Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg
Professor at Department of Government; Faculty
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 33 39
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- +46 18 471 34 09
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- Visiting address:
- Östra Ågatan 19
753 22 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 514
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- Atterbomska huset, Valvg.4
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Short presentation
Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg's research interest is the auditing and monitoring of the public sector (public management), and in recent years the rise of the audit society. She has also researched the rewards for high public office (in a comparative perspective), and how NPM-reforms challenge professionalism in the public sector. She has extensive experience of teaching at all levels. She is often hired as an expert and she was member of the Swedish Corona Commission 2020–2022.
Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg received her PhD in Political Science in 1999, and she was awarded the docent title (Associate Professor) in 2007. After her PhD she received a postdoc-stipend from the Skytte Foundation (1999), and in 2001-2006 she held a position as Assistant Professor at the Department of Government, Uppsala University. In 2007 she received a position as Senior Lecturer at the very same department, and today she is Professor of Political Science.
Her research interest is the auditing and monitoring of the public sector, and in recent years the rise of the audit society. She has also researched the rewards for high public office (in a comparative perspective), and how NPM-reforms challenge professionalism in the public sector. A recurring theme in her research is that she relates everyday issues of public management and administration to central constitutional and democratic problems. Besides research on the public sector she has also been engaged in parliamentary representation research, e.g. the influence of national parliaments in EU-policy and the changed view of parliamentary representation. She has supervised five doctoral students to their PhD-degree (at three of Uppsala university’s altogether nine faculties).
Assignments within Uppsala University
- Chairperson for CESAR – Centre for Social Work (2021- )
- Board member of the research program Democracy and higher education (2021- )
- Chairperson for the consultative assembly "Universitetskollegiet" for the appointment of a Vice Chancellor for the period 2020–2022.
- Deputy Member (Academic teachers) of the Uppsala University Board, 2017-2020 and 2020–2023.
- Chairperson for the consultative assembly "hörandeförsamling" for the appointment of a Vice Chancellor for the period from 1 January 2018.
- Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (2011-2017)
- Acting Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Jan-March 2012)
- Chairperson for the Faculty of Social Sciences’ Recruitment group for lecturers (2011‑2017)
- Chairperson for the Faculty of Social Sciences’ Quality group (2011-2017)
- Chairperson of the Steering Committee of Uppsala Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice (2014-2017)
- Member of the Steering Committee of Uppsala Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice (2011-2014)
- Chairperson for Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (2011-2017)
- Member of Uppsala university’s Quality Council (2012-2015)
- Deputy Head of Department, Department of Government (2009-2011)
- Member of Uppsala university’s Academic Senate (2008-2011)
- Member of the Faculty Board of Social Sciences (2008-2011)
- Chairperson for the Faculty of Social Sciences’ Equal Opportunities Committee (2008-2011)
- Member of the Board of Research Ethical Forum (2003-2005)
External assignments:
- External member of the University of Bergen's university board (2021-2015).
- Member of the Government's commissioned inquiry on the Swedish coronavirus handling (2020–2022).
- Member of the Government commission on trust-based public management (2019–2020).
- Member of the scientific council of the Swedish National Audit Office (2016-)
- Member of the scientific council of the Swedish Agency for Public Management (2015-)
- Member of The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation’s Sector Committee on the Aims and Outcomes in Public-Sector Activities (2012-2014)
- Member of the Board of the Expert Group for Public Economics (ESO) (2007-2013)
- Member of the expert group of the Parliamentary Committee investigating the State Audit reform (2007-2009)
- Member of the Nordic Administrative Association’s Board of the Swedish section (2005–2011)
- Member of the Swedish National Police Board’s Council on Ethics (2004–2009)
- Member of The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation’s Sector Committee for Public Economics, Management and Leadership (2004-2009)
- Member of the Swedish Election Authority Board (2002-2011)
- Member of the National Council for Quality and Development’s reference group for researchers and practitioners (2002-2004)
- Appointed expert in the Parliamentary Review Committee’s expert group on audit, follow-ups and evaluation (1999-2000)
Recent publications
- Ökad kontroll och ökad byråkratisering (2024)
- Ökad kontroll och ökad byråkratisering (2024)
- Om akademisk frihet (2023)
- Om akademisk frihet (2023)
- The Decollegialization of Higher Education Institutions in Sweden (2023)
All publications
- The Decollegialization of Higher Education Institutions in Sweden (2023)
- Avkollegialiseringen av svenska lärosäten (2022)
- Svenska lärosäten (2022)
- Managerialism and the Military (2022)
- Agency Autonomy and Organizational Interaction (2022)
- Agency Control or Autonomy? (2021)
- Explaining the Dynamics of Management by Objectives and Results Post-NPM (2021)
- Högskolepolitiken saknar stöd i forskningen (2016)
- Professions under Siege (2016)
- Att göra rätt - även när ingen ser på (2016)
- Om att göra rätt även när ingen ser på (2016)
- Professionalism and organizational performance in the wake of new managerialism (2015)
- Paying Our High Public Officials: Evaluating the Political Justifications of Top Wages in the Public Sector By TEUN J. DEKKER (2014)
- Konstitution kan förebygga kris (2014)
- Akademi utan krisplan (2014)
- MOOCs-studenter bildar B-laget (2013)
- En högskoleledning i fritt fall (2013)
- Självständighet blev toppstyrning (2013)
- Vårdens kontrollsystem bättre för andra områden (2013)
- ”Professionalism nedvärderas i den marknadsstyrda staten” (2012)
- The Politics of Public Administration Policy (2012)
- Kunskap och politik - mellan nonchalans och teknokrati (2011)
- Regeringsformen och den samtidiga reformen av Riksrevisionen (2011)
- Framväxten av granskningssamhället (2010)
- På väg mot publikdemokrati (2009)
- The Influence of National Parliaments over Domestic European Union Policies (2009)
- Ett effektivt samhälle kräver god samhällsvetenskap (2005)
- Glorifiering av handlingskraft tystar det förnuftiga samtalet (2005)
- Fri forskning i kollision med regeringens ideologiproduktion (2004)
- Svensk elitstyrning skapar maktlöshet (2002)
- En konstitutionell revolution (2001)
- Revisionen skall vara oberoende (2000)
- Ahleniusaffären avslöjade regeringens kluvna tunga (1999)
- Sverige behöver en oberoende riksrevision (1999)
- Fel av Unkel att blanda sig i (1999)
- Riksdagen (1994)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- Exit riksdagen (2007)
- Att kontrollera staten (1999)
- Från granskningssamhälle till tillitsbaserad styrning? (2021)
- Förvaltningen (2020)
- Universitetets nya arbetsordning (2020)
- Förvaltningspolitikens organisering (2020)
- Den socialdemokratiska staten? (2019)
- Kunskap och politik (2018)
- Att kontrollera förvaltningen: framväxten av granskningssamhället (2018)
- Att handleda och att vara handledd (2018)
- Forskning om den statliga revisionen i Sverige (2017)
- Vad har hänt med det kollegiala styret? (2017)
- Förvaltningen (2016)
- Avkollegialiseringen av den svenska högskolan (2016)
- Nordic Administrative Heritages and Contemporary Institutional Design (2016)
- Reinventing the Old Reform Agenda (2016)
- Section 2: Constitutional Design (2015)
- The Public Sector and the Courts (2015)
- Att kontrollera förvaltningen (2014)
- Kollegialitet och linjestyre (2014)
- När skon klämmer politiskt (2013)
- Om den missriktade lojaliteten (2013)
- NPM på svenska (2013)
- Rewards for High Public Office in Sweden (2012)
- Kunskap och politik (2012)
- Förvaltning och revision (2011)
- Organisering av autonomi och universitetet som idé (2011)
- Att kontrollera förvaltningen (2010)
- Den oundgängliga förvaltningen (2008)
- Förvaltning och revision (2008)
- Ansvarsfullt ansvarsutkrävande (2008)
- Ansvarsfullt ansvarsutkrävande (2008)
- Departementen och myndigheterna (2004)
- Are National Parliaments Lagging Behind? (2004)
- Förvaltning och revision (2003)
- Parlament i bakvatten? (2002)
- Varför behövs granskarna? (2001)
- Den öppna förvaltningen? (2001)
- Revisionens roll i den parlamentariska demokratin (1999)
- Politikermakt eller tjänstemannavälde? (1997)
- Professional ambitions and organizational inertia (2022)
- The institutional set-up behind the Swedish response to the Covid-19 pandemic (2021)
- Agency Management Accountability, ex ante and ex post instruments combined? (2018)
- Government Steering over Two Decades: A Large-N comparison (2016)
- Ex Post Control of Mature State Agencies: Swedish Governments’ Performance Information Demands over Time and Across Policy Sectors (2016)
- Mature Agencification (2015)
- Administrative Heritage and Public Management Reform (2015)
- Constitutions and the Application of Public Management Reforms (2013)
- Systematic Application of Government Steering? Public Management analyzed through a Longitudinal, Large N-Perspective (2013)
- Policy and Knowledge (2011)
- The New NAO in Sweden (2010)
- Rewards for High Public Office (2009)
- Professions under siege (2009)
- EUs återverkningar på nordisk politik (1998)
- Ökad kontroll och ökad byråkratisering (2024)
- Ökad kontroll och ökad byråkratisering (2024)
- Om akademisk frihet (2023)
- Om akademisk frihet (2023)
- Public administration characteristics and performance in EU28: Sweden (2018)
- Interim Report on Public Administration Reform Trends and Reform Dynamics in Sweden (2016)
- Kollegialitet i koncentrat (2014)