Björgvin Hjörvarsson
Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Materials Physics
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Short presentation
Björgvin Hjörvarsson is a professor in physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He has an extensive expertise on low dimensional aspects of phase transitions, especially within the fields of magnetism and hydrogen in metals. Hjörvarsson is the PI of the Super ADAM project, which currently is the only Swedish neutron facility serving the scientific community. He is an elected member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Sciences.
- 3d-printing
- additive manufacturing
- hydrogen in metals
- low dimensional magnetism
- neutrons
- scattering
Professional preparation Uppsala University, BS in physics, 1985, Ph. D. In Nuclear Solid State Physics, 1990, Metal-hydrogen interactions studied by nuclear techniques. Supervisor, Erik B. Karlsson. CNRS Lyon, Postdoc. 1990-91, CEN, Grenoble, Postdoc, 1991, Docent at UU (1994)
Appointments (after Ph.D.) Researcher, at UU, 1992-94, Lecturer at UU (1994-97), Senior Lecturer (faculty) at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 1997, Appointed professor in Physics, KTH 2000, professor in Physics at Uppsala University, 2001, guest professor in Physics, KTH 2001-03, Honorary Senior Research Associate, Dept of Chemistry, Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences, UCL, UK, 2011-.
Supervision of graduate students and hosting senior scientists Supervised 27 students to Ph.D. degree, 1 licenciate, currently supervising 9 PhD students. Hosted more than 30 guest professors and postdocs. Supervise 2-3 master students annually.
Broad working experience More than 1000 days registered at sea (skipper certificate, 30 NRT), carpenter, car repairs, truck driver (A, B, C, D, BE, CE, DE licence).
Commissions of trust (selection) Head of the materials physics division at Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University (-2024). Elected member of the Royal Academy of Sciences (KVA). Elected member of the Royal Society of Sciences (Uppsala). Elected member of ESS SAC (2014-). Member of ”beredningsgruppen” in engineering sciences at TFR & VR(98-00, 04, 06-07, 14), RFI (11-14), STINT(2007-), Center for Nanotechnology (09-), Svenska Institutet (10-) member of the peer review panel of the Danish Council for Strategic Research (09-), DOE (03-09), ERC expert (11-), EU expert (11-), member of the expert group for the New Eurasia Foundation, as well as evaluator for the research boards in Norway, Holland, Denmark, Chile, Iceland and USA. IEA Expert. Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports (Nature publishing group) Chair of the CAI board (Centre for Accelerator and Instrumentation, (07-12) Member of the board of Micro structural Laboratory (MSL, 07-08), Member of the DOE reference group on H storage 2003 (nano). Elected member of the board of electors for the national research council (2006). Chair of a master program at UU (06-10) Editor for "Vakuum Nytt" 1992-1994. Secretary, Vice President, President Elect and Past President of the Swedish Vacuum Society. Opponent in > 5 licenciate thesis, 10 Ph D thesis, > 18 Ph.D. juries, external evaluator for the first graduate student in Iceland, within physics. Member of the Steering Committee of the International Symposium on Metal Hydrogen Systems and International Symposium for Metallic multilayers (MML). Member (secretary) of the organizing committee for EVC-4 (European vacuum Conference), held in Uppsala June 1994. Member of the organizing committee for MH-2008, hosted by the nordic countries in Iceland. Co-chairman (with L. Westerberg) of an IUVSTA workshop “Outgassing properties of materials: The kinetics and thermodynamics of adsorption, desorption and passivation” March 1997. Organizer (& chairman) of TMR workshops, Stockholm Mars, 1999 and in Iceland September 2001. Chairman of the International symposium on hydrogen in matter (2005) Elected Scientific member of the Böhmische Physical Society (Cornell, USA). Evaluator for appointment of lecturers and professor positions in England, Germany, Sweden and Iceland. Chairman of a NORDITA program on the influence of confinement on phase transitions (2010). Initiated and organised a number of summer schools (low dimensional magnetism, hydrogen in matter, and and x-ray scattering). Chair /Co-Chair (alternating) for a Swedish-German summer school (with Hartmut Zabel) 2007-2014. Chairman of MML 2016 (Uppsala).
Awards Vattenfalls Energistipendium (State Power Board energy-scholarship) 1985 Liljewalchs scholarship, 1989. "Good-Guy" Award from the local physical society "Fysiska Sällskapet", 1990. Post Doctoral scholarship from STU (The Swedish National Board for Technical Development), for research at IPNL, Lyon, and CEN Grenoble (1990-1991). “Idée” award from Uppsala University, 1995. The Royal Society of Sciences of Uppsala (Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societen) Benzelius award, 1995. Letterstedtska award from the Royal Swedish academy of sciences, 2003
Other relevant qualifications (selection) Invited speaker (personally >>100) at International conferences APS, MRS, MML, AVS, HM, Royal society (UK) and colloquium at universities and research facilities such as Oxford, ETH, Halle, Bochum, Leeds, TUM, Vrijee, NIST, Göttingen, at the Swedish parliament, theological meeting, as well at companies such as Philips, ABB, Össur etc. Besides these, I have given a number of invited talks as a part of the vivid outreaching efforts (Schools etc). >> 250 published scientific articles (>>20 letters, PRL, APL, JoP, PNAS, Nature ..), 4 chapters in books, number of highlights (ESRF, ILL, IOP, ..), invited review articles, co-editor of a book on hydrogen in matter. 7 patents. Initiated and responsible for the Swedish infrastructure on neutron scattering (national facility, Super ADAM at ILL, Grenoble). Consulting: AGEMA, Sweden., Joint Research Centre, Geel, Belgium, CCM instruments (Inficon), AMACC AB, Spintronics AB, ABB, Västerås, Sweden, Superfarad AB, CELSIUS project (UU), DOE and GE. Initiated and responsible for seminars of philosophical character and initialised a course entitled "Philosophy for Physicists" as well as number of more traditional courses within condensed matter physics. Vivid outreaching, see for example the video on neutrons (director, producer & storyline): and the video for “Melting artificial spin ice” (director, producer, speaker, music and storyline):
Appointments as reviewer for international journals and books Nature (editor), Referee for Europhysics Letters, Nuclear Instr. and Methods, Vacuum, Thin Solid Films, journal of catalysis Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Letters and Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Previously member of the editorial board for Superlattices and Microstructures and the Brazilian Journal of Vacuum applications
Research achievements and interests I have initiated and build up a significant competence within the field of magnetism and hydrogen in metals. These fields cover a wide range of basic and applied activities and are based on the exploration of the influence of confinement on ordering. This activity has generated high level of competence as well as instrumentation at Department of Physics and Astronomy. The current emphasis is on finite size effects on structural and magnetic ordering, Additive Manufacturing and energy storage and energy transformation. The activity is heavily based on national and international collaborations within experimental, as well as theoretical physics and engineering sciences. The success of the research program I am heading is well judged from the number and location of invited talks and publications.
For information abut the research activities at the materials physics, see:
For a list of publications etc, see:
Recent publications
- Stress related magnetic imaging of iron-based metallic glass produced with laser beam powder bed fusion (2024)
- Effect of iron layer thickness on the interlayer exchange coupling in Fe/MgO (001) superlattices (2024)
- Boundary-induced phase in epitaxial iron layers (2024)
- Single scan STEM-EMCD in 3-beam orientation using a quadruple aperture (2023)
- Nanoscale clustering in an additively manufactured Zr-based metallic glass evaluated by atom probe tomography (2023)
All publications
- Stress related magnetic imaging of iron-based metallic glass produced with laser beam powder bed fusion (2024)
- Effect of iron layer thickness on the interlayer exchange coupling in Fe/MgO (001) superlattices (2024)
- Boundary-induced phase in epitaxial iron layers (2024)
- Single scan STEM-EMCD in 3-beam orientation using a quadruple aperture (2023)
- Nanoscale clustering in an additively manufactured Zr-based metallic glass evaluated by atom probe tomography (2023)
- Reactive metal additive manufacturing (2023)
- Emergent tricriticality in magnetic metamaterials (2023)
- Thermal excitations within and among mesospins in artificial spin ice (2023)
- Steering light with magnetic textures (2022)
- Influence of deuterium-induced volume changes on optical transmission in Fe/V (001) and Cr/V (001) superlattices (2022)
- Combinatorial design of amorphous TaNiSiC thin films with enhanced hardness, thermal stability, and corrosion resistance (2022)
- Biocompatibility of a Zr-Based Metallic Glass Enabled by Additive Manufacturing (2022)
- Influence of misfit strain on the physical properties of Fe thin films (2022)
- Texture fluctuations and emergent dynamics in coupled nanomagnets (2022)
- Emergent anisotropy and textures in two dimensional magnetic arrays (2022)
- Finding order in disorder (2022)
- Simultaneous mapping of EMCD signals and crystal orientations in a transmission electron microscope (2021)
- Combined Light and Electron Scattering for Exploring Proximity Effects on Hydrogen Absorption in Vanadium (2021)
- Tuneable exchange-spring stiffness in amorphous magnetic trilayer structures (2021)
- Temperature-induced collapse of spin dimensionality in magnetic metamaterials (2021)
- The effect of confinement on thermal fluctuations in nanomagnets (2021)
- Multiple energy scales in mesospin systems (2021)
- Amorphous exchange-spring magnets with crossed perpendicular and in-plane anisotropies (2021)
- The impact of number of repeats N on the interlayer exchange in [Fe/MgO]N(001) superlattices (2021)
- Atomic resolution energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism measurements enabled by patterned apertures (2020)
- The impact of nanoscale compositional variation on the properties of amorphous alloys (2020)
- Size effect on excess resistivity induced by hydrogen in ultra-thin vanadium systems (2020)
- Development of process parameters for selective laser melting of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (2020)
- The effect of laser scanning strategies on texture, mechanical properties, and site-specific grain orientation in selective laser melted 316L SS (2020)
- Thermal stability and crystallization of a Zr-based metallic glass produced by suction casting and selective laser melting (2020)
- Collective magnetic dynamics in artificial spin ice probed by ac susceptibility (2020)
- Direct observation of magnetic proximity effects in amorphous exchange-spring magnets by neutron reflectometry (2020)
- The influence of diameter on the magnetic saturation in Fe 84 Cu 16 /MgO [001] multilayered islands (2020)
- Towards Quantitative Nanomagnetism in Transmission Electron Microscope by the Use of Patterned Apertures (2019)
- Quantitative EMCD by use of a double aperture for simultaneous acquisition of EELS (2019)
- Collective magnetization dynamics in nanoarrays of thin FePd disks (2019)
- Hard x-ray standing-wave photoemission insights into the structure of an epitaxial Fe/MgO multilayer magnetic tunnel junction (2019)
- Size effect on deuterium behavior in nano-sized vanadium layers (2019)
- The magnetization profile induced by the double magnetic proximity effect in an Fe/Fe0.30V0.70 superlattice (2019)
- Giant magnetic proximity effect in amorphous layered magnets (2019)
- Limitations of the kinematic approximation in neutron reflectivity measurements for the analysis of bilayers (2018)
- On Surface Losses in Direct Metal Laser Sintering Printed Millimeter and Submillimeter Waveguides (2018)
- Sequential magnetic switching in Fe/MgO(001) superlattices (2018)
- Double magnetic proximity in Fe/Fe0.32V0.68 superlattices (2018)
- Hydrogen Concentration in Photovoltaic a-Si:H Annealed at Different Temperatures Measured by Neutron Reflectometry (2018)
- Magnetic anisotropy in permalloy (2018)
- Magnetic order and energy-scale hierarchy in articial spin ice structures (2018)
- Ising-like behaviour of mesoscopic magnetic chains (2018)
- Interaction modifiers in artificial spin ices (2018)
- Crystal perfection by strain engineering (2017)
- Concentration dependence of hydrogen diffusion in clamped vanadium (001) films (2017)
- Diffusion of hydrogen in ultra-thin V(001) layers (2017)
- Experimental observation of hysteresis in a coherent metal-hydride phase transition (2017)
- Finite size effects (2017)
- The influence of site occupancy on diffusion of hydrogen in vanadium (2017)
- Towards sub-nanometer real-space observation of spin and orbital magnetism at the Fe/MgO interface (2017)
- Thermally induced magnetic relaxation in square artificial spin ice (2016)
- A new look on the two-dimensional Ising model (2016)
- Complex and liquid hydrides for energy storage (2016)
- Magnetically driven anisotropic structural changes in the atomic laminate Mn2GaC (2016)
- Long-range magnetic interactions and proximity effects in an amorphous exchange-spring magnet (2016)
- Enhanced magnetocaloric properties of FeZr amorphous films by C ion implantation (2016)
- Discrete Layer-by-Layer Magnetic Switching in Fe/MgO(001) Superlattices (2016)
- Detection of magnetic circular dichroism with subnanometer convergent electron beams (2016)
- Hydrogen in vanadium (2016)
- Arrays of elliptical Fe(001) nanoparticles (2015)
- Effect of uniaxial strain on the site occupancy of hydrogen in vanadium from density-functional calculations (2015)
- Magnetic leverage effects in amorphous SmCo/CoAlZr heterostructures (2015)
- Quantitative analysis of magnetic spin and orbital moments from an oxidized iron (110) surface using electron magnetic circular dichroism (2015)
- Absorption kinetics and hydride formation in magnesium films (2015)
- Magnetic properties of amorphous Fe93Zr7 films (2015)
- Reversed interface effects in amorphous FeZr/AlZr multilayers (2014)
- Thermal transitions in nano-patterned XY-magnets (2014)
- Mechanism of tailored magnetic anisotropy in amorphous Co68Fe24Zr8 thin films (2014)
- Uniaxial anisotropy and its manipulation in amorphous Co68Fe24Zr8 thin films (invited) (2014)
- Proximity effects on dimensionality and magnetic ordering in Pd/Fe/Pd trialyers (2014)
- Thermal fluctuations in artificial spin ice (2014)
- Landau theory for the phase transitions of interstitial hydrogen in strained vanadium (2014)
- Giant magnetic domains in amorphous SmCo thin films (2014)
- Magnetostrictive properties of amorphous SmCo thin films with imprinted anisotropy (2014)
- The effect of microstructure on the hydrogenation of Mg/Fe thin film multilayers (2014)
- Origin of the anomalous temperature dependence of coercivity in soft ferromagnets (2014)
- Strain enhanced magnetic anisotropy in SmCo/BaTiO3 multiferroic heterostructures (2014)
- Antisymmetric magnetoresistance in SmCo5 amorphous films with imprinted in-plane magnetic anisotropy (2014)
- Growth of polycrystalline Ag/Ni multilayers at room temperature (2014)
- Proximity effects on the H absorption in ultra-thin V layers (2014)
- Thermal stability of photovoltaic a-Si:H determined by neutron reflectometry (2014)
- Finite-Size Effects (2014)
- Hysteresis-free switching between vortex and collinear magnetic states (2014)
- Temperature dependence of magnetic properties in weakly exchange coupled Fe/V superlattices (2013)
- Hydrogen induced changes in the optical properties of Pd capped V thin films (2013)
- SuperADAM (2013)
- Magnetic Self-Organized Atomic Laminate from First Principles and Thin Film Synthesis (2013)
- Tunable giant magnetic anisotropy in amorphous SmCo thin films (2013)
- Anisotropic Magnetostriction and Domain Wall Motion in Sm10Co90 Amorphous Films (2013)
- Strain induced changes in magnetization of amorphous Co95Zr5 based multiferroic heterostructures (2013)
- Tailoring magnetism at the nanometer scale in SmCo5 amorphous films (2013)
- Soft Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism of Carbon-Implanted Amorphous Fe93Zr7 Films (2013)
- Nonlocal nonlinear magneto-optical response of a magnetoplasmonic crystal (2013)
- Tuning magnetic properties by hydrogen implantation in amorphous Fe100-xZrx thin films (2013)
- Effect of ferromagnetic proximity on critical behavior (2012)
- Thermalized ground state of artificial kagome spin ice building blocks (2012)
- X-ray resonant magnetic scattering from patterned multilayers (2012)
- Temperature-and hydrogen-induced changes in the optical properties of Pd capped V thin films (2012)
- Prediction and Hydrogen Acceleration of Ordering in Iron-Vanadium Alloys (2012)
- Density, elastic and magnetic properties of Co–Fe–Ta–Si metallic glasses by theory and experiment (2012)
- Melting artificial spin ice (2012)
- Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity and electronic structure of amorphous Fe100-xZrx films and multilayers (2012)
- Finite-size effects in amorphous Fe90Zr10/Al75Zr25 multilayers (2012)
- Influence of the magnetic field on the plasmonic properties of transparent Ni anti-dot arrays (2012)
- Using light transmission to watch hydrogen diffuse (2012)
- Hydrogen site occupancy and strength of forces in nanosized metal hydrides (2012)
- Hydrogen distribution in Nb/Ta superlattices (2012)
- Two-dimensional XY-like amorphous Co68Fe24Zr8/Al70Zr30 multilayers (2011)
- Saturated ablation in metal hydrides and acceleration of protons and deuterons to keV energies with a soft-x-ray laser (2011)
- Tailored magnetic anisotropy in an amorphous trilayer (2011)
- Ab-initio molecular dynamics model for density, elastic properties and short range order of Co-Fe-Ta-B metallic glass thin films (2011)
- TOF-OFF (2011)
- Violation of Hund’s third rule in structurally disordered ferromagnets (2011)
- Violation of Hund's third rule in structurally disordered ferromagnets (2011)
- Experimental realization of amorphous two-dimensional XY magnets (2011)
- Surface plasmons and magneto-optic activity in hexagonal Ni anti-dot arrays (2011)
- Influence of plural scattering on the quantitative determination of spin and orbital moments in electron magnetic chiral dichroism measurements (2011)
- Atomic and electronic structure of amorphous Al-Zr alloy films (2011)
- Influence of boundaries on magnetic ordering in Fe/V superlattices (2010)
- Magnetic structure and diffracted magneto-optics of patterned amorphous multilayers (2010)
- Mg/Ti multilayers (2010)
- Magnon softening in a ferromagnetic monolayer (2010)
- Hydrogen-vanadium system in thin films (2010)
- Significance of self-trapping on hydrogen diffusion (2010)
- Tunneling and charging effects in discontinuous superparamagnetic Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 multilayers (2010)
- Highly amorphous Fe90Zr10 thin films, and the influence of crystallites on the magnetism (2010)
- Structural and magnetic properties of Co68Fe24Zr8/Al2O3 multilayers (2010)
- Reciprocal and real space maps for EMCD experiments (2010)
- Dimensionality and confinement effects in delta-doped Pd(Fe) layers (2010)
- Combined light and electron scattering for exploring hydrogen in thin metallic films (2010)
- Deuterium-induced volume expansion in Fe0.5V0.5/V superlattices (2010)
- Influence of Titanium and Vanadium on the Hydrogen transport through amorphous alumina films (2010)
- Quantitative magnetic measurements with transmission electron microscope (2010)
- Structural stability and oxidation resistance of amorphous Zr-Al alloys (2010)
- Influence of the range of interactions in thin magnetic structures (2010)
- Influence of Vanadium spin-polarization on the dissolution of Hydrogen in Vanadium (2009)
- Competing anisotropies in bcc Fe81Ni19/Co(001) superlattices (2009)
- Spin and orbital moment in amorphous Co68Fe24Zr8 layers (2009)
- Fine-tuning of the spin-density-wave state in Cr/V heterostructures via hydrogen uptake (2009)
- Quantitative magnetic information from reciprocal space maps in transmission electron microscopy (2009)
- The influence of interlayer exchange coupling on the magnetic ordering in Fe/V superlattices (2009)
- The influence of the distribution of the inherent ordering temperature on the ordering in layered magnets (2009)
- Imprinting layer specific magnetic anisotropies in amorphous multilayers (2009)
- Transition from spin-density-wave to layered antiferromagnetic state induced by hydrogen as a test for the origin of spin-density waves in chromium (2009)
- Effects of strain on magnetic anisotropy in Fe and Co based heterostructures (2008)
- Magnetic anisotropy and evolution of ground-state domain structures in bcc Fe81Ni19/Co(001) superlattices (2008)
- Artificial helix nanomagnets (2008)
- Magnetic force microscopy of helical states in multilayer nanomagnets (2008)
- Oxidation of epitaxial Y(0001) films (2008)
- Temperature dependence of the magnetic interlayer ordering in Fe(3)/V(14)Hx (001) superlattices (2008)
- The influence of weak links on magnetic ordering in layered structures (2008)
- Modern growth problems and growth techniques (2008)
- Stability limits of superlattice growth (2008)
- Superconducting spin valves based on epitaxial Fe/V superlattices (2008)
- Examination of the reliability of X-ray techniques for determining hydrogen-induced volume changes (2008)
- Structural coherence and layer perfection in Fe/MgO multilayers (2008)
- Local atomic structure of Fe-Ni/V multilayer nanostructures (2008)
- The influence of amorphous Al2O3 coating on the hydrogen uptake properties of materials (2008)
- The effect of strain and interfaces on the orbital moment in Fe/V superlattices (2007)
- Reversible structural change and thermodynamic properties of hydrogen in thin vanadium films (2007)
- Magnetic and transport properties of Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 granular multilayers approaching the superparamagnetic limit (2007)
- X-ray scattering from two-dimensionally patterned magnetic thin film nanoscale arrays (2007)
- Resistivity changes in Cr/V(0 0 1) superlattices during hydrogen absorption (2007)
- Experimental study of the feasibility of a spin valve based on superconductor/ferromagnet proximity effect (2007)
- Onset of spin-density-wave antiferromagnetism in Cr/V multilayers (2007)
- Morphology of amorphous Fe91Zr9/Al2O3 multilayers (2007)
- Dimensionality crossover in the induced magnetization of Pd layers (2007)
- Stability of the induced magnetic V moment in Fe/V superlattices upon hydrogen loading (2007)
- Remote control of the Fe magnetic moment in magnetic heterostructures (2007)
- Structural and optical properties of Mgx-1Hy gradient thin films: a combinatorial approach (2006)
- Influence of Hydrogen on Properties of Rare-Earth Hydrides Studied by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering spectroscopy (2006)
- Thermal stability of Fe/Mo layers (2006)
- Hydrogen assisted growth of Fe/V superlattices (2006)
- Competing Exchange Interactions in Magnetic Multilayers (2006)
- Growth and Hydrogen uptake of Mg-Y thin films (2005)
- Proximity effect of vanadium on strain and spin-density waves in thin Cr films (2005)
- Reorientation of spin-density waves in Cr films induced by proximity effect of vanadium (2005)
- Thermal stability of Fe/Mo layers (2005)
- Mean-field-like structural phase transition of H in Fe/V(001) superlattices (2005)
- Effect of biaxial elastic constraints on H-H interactions in ultrathin vanadium (2005)
- Oscillatory exchange coupling in the two-dimensional limit (2005)
- Temperature dependent magnetization and susceptibility of Fen/V7 superlattices (2005)
- Temperature dependent magnetization and susceptibility of Fen/V7 superlattices (2005)
- Structural and magnetic properties of Al2O3/Ni81Fe19 thin films: from superparamagnetic nanoparticles ferromagnetic multilayers (2005)
- Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 Multilayers (2005)
- Dynamic magnetic properties of Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 multilayers (2005)
- On the realization of artificial XY spin chains (2005)
- On the realization of artificial XY spin chains (2005)
- Superconducting spin valve effect of a V-layer antiferromagnetic [Fe/V]- superlattice (2005)
- Magnetic phase diagram of Fe0.82Ni0.18/V(0 0 1) superlattices (2004)
- Magnetic phase diagram of Fe0.82Ni0.18/V superlattices (2004)
- Magnetization and domain structure of bcc Fe81Ni19/Co (001) superlattices (2004)
- Magnetization and domain structure of bcc Fe81Ni19/Co (001) superlattices (2004)
- On the sharpness of the interfaces in metallic multilayers (2004)
- Hydrogen uptake and optical properties of sputtered Mg-Ni thin films (2004)
- Solubility of hydrogen at low concentrations in thin epitaxial Nb(110) films (2004)
- Solubility of hydrogen at low concentrations in thin epitaxial Nb(110) films (2004)
- Proximity effect of vanadium on spin-density-wave magnetism in Cr films (2004)
- Electronic Structure of Gd Hydrides Studied by Resonant Inelastic Soft X-ray Scattering (2004)
- Electronic structure of Gd hydrides studied by resonant Inelastic soft X-ray scattering (2004)
- Resistivity of hydrogen-loaded Fe/V and Mo/V (100) superlattices: The role of vanadium expansion (2004)
- Resistivity of hydrogen-loaded Fe/V and Mo/V (100) superlattices: (2004)
- Resistivity of hydrogen-loaded Fe/V and Mo/V (100) superlattices: The role of vanadium expansion (2004)
- Magnetic moments and exchange interactions in Fe0.82Ni0.18/V bcc(001) multilayers (2004)
- Enhanced magnetic moment at the interfaces in Fe81Ni19/Co superlattices (2004)
- Origin of uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy in Fe81Ni19/Co superlattices (2004)
- Enhanced magnetic moment at the interfaces in Fe81Ni19/Co superlattices (2004)
- On the origin of the uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy in Fe81Ni19/Co Superlattices (2004)
- Growth and characterization of Fe0.82Ni0.18/V(001) superlattices (2003)
- Growth and charazterization of Fe0.82Ni0.18/V(001) superlattices (2003)
- Magnetism of Fe/V and Fe/Co multilayers (2003)
- Adjustable magnetic interactions: the use of hydrogen as a tuning agent (2003)
- Anomalous neutron Compton scattering cross sections in niobium and palladium hydrides (2003)
- Domain structure of circular and ring magnets (2003)
- Domain structure of circular and ring magnets (2003)
- Magnetic properties of submicron permalloy elements (2003)
- Magnetic superlattices with variable interlayer exchange coupling: a new approach for the investigation of low-dimensional magnetism (2003)
- Magnetic Superlattices with Variable Interlayer Exchange Coupling: A New Approach for the Investigation of Low-Dimensional Magnetism (2003)
- Interface alloying and tunability of magnetic structure with hydrogen in Fe/V multilayers (2003)
- Hydrogen uptake of thin epitaxial vanadium (001) films (2002)
- Magnetic ordering in a weakly coupled Fe/V(001) superlattice (2002)
- Magnetic properties and coupling in Fe(2 ML)/V(x ML)) (x>5) superlattices (2002)
- Magnetic properties of interleaved Fe(3 ML)/V(xML)/Fe(2 ML)/V(x ML) superlattices (2002)
- Magnetic properties and coupling in Fe(2 ML)/V(x ML) (x>5) superlattices (2002)
- On the magnetic ordering in interleaved Fe(3 ML)/V(y ML)/Fe(2 ML)/V(y ML) superlattices (2002)
- Hydrogen in carbon nanostructures (2002)
- Hydrogen in Carbon nanostructures (2002)
- Short-lived proton entanglement in yttrium hydrides (2002)
- Deuterium in 001-oriented Mo0 .5V0 .5/V: The vanishing superlattice (2002)
- Magnetic Rare Earth Hydrides - a New Class of Magnetoresistive Semiconductors (2002)
- H-H interactions in Nb/W(110) superlattices (2002)
- H-H interactions in quasi-2D Nb/W(110) superlattices (2002)
- Role of hydrogen for the elastic properties of alumina thin films (2002)
- The role of hydrogen for the elastic properties of so called alumina thin films (2002)
- Evolution of atomic magnetic moments in Fe/V multilayers with hydrogen loading (2002)
- Hydrogen Desorption from Sand-Blasted and Acid-Attacked Titanium Surfaces after Glow-Disharge Treatment (2001)
- Hydrogen-induced changes of the local structure in Fe/V (001) superlattices (2001)
- Hydrogen-induced changes of the local structure in Fe/V (001) superlattices (2001)
- Hydrogen-induced changes of the local structure in Fe/V (001) superlattices (2001)
- Hydrogen Induced Change of the Atomic Magnetic Moments in Fe/V-Superlattices (2001)
- Phase transitions of hydrogen in quasi-two-dimensional vanadium lattices (2001)
- Phase transitions of hydrogen in quasi-2-dimensional vanadium lattices (2001)
- Optical properties of intrinsic and doped a-Si:h films grown by dc magnetron sputter deposition (2001)
- Tunability of the magnetic properties of nanostructures with hydrogen (2001)
- Tunability of thin film magnetic properties with hydrogen (2001)
- Anomalous neutron Compton scattering in metallic hydrides: new experiments (2000)
- Probing the local electronic structure in the H induced metal-insulator transition of Y (1999)
- Thermodynamic properties of hydrogen in Mo/V (110) superlattices: the dependence on crystallographic orientation (1999)
- Influence of compressive biaxial strain on the hydrogen uptake of ultra-thin, single crystal vanadium layers (1997)
- Hydrogen-induced lattice expansion of vanadium in a Fe/V (001) single-crystal superlattice (1997)
- Metallic superlattices: Quasi two-dimensional playground for hydrogen (1997)
- Reversible tuning of the magnetic exchange coupling in Fe/V (001) superlattices using hydrogen (1997)
- The formation of epitaxial YH2 in MBE grown yttrium thin films with a thin gold capping layer (1996)
- Magnetic phase diagram of Fe0.82Ni0.18/V(001) superlattices
- Magnetic properties of an antiferromagnetically coupled bcc Fe0.82Ni0.18/V(001) superlattice
- Magnetic anisotropy and evolution of ground state domain structure in bcc Fe81Ni19/Co (001) superlattices
- Magnetization transitions and ground state domain phases in bcc Fe81Ni19/Co superlattices
- Growth and hydrogen uptake of Mg-Y thin films
- Modular magneto-optical diffractometer for the characterization of magnetoplasmonic crystals
- Thermal magnetization dynamics in artificial spin ice vertices
- Using interfaces to influence thermodynamic properties of metal hydrides
- Tailoring thermodynamic properties of metal hydrides with interfaces
- Beating effects in multilayer systems studied with neutron reflectometry
- Sequential nitriding depth profiles in titanium, obtained under reactive additive manufacturing conditions
- Element specific magnetization in Fe/Pd quantum well structures
- The effect of boundaries on ordering in finite magnets
- Diffusion of hydrogen in ultra-thin V (001) layers
- Hydrogen solubility at low concentrations in sputtered Mg-Ni thin films
- Hydrogen uptake and optical properties of sputtered Mg-Ni thin films
- Solubility of hydrogen in the low concentration range in thin strained epitaxial Nb (110) films
- Effect of tetragonal distortion on the diffusion of hydrogen in vanadium studied with ab initio molecular dynamics
- Magnetic and structrural properties of amorphous Fe90Zr10/Al75Zr25 multilayers in the two-dimensional limit.
- Stability limits of superlattice growth: the example of Cr/V
- Laser powder bed fusion process development and magnetic imaging of melt pool characteristics in a Fe-based bulk metallic glass
- Exploring the use of selective laser melting to control the surface roughness of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass: surface characterization, ion release and osteoblastic cell response
- Site-dependence of hydrogen diusion in vanadium
- On critical fluctuations of hydrogen in biaxial compressed ultra-thin V lattices
- Gigantic hydrogen-induced expansion of ultra-thin V layers
- The effect of self-induced polarization of the local strain-field on H-H interactions
- Magnetic ordering in Fe δ-doped Pd
- Structural and magnetic properties of amorphous CoxZr100−x films
- Structural and magnetic properties of amorphous CoxZr100-x films
- Structural and magnetic properties of Al2O3/Ni81Fe19 thin films
- Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of highly amorphous Fe-Zr films and multilayers
- Hydrogen in V: isotope effects and site occupancy
- Osteoblastic cell response to an additively manufactured zirconium-based bulk metallic glass (2021)
- Biocompatibility of an additively manufactured zirconium-based bulk metallic glass (2021)
- Direct metal laser sintering printed millimeter and submillimeter waveguides (2018)
- Spectral magneto-optical tunability using Bragg plasmons (2015)
- Selection of EMCD signal in reciprocal space for quantitative analysis nanomagnetism (2014)
- Analysis of structural order in Fe1‐xZrx thin amorphous films (2014)
- Fluctuation electron microscopy on Fe1-xZrx thin amorphous films (2014)
- Distinguishing overlapping EMCD signals on oxidized metals in the TEM (2014)
- Nanoscale magnetic behavior quantified with EMCD (2014)
- Kerr effect enhancement in Ni antidot hexagonal nanostructures (2013)
- Quantitative assessment of EMCD signals in real and reciprocal space in single and multilayer samples (2012)
- Structural and EMCD analysis of Fe/V multilayers (2012)
- Influence of plural scattering on quantitative magnetic information measured by EMCD (2011)
- Mapping of the EMCD signal in real and reciprocal space forquantitative analysis of magnetic samples (2010)
- Mapping of the EMCD signal in real and reciprocal space for quantitative analysis of magnetic samples (2010)
- Quantitative EMCD yields nano-information on magnetic moments (2009)
- In-situ contacting of nanosheets and remote EMCD (2009)
- EMCD in the TEM - Optimization of signal acquisition and data evaluation (2008)
- Experimental conditions and data evaluation forquantitative EMCD measurements in the TEM (2008)
- Short-lived proton entanglement in yttrium hydrides (2002)
- Phase formation sequence of Nickel silicides from rapid thermal annealing of Ni on 4H-SiC (1998)