The Proceedings at ALM
ABM's small print series, proceedings from the Department of ALM, has existed since 2009. The writings can be ordered via email adress: The price is 100 SEK each. Shipping cost might be added. Write the title of the book you wish to order in the subject line.

7. Bibliotek, bildning och läsning som arena och praktik: en festskrift till Kerstin Rydbeck
Abstract [sv]
Artiklarna i denna festskrift anknyter på olika sätt till Prof. Kerstin Rydbecks forskning och akademiska karriär på Uppsala universitet. Hon har ägnat sin forskargärning till frågor som rör folkbildning, läsning och folkbibliotek. Ett flertal kapitel diskuterar således läsning från olika perspektiv, framförallt metoden Shared Reading. Det finns kapitel som anknyter till folkbildningsforskning, biblioteks- och kulturarvsforskning i Sverige och i Norden samt även artiklar som problematiserar bibliometri, universitetens offentliga roll, samt digital humaniora. Därtill belyser flera kapitel Kerstins insatser inom Uppsala universitet och i olika former av internationella samarbeten. Tanken med boken är att uppmärksamma Kerstins forskargärning, men samtidigt också skapa ett betydande bidrag till kunskap och forskning inom de områden där hon har varit och är verksam.
6. Att spara eller inte spara: De svenska arkiven och kulturarvet 1970–2010. Samuel Edquist (2019).
In this book, ideas and practices on appraisal in Swedish state archives c. 1970–2010 are analysed. What records has been kept, why, and for whom? How has the archival sphere been influenced by overall societal ideas on heritage and memory? The relative importance of legal and institutional frameworks is also analysed, since laws heavily regulate archives in the Swedish public sector. The Swedish Archives Act of 1990 emphasises that the “research interest” has to be accounted for when deciding what to preserve, and it adds that the state archives are part of the “national heritage”. How is this implemented in actual appraisal practises? It is shown that appraisal in Sweden is generally pragmatic and – in a Schellenbergian tradition – rests on a presumption (most often not articulated) that it is possible to foresee the desires of future users.

5. Perspectives to Archaeological Information in the Digital Society. Isto Huvila (ed.) (2014).
Perspectives to archaeological information in the digital society discusses the premises for studying the implications and opportunities of the digitalisation of information and information work in the domain of archaeology and material cultural heritage. The intricacies of managing archaeological information and documentation have been acknowledged for a long time, but the rapid changes in premises, tools and the idea of how archaeology should be conducted in the digital age have shifted many of the parameters of the process. This book has been written under the auspices of the research project Archaeological Information in the Digital Society (ARKDIS) funded by the Swedish Research Council as a part of the work of the project to set the stage for researching the production and use of archaeological knowledge.
4. Cosmopolitan Copyright. Law and Language in the Translation Zone. Eva Hemmungs Wirtén (2011).
In the annals of international copyright history - by and large synonymous with the Berne Union and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literacy and Artistic Works from 1886 - translation occupies a contested space. Set in the first era of international copyright relations, between 1886 and 1971, Cosmopolitan Copyright tells a story of international power relations in the making, practices of cultural transformation, the changing face of global governance, and the limits and possibilities of authorship vis-á-vis the law.

3. Spelar skolbibliotek en roll? En presentation av fem projekt från en forskningscirkel om skolbibliotek. Redaktör Kerstin Rydbeck (2009).
This publication presents the results from five projects in a research circle conducted 2008-2009 at the Department of ALM, Uppsala University. The participants in this circle are all active school librarians or librarians at county libraries, working with school library issues in central Sweden. The work in the circle has focused on a general theme chosen by the participants and the leader of the circle: "Does the school library matter?" In their five projects, the participants have carried out small surveys in order to get an extended knowledge of their local school library situation.
The first research circles were created in Sweden during the 1970s, but the method used is based on the study methodology which originally developed within the free educational work of the Swedish popular movements in the beginning of the 20th Century. Research Circles have during the last decades been tried in various fields with the purpose to strengthen the ties between practice and research, but not yet in the library field. This school library circle has been an attempt to see how the research circle works as a method for evidence based library and information practice, EBLIP.
2. Mashing-up Culture. The Rise of User-generated Content. Proceedings from the COUNTER workshop Mashing-up Culture, Uppsala University, May 13-14, 2009. Redaktörer: Eva Hemmungs Wirtén & Maria Ryman (2009).
These are the proceedings of the first COUNTER workshop "Mashing-up Culture: The Rise of User-generated Content. Sampling, mash-ups, and the remixing of content are part of the digital creative environment. User-created content, produced in outlets such as YouTube and deviantART, can be seen as innovative forms for collaboration and challenges to modernist notions of what it means to be a creator and a consumer.
These proceedings consist of ten papers that taken together represent an interdisciplinary and international approach to the mash-up and user-generated content as digital phenomena of the 21st century.

1. From someone who knows to those who don’t know : A Study of Alf Henrikson as a Popular Educator
In this study the overarching question is in what way the Swedishauthor Alf Henrikson has acted as a popular educator and if he as such hasbeen a part of a popular educational context. The different popular educationalactivities he associated with could be considered as verification thathe did act as a popular educator. Two works of his popular historical authorshipare examined and they are characterized by the intention or ambitionto disseminate historical knowledge. By his historical authorship healso was a part of a popular historical tradition in Sweden.Henrikson appeared at several times as a popular lecturer and hereby hereproduces a tradition from the worker’s institutes and the associations forpopular lectures. He also performed on several occasions in radio programsand TV programs and disseminated knowledge and education. Radio broadcastsas well as television are regarded as popular educational activities. Inconsideration to the subject areas of his knowledge he can be affiliated withan educational ideal in the Swedish worker’s movement and Swedish populareducation. His educational ideal is the personality creating neohumanisticprinciple. Henrikson also supported the thought of taking over the middles-classes idea of cultural heritage.