertsson, C., 2003, Large Housing Estates in Sweden. Overview of developments and problems in Jönköping and Stockholm. Restate report 2i. Urban and Regional Research Centre. Faculty of Geosciences. University of Utrecht. (Electronic version available at
49. Andersson R., 2003, Bättre storstadspolitik, Vår bostad, november 2003.
48. Andersson, R. and Molina, I., 2003, Racialization and migration in urban
segregation processes. Key issues for critical geographers. In: K. Simonsen & J. Öhman (eds.) Voices from the North, pp. 261-282. Aldershot: Ashgate.
47. Andersson, R., 2003, I städernas svenskglesa områden. Artikel i Göteborgsposten (kultur) 2003-03-15.
46. Robinson, V., Andersson, R. & Musterd, S., 2003, Spreading the "burden"? A review of policies to disperse asylum seekers and refugees. Bristol: Policy Press.
45. Andersson, R., 2003, Settlement Dispersal of Immigrants and Refugees in Europe: Policy and Outcomes. RIIM working paper 03-08, Vancouver. (Electronic version available at )
44. Andersson, R. & Elander, I., 2003, Selectieve armensorg. Armoedebestrijding en gemeentelijk welziijnsbeleid in Zweden. Agora (Tijdschrift voor sociaal-ruimtelijke vraagstukken), 2003:1, pp. 23-26.
43. Andersson, R., 2003, Urban development programmes in a Scandinavian welfare state: a top-down approach to bottom-up planning? In: Pascal de Decker et al, On the origins of urban development programmes in nine European countries, pp. 165-181. Antwerpen-Apeldoorn: Garant.
42. Andersson, R., 2002, Boendesegregation och etniska hierarkier. I: Ingemar Lindberg & Magnus Dahlstedt (red) Det slutna folkhemmet om etniska klyftor och blågul självbild, s. 94-114. Agoras årsbok 2002. Stockholm: Agora.
41. Andersson, R., 2002, Rörligheten i Fittja. En analys av migration, segregation och storstadspolitik. I: Ingrid Ramberg & Oscar Pripp (red) Fittja, världen och vardagen. s. 73-129. Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum.
40. Andersson, R., 2002, Egenföretagandets etniska geografi i Sveriges storstadsregioner. I: Invandrares företagande, s. 23-54. I: Marginalisering eller integration. Invandrares företagande i svensk retorik och praktik- en forskarantologi, s. 29-60.
39. Andersson, R., 2002: Response: Some reflections on Housing and Family Well-Being. Housing Studies,Vol. 17, 27-31.
38. Andersson, R., 2001: The Swedish Area-based Urban Strategy. In: I. Christofersson (ed) Swedish Planning in Times of Diversity, pp. 11-15. Gävle: Plan, The Swedish Society for Town and Country Planning.
37. Andersson, R., 2001: Boende, integration och segregation. I: Anna Holmgren (red.) Integration och segregation - i teori och praktik, s.16-27. LO Idédebatts skriftserie nr 2. Stockholm: Landsorganisationen i Sverige.
36. Andersson, R., 2001: The Swedish area-based urban strategy some critical remarks. Chapter in the "Urban Futures" conference volume. Stockholm: Office of Metropolitan Affairs, Ministry of industry, communication and energy.
35. Andersson, R., 2001: Att styra och följa utvecklingen i storstadsregioner reflektioner om strategier, instrument och indikatorer. Paper presenterat vid Storstadsdelegationens februarikonferens om storstadsarbetet, Lidingö, 2001-02-21.
34. Andersson, R., 2001: Skapandet av svenskglesa bostadsområden. I: Lena Magnusson (red.) Den delade staden, s.115-153. Umeå: Boréa.
33. Andersson, R., 2001: Spaces of Socialisation and Social Network Competition
- a study of neighbourhood effects in Stockholm, Sweden. Hans Thor Andersen and Ronald van Kempen (eds), Social exclusion, social fragmentation and urban governance pp. 149-188. Aldershot: Ashgate.
32. Andersson, R. & van der Burgt, D., 2001: Segregationens konsekvenser en forskningsöversikt för Social Rapport 2001. To be published by EPC/Socialstyrelsen (Board of Health and Social Affairs).
31. Andersson, R., 2001: Ethnic Housing Segregation and urban policy development in Stockholm, Sweden. In: K. Døsen & I. Molina (eds) Divided Cities: Best Practices for the Social Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities in Local Communities, pp. 35-66. Umeå: Partnerskap för Multietnisk integration 5/00.
30. Andersson, R. and Solid, D., 2003: Dispersal policies in Sweden. In Vaughan Robinson, Roger Andersson and Sako Musterd, Spreading the 'burden' ? A review of policies to disperse asylum seekers and refugees. pp.65 - 102 Bristol: Policy Press.
29. Andersson, R. & Palander, C., 2002: National and city contexts, urban development programmes, and neighbourhood selections: The Swedish background report for the research project Urban development programmes, urban governance, social inclusion & sustainability. In J. Vranken, P. De Decker & I. Van Nieuwenhuyze (Eds.) Urban Governance, Social Inclusion and Sustainability. National Context Reports. Antwerpen-Apeldoorn: Garant.
28. Andersson, R., 2000: Befolkningens rörlighet i ett geografiskt pespektiv. I: Göran Graninger, Gösta Blücher och Louise Nyström (red.) Vi flytt nu. Om befolkningsflyttningarna i Sverige, s. 45-59. Stiftelsen Vadstena Forum för samhällsbyggande. Skrift XIV 2000.
27. Andersson, R., 2000: Social science research, segregation and politics in urban Sweden. Paper for the Unesco-conference Social Science and Governance, Zeist, The Netherlands, March 20-21 2000.
26. Andersson, R., 2000: Vem bor var och varför? Invandrare & Minoriteter 2000 no 3, 14-18.
25. Andersson, R., 2000: Etnisk och socioekonomisk segregation i Sverige 1990-1998. SOU 2000:37, Arbetsmarknad, Demografi och Segregation. Stockholm: Fritzes Offentliga Publikationer, pp 223-266.
24. Andersson, R., 2000, 'Karriärernas geografi', in S.Berger (ed.) Nya Samhällets Geografi, s 105-131. Uppsala: Uppsala Publishing House.
23. Andersson, R., 2000: Varför flyttar man? Hemort Sverige, Norrköping: Board of Integration, pp. 50-65.
22. Andersson, R., 2000: Segregerande urbanisering? Geografisk rörlighet i Sveriges storstadsregioner. Hemort Sverige, Norrköping: Board of Integration, pp. 149-182.
21.Andersson, R., 2000: Rörligheten och de utsatta bostadsområdena. Hemort Sverige, Norrköping: Board of Integration, pp. 197-225.
20. Andersson, R. & Lundmark, M., 1999: Invandrare och offentlig sektor. En kartläggning av utlandsföddas positioner inom storstadsregionernasfrån Kulturgeografiska institutionen nr 335, Uppsala universitet.
19. Andersson, R., 1999, 'Segregationens Sverige. I: SOU 1999: 8, Invandrarskap och medborgarskap,. Stockholm: Fakta Info Direkt, pp. 11-31
18. Andersson, R., 1999: "Divided cities" as a Policy-based Notion in Sweden. Housing Studies, Vol. 14, No. 5, 601-624.
17. Andersson, R., 1998: Socio-spatial dynamics: Ethnic divisions of mobility and housing in Post-Palme Sweden. Urban Studies, Vol. 35, No. 3, 397-428.
16. Andersson, R., 1998: Swedish welfarism A model in question? In: T. Unwin (ed.) A European Geography, London: Longman, pp. 262-4.
15. Andersson, R., 1998: Segregering, segmentering och socio-ekonomisk polarisering. Stockholmsregionen och sysselsättningskrisen 1990-95. Partnerskap för Multietnisk Integration, Rapport nr. 2, Sociologiska institutionen, Umeå universitet.
14. Andersson, R., 1998: Botkyrka en statistisk analys av boendesegregation samt social och geografisk rörlighet i ett etniskt perspektiv. Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt Centrum.
13. Andersson, R., 1998: Förstudie Nationell utvärdering av statens insatser i invandrartäta bostadsområden. Från projekt till process. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet/Inrikesdepartmentet.
12. Andersson, R., 1997: Svenskglesa bostadsområden. Invandrare & Minoriteter 1997 no 2, pp. 19-24.
11. Andersson, R., 1997: Invandrarnas rörlighet. Hela Sverigestrategins sekundäreffekter i ett socialgeografiskt perspektiv. Stiftelsen Riksbankens jubileumsfond. Årsredovisning 1996, pp. 35-46.
10. Andersson, R., 1997: "Bo i skilda världar" In: Mångfald och ursprung. Norrköping: Statens Invandrarverk, pp. 96-107.
9.Reflexioner. In SOU 1996:151 Bidrag genom arbete - en antologi, pp. 409-428.
8. Andersson, R. & Molina, I., 1996: Etnisk boendesegregation i teori och praktik. SOU 1996:55, Vägar in i Sverige, Stockholm: Fritzes Offentliga Publikationer. pp. 155-204.
7. Andersson, R., 1996: The Geographical and Social Mobility of Immigrants: Escalator Regions in Sweden from an Ethnic Perspective.Geografiska Annaler B, 1996:1, pp. 3-25.
6. Andersson, R., 1994: Kulturell friktion. Konfliktkälla och förnyelsekraft i en integrerad ekonomi. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. 195 s. (with E. Ekstedt, R. Henning, N. Elvander, M. Forsgren, A. Malmberg & L. Norgren).
5. Andersson, R., 1993: Immigration Policy and the Geography of Ethnic Integration in Sweden. Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift no. 16, pp. 14-29.
4. Andersson, R. & Tesfahuney, M., 1993: The Geographical and Social Mobility of Immigrants - the Impacts of the Whole of Sweden Strategy. Arbetsrapport nr 28 från Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet.
3. Andersson, R. & Thelander, M., 1993: Internal Migration, Biography Formation, and Linguistic Change. I: Bengt Nordberg (red) The Socio-Linguistics of Urbanization - The case of the Nordic Countries. Berlin och New York: Walter de Gruyter.
2. Andersson, R., Molina, I. & Sandberg, A., 1992: Social geografi och etniska relationer i Sverige. Forskningsrapport nr 103 från Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet.
1. Andersson, R., 1987: Den svenska urbaniseringen. Kontextualisering av begrepp och processer. Geografiska regionstudier nr 18, Kulturgeografiska inst., Uppsala universitet.
Publications 1977-1991
Andersson, R. 1977, Inpendlingen till Flens kommun. C-uppsats i kulturgeografi. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R. 1977, Urbanisering och befolkningsomflyttning - två regionstudier inför en språksociologisk undersökning. FUMS rapport nr 58, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R. 1978, En analys av rampopulationen för långdistansflyttarna inom projektet "Urbaniseringen speglad i språket". FUMS rapport nr 63,Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R. 1979, Födelseortsfält och bosättningsmönster - en studie av norra Västerbotten och nordvästra Södermanland. FUMS rapport nr 78, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Berger, S., Haraldsson, K., 1980, Oljerelaterad utveckling. En samhällsgeografisk studie av Moray Firth-området i norra Skottland. Forskningsrapport nr 64 från Kulturgeografiska inst., Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R. 1980, Plats, identitet och förändring. Om att sätta identiteten på plats. FUMS rapport nr 82, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Berger, S., Bohlin, M., Forsberg, G., Öhman, J., 1981, Kommunala beroendeförhållanden. Ett samhällsgeografiskt forskningsprogram om näringslivsförändring och kommunal planering. Forskningsrapporter från kulturgeografiska institutionen nr 67, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R. 1981, Människans plats. I: Tvärsnitt 1981:3. Stockholm.
Andersson, R., Berger, S., Öhman, J., 1981, Om territorium, resurser och funktion. Artikel för Nordiskt symposium i kritisk samhällsgeografi i sept. 1981 i Hyytiälä, Finland.
Andersson, R. 1982, Urbaniseringen. En diskussion av nivåer, traditioner och nyare teoribildning. Forskningsrapporter från kulturgeografiska institutionen nr 73. Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Lundmark, M., Malmberg, A., 1983, Mot en ny regional industristruktur? Forskningsrapporter från kulturgeografiska inst. nr 80, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Lundmark, M., Malmberg, A., 1983, Mot en ny (?) regional industristruktur. I: ERU-rapport nr 31.
Andersson, R., Lundmark, M., Malmberg, A., 1983, Myten om ett trendbrott. Industrisysselsättningens regionala utveckling i ett historiskt perspektiv. Paper presenterat vid Nordiskt symposium för kritisk samhällsgeografi i Göteborg.
Andersson, R., Lundmark, M., Malmberg, A., 1983, Shifts and Myths. A Regional Perspective on Swedish Manufacturing Industry 1870-1980. Stencil kulturgeografiska inst., Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., 1983, Om social och territoriell förankring. I: Styrelsen för Uppsala högskoleregion Rapport nr 1 1983/84: Identitet och invandrarforskning, Uppsala.
Andersson, R., 1984, Flyttningar och sociala relationer. Urbana och rurala levnadshistorier i ett komparativt perspektiv. Forskningsrapport från kulturgeografiska institutionen nr 87 samt FUMS rapport nr 118, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., 1984, Om platsrelationer i samband med migration. En kort diskussion av exilmigranter, återbesökare och återvändare. Uppsats till minisymposium 1984-11-16, Kulturgeografiska inst., Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Öhman, J., 1985, Mot en territoriell ekonomi? I: Geografiska Regionstudier nr 15, Kulturgeografiska inst., Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Bill, E., 1985, Samhällsvetarlinjen i Uppsala. Ett försök till utvärdering av studenternas studieresultat och erfarenheter. Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., 1985, Wedinoon-regionen: resurser, befolkning och verksamheter. I: Tradition och förändring i sydvästra Marocko. Fältkursrapport Geografiska institutionerna, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., 1986, Likhet, närhet och identitet i en svensk stad. Studier av social interaktion och kulturella konflikter. Kulturgeografiska inst. och Centrum för multietnisk forskning, stencil, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Berger, S., Haraldsson, K., Lundmark, M., Malmberg, A., Öhman, J., 1987, Maktutbredningen. Om resurser och beroenden i Sveriges kommuner. Uppsala.
Andersson, R., 1987, Den svenska urbaniseringen. Kontextualisering av begrepp och processer. Geografiska Regionstudier nr 18 (Akad.avh.), Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., 1988, Territoriell förankring i förändring. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet, PM (stencil).
Andersson, R., 1988, Ljuset kommer från staden. (Recension av Jane Jacobs’ bok ‘Cities and the Wealth of Nations’). I: Tiden 1988:4.
Andersson, R., Malmberg, A. (red.), 1988, Regional struktur och industriella strategier i Norden. Nordrefo och Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift.
Andersson, R., 1988, Vem tjänar på industrispridningen? Om sociala och politiska konsekvenser. I: R. Andersson & A. Malmberg (red) 1988, s.173-186.
Andersson, R., Haraldsson, K., 1988, Geografiskt fokus och proto-industriell locus. Om regionen och regionbegreppet i analyser av industrialiseringsprocessen. I: Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift nr 16: Protoindustrialiseringen i Sverige (red. Maths Isacson och Lars Magnusson). s.93-109.
Andersson, R. (red.), 1989, Glimpses of Contemporary Britain. A Fieldtrip Report on Thatcherism and socio-spatial restructuring. Introduction. Fältkursrapporter från Geografiska institutionen i Uppsala nr 3 1989.
Andersson, R., 1989, Gårdagens urbanisering, nutidens agglomeration och framtidens urbana nät. Några nedslag i teori och praktik. Föreläsning för kursen "Planering i samhälle under förändring", Uppsala 1989-11-09. Stencil Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., 1989, Löntagarfondernas geografi i retorik, teori och praktik. Forskningsrapport från kulturgeografiska institutionen nr 98, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Malmberg, A., 1990, Internationalisering och regional arbetsdelning - projektbeskrivning. Rapport från forskningsprogrammet Internationaliseringen, företagen och det lokala samhället nr 2, FArådet, Stockholm.
Andersson, R., 1990, Professionella omvärldsbilder och internationella relationer i privat och offentlig tjänst. Uppsats presenterad vid Statens industriverks seminarium "Internationell kringsyn", Sigtuna 1990-10-03--04, publicerad som Rapport från forskningsprogrammet Internationaliseringen, företagen och det lokala samhället nr 5, FArådet, Stockholm.
Andersson, R., 1990, Kontext och praktik i ett geografiskt perspektiv. Forskningsram för projektet "Vardagslivets internationalisering", FArådet, Stockholm. (stencil)
Andersson, R., 1991, Samhällets geografi och individens biografi. I: Samhällets geografi (red. Sune Berger), Nordisk samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift, Uppsala.
Andersson, R. Sandberg, A., 1991, Förslag till yttrande över SOU 1991:1 Flykting- och immigrationspolitiken, Uppsala universitet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsstyrelsen, Uppsala universitet.
Andersson, R., Ekstedt, E., Henning, R., Malmberg, A., 1991, Internationalisering, företagen och det lokala samhället, Stockholm: SNS förlag.
Andersson, R., 1991, Internationalization, Senses of Community, and Politics. Paper presented at the Conference Growing into the future. An International Symposium, Hässelby Castle 22-23 okt 1991.
Andersson, R., 1991, Internationalization, Individualization, and Senses of Community. Some notes on Swedish politics, and outlines of a research project. Rapport från forskningsprogrammet Internationaliseringen, företagen och det lokala samhället nr 17, FArådet, Stockholm.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Läs mer om mina forskningsprojekt: Den demografiska segregationens bestämningsfaktorer och dynamik
Recent publications
- Daily Mobility Patterns (2021)
- Reflection on Segregation and Integration (2019)
- Grannskapseffekter och politik och planering för minskad segregation (2019)
- Port-of-Entry Neighbourhood and its Effects on the Economic Success of Refugees in Sweden (2019)
- Neighbourhood Effects on Social Mobility (2019)
All publications
- Daily Mobility Patterns (2021)
- Port-of-Entry Neighbourhood and its Effects on the Economic Success of Refugees in Sweden (2019)
- Flyktingmottagandets geografi (2017)
- Natives' opinions on ethnic residential segregation and neighbourhood diversity in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm (2017)
- Spatial Integration of Immigrants in Nordic Cities (2017)
- The impact of housing policies and housing markets on ethnic spatial segregation (2016)
- Economic decline and residential segregation (2016)
- Neighborhood Social Mix And Adults' Income Trajectories (2016)
- Exploring social and geographical trajectories of Latin Americans in Sweden (2015)
- Are Males' Incomes Influenced by the Income Mix of Their Male Neighbors? (2015)
- Housing, Contexts, and the Well-Being of Children and Youth (2014)
- Segregation, gentrification, and residualisation (2014)
- Neighbourhood Ethnic Composition and Employment Effects on Immigrant Incomes (2014)
- Reproducing and reshaping ethnic residential segregation in Stockholm (2013)
- Neighbourhood Ethnic Composition and Employment Effect on Immigrant Incomes (2013)
- Temporal dimensions and the measurement of neighbourhood effects (2012)
- Counteracting segregation (2010)
- What scale matters? (2010)
- Who leaves rental housing? (2010)
- Who Is Affected by Neighbourhood Income Mix? (2010)
- Recension av Rickard Perssons avhandling: Segregation, Education and Space - a case study of Malmö (2009)
- The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related ethnicity in Europe (2009)
- Neighbourhood Effects and the Welfare State. Towards a European research agenda? (2008)
- Does Neighborhood Income Mix Affect Earnings of Adults? (2008)
- Are immigrants' earnings influenced by the characteristics of their neighbours? (2008)
- Vem bor du granne med? (Who's your neighbour?) (2007)
- What mix matters? (2007)
- Breaking Segregation - Rhetorical Construct or Effective Policy? (2006)
- Employment, Social Mobility and Neighbourhood Effects in Sweden (2006)
- Integration, migration och geografisk politik - reflektioner kring den svenska storstadspolitiken (Integration, migration and geographical politics. Reflexions on the Swedish metropolitan policy) (2005)
- Segregerad flyttkarusell (Segregation and selective migration) (2005)
- Area-based Policies (2005)
- Housing Mix, Social Mix and Social Opportunities (2005)
- Does Welfare Reduce Segregation?
- Mångfaldens dilemman (2015)
- Mångfaldens dilemman (2015)
- Måste man ha tur? (2007)
- Kulturell friktion (1995)
- Reflection on Segregation and Integration (2019)
- Neighbourhood Effects on Social Mobility (2019)
- The Stockholm Estates (2018)
- Flyktingmottagandets geografi (2015)
- Widening gaps (2015)
- Boendesegregation och områdespolitik – en introduktion (2015)
- Etnisk segregation och inkomstsegregation i Sveriges tio största arbetsmarknadsregioner 1990–2010 (2015)
- Medborgarskap och integrationspolitik – en introduktion (2015)
- Understanding Variation in the Size of the Public Housing Sector Across Swedish Municipalities (2014)
- Understanding Variation in the Size of the Public Housing Sector Across Swedish Municipalities (2014)
- Understanding Ethnic Minorities' Settlemant and Geographical Mobility Patterns in Sweden Using Longitudinal Data (2012)
- Boendesegregation och grannskapseffekter (2009)
- Svensk IMER-forskning (2009)
- Skapandet av svenskglesa bostadsområden (2008)
- Immigrant Stockholm - Some Reflections on Ethnic Residential Segregation and Urban Policy (2007)
- Boende och segregation (Housing and segregation) (2007)
- Boendesegregation - än sen då? (2007)
- Ethnic Residential Segregation and Integration Processes in Sweden (2007)
- Ungdomarna och bostadsmarknaden - en enkätbaserad analys av ungdomars erfarenhet av och situation på bostadsmarknaden i större städer (The youth and public housing - a study of directives and rules regulating public housing companies in Sweden) (2007)
- Någonstans att bo (2007)
- Ungdomarna och allmännyttan - en kartläggning av kommunernas ägardirektiv och bostadsföretagens regler för tilldelning och uthyrning av lägenheter (Youth and Public Housing - a study of directives and rules regulating public housing companies) (2007)
- Social mix and and social perspectives in post-war housing estates (2005)
- Who leaves Sweden’s large housing estates? (2005)
- National and city contexts, urban development programmes, and neighbourhood selections: The Swedish background report for the research project Urban development programmes, urban governance, social inclusion & sustainability (2002)
- Spaces of Socialisation and Social Network Competition (2001)
- Segregerande urbanisering? Geografisk rörlighet i Sveriges storstadsregioner. (Urbanisation, Segregation and Geographical Mobility in Sweden's Metropolitan Regions.) (2000)
- Internal migration, biography formation, and linguistic change (1994)
- Natives' experiences of and opinions on ethnic residential segregation in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm (2015)
- Return migration, Neighbourhood change and Family ties (2015)
- Springboard or Flypaper? Port-of-Entry Neighbourhood and the Economic Success of Refugees in Sweden (2014)
- Does residential mobility lead to socio-spatial mixing or increasing social sorting in the inner city of Stockholm? (2014)
- The Importance of Housing Policy and Housing Markets for Ethnic Segregation in Four Nordic Welfare States (2013)
- Reproducing and reshaping ethnic segregation in Stockholm (2013)
- Natives' experiences of and opinions on ethnic residential segregation in Hesinki, Oslo and Stockholm (2013)
- Neighbourhood ethnic composition effects on immigrant incomes (2013)
- Natives' experiences of and opinions on ethnic residential segregation in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm (2013)
- The role of the school for residential mobility and ethnic residential segregation in the Nordic capital regions (2013)
- Spatial integration of immigrants in Nordic cities (2013)
- Understanding variation in the size of the public housing sector across Swedish municipalities (2012)
- Reproducing and reshaping ethnic residential segregation in Stockholm (2012)
- How the majority populations explain and view ethnic residential segregation in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm (2012)
- Preliminary results from a Nordic comparative project concerning welfare states, segregation and integration processes (2011)
- Using Nordic register-based data sets in the analysis of housing careers of immigrants (2011)
- Understanding ethnic minorities' settlement and geographical mobility patterns in Sweden using longitudinal data (2011)
- Neighbourhood ethnic composition effects on immigrant incomes (2011)
- Segregation, gentrification, and residualisation (2011)
- Temporal Dimensions and the Measurement of Neighbourhood Effects (2011)
- Neighbourhood ethnic compositon effects on immigrant incomes (2010)
- Neighbourhood ethnic composition effects on immigrant incomes (2010)
- Counteracting segregation (2009)
- Workshop presentation (2008)
- Immigrants, Housing and Integration (2008)
- Clustered, Trapped and Excluded? Exploring immigrants' social and geographical trajectories in Sweden 1990-2006 (2008)
- Exploring social and geographical trajectories of Latin Americans in Sweden (2008)
- Neighbourhood Effects and the Welfare State. (2007)
- Measuring the impact of desegregation policy - Swedish experiences (2007)
- Who moves to home ownership? Examining possible explanations to ethnic housing segmentation in Uppsala, Sweden (2007)
- Immigration, segregation and urban change (2006)
- Ethnic segregation and integration processes in Sweden (2006)
- Clustered, Trapped and Excluded? Exploring immigrants' social and geographical trajectories in Sweden 1990-2004 (2006)
- What Scale Matters? Exploring the relationships between individuals' social position, neighbourhood context and the scale of neighbourhood (2006)
- Congregation, flight and avoidance - understanding settlement patterns and strategies of immigrants and natives in Amsterdam and Stockholm (2005)
- Segregation, integration, planning and construction (2005)
- What neighbourhood social mix in Amsterdam? Why? How achieve it? (2005)
- What Mix Matters? (2005)
- Are Ethnic Enclaves good or bad? Exploring the relationsship between individuals' incomes and the immigrant character of their neighbourhood (2005)
- Urban Governance as an Interplay between Central State, Local Government and the Citizens - Lessons from the Metropolitan Development Initiative in Sweden (2003)
- Why a selective urban policy in a welfare state? (2001)
- Ethnic Housing Segregation and urban policy development in Stockholm, Sweden (1999)
- Grannskapseffekter och politik och planering för minskad segregation (2019)
- Migration och segregation – några reflektioner om dilemman och utmaningar (2017)
- Segregation. Vad menas och hur mäts den? (2017)
- Hur kan markpolitik och planering påverka segregation och social hållbarhet? (2016)
- Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states (2010)
- Contextualising ethnic residential segregation in Sweden (2010)
- Fattiga och rika - segregerad stad. (2009)
- Inflyttningen till stockholmsregionen 1994-2006 i ett etniskt perspektiv. (2008)
- Segregation och segmentation på bostadsmarknaden - Exemplet Malmöregionen (Segregation and segmentation in the housing market - The Malmö example) (2008)
- Socioekonomiska och demografiska konsekvenser av ombildningen av hyresrätter till bostadsrätter i Stockholms stad 1996-2004 (2008)
- Planering för minskad boendesegregation (Planning strategies for combatting residential segregation) (2007)
- Segregationens dynamik och planeringens möjligheter (Segregation dynamics and planning. A study of the housing market and mobility in the Malmö region) (2007)
- Residential Segregation and Immigrant Clustering Patterns in Europe: Spatial Evidence from Paris, Amsterdam, and Stockholm (2007)
- Bostadsmarknadens institutioner och grindvakter i den etniskt segmenterade staden - exemplen Stockholm och Uppsala (Ethnic segmentation in the housing markets of Stockholm and Uppsala: the role of institutions and gatekeepers) (2006)
- Ungdomarna och allmännyttan- (Youth and Public Housing - a study on owner directives, rules and practices concerning allocation of rental units) (2006)
- Large Housing Estates in Stockholm and Jönköping, Sweden (2005)
- The Swedish Cross-evaluation report (2002)
- National report on the evaluation of Urban Development Programmes in Sweden (2002)