Author guidelines

Tidskrift för ABM (TABM) is an e-journal with an aim of functioning as a publishing channel for students and doctoral students in the fields of digital humanities and archival, library and museum studies and secondarily for other actors at the department and in the field. The journal publishes at least one issue a year, in the middle of December. The journal is run by an editorial board based at the Department of ALM at Uppsala University.

Submission process

Submission takes place in response to a Call for Papers (CFP). Unless otherwise specified, the deadline is for submission of full manuscripts. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before, and will be published under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 copyright.

Tidskrift för ABM distinguishes four types of submissions:

  • Scientific article: written report of a scientific study performed within a discipline represented in or affiliated with the Department of ALM. A wide variety of studies have been published before, all following the standards of their respective fields for journal article writing. This includes edited chapters or condensed versions of Master theses as well as independent research articles.
  • Travelogues: written reports of participation in conferences or other research-related travel, with a relevance to the readers of TABM.
  • Reviews: written review of for example a book, exhibition, software or film dealing with themes, research or topics related to the disciplines represented at the Department of ALM or that could be of use to such scholars. We publish reviews of academic books, but also critical discussions of popular media that are relevant to the field.
  • Notes: shorter opinion pieces, summaries of PhD dissertations and introductions to topics relevant to the field.

Send your submission by the deadline mentioned in the CFP to the editor-in-chief. Manuscripts should be written using the TABM template, as found on the journal’s website, and following the requirements detailed below. Submit as .docx document, mention which submission type your manuscript falls under and anonymize your manuscript for editing purposes.

Editing and publishing process

After the submission deadline has passed each paper is reviewed and discussed by the editorial board during a meeting. Topicality, strength of argument and overall quality of manuscripts are deciding factors for publication. The editorial board provides initial feedback about publication and an editing timeline to each author of accepted papers after this meeting. Each accepted paper is appointed one or two editors, who perform one or two editing rounds. Articles are published through the Uppsala University DIVA portal and linked on the journal’s website.

Manuscript requirements All texts


Swedish or English. When writing in English, either American or British English is accepted, as long as it is consistently applied throughout the text. Write clearly, in a formal manner and for a broad audience. Explain concepts and write out acronyms the first time you mention them. We recommend asking a native speaker to proofread your text before submission.


Provide an anonymized version of your article when first submitting to editor. Make sure authors’ names are taken out, including possible references to one’s own texts.


After editing is completed and manuscript approved for publishing, add a biography of 2-3 sentences including affiliation, research interests and email address. Format biography as footnote, as presented in the TABM template.


When used, references should be written following Harvard citation guidelines, as described by the Uppsala University library. Include a reference list at the end of the article, following the format as presented in the TABM template. In-text citation includes surname, year of publication, if directly quoting include page number (Harvard, 2014, p.34).


Lastname, Firstname (Year). Title of book (Edition only include if not first). Place of publication: Publisher.

Magnusson, Lars (2014). Sveriges ekonomiska historia. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Chapter of edited book

Chapter author(s) Lastname, Firstname (year). Title of chapter, In: Title of book, Editor Firstname Lastname, (ed.). Place of publication: Publisher. pp.xx-xx.

Furuland, Gunnel (2010). Skönlitterära häftesserier : ett mediefönster på bokmarknaden, In: 1800-talets mediesystem, Jonas Harvard and Patrik Lundell, (Eds.). Stockholm: Kungliga biblioteket. pp. 65-83.

Journal article

Lastname, Firstname (year). Title of article. Full Title of Journal, Volume number (Issue), xx-xx. DOI.

Lea, Mary R. and Brian V. Street (1998). Student Writing in Higher Education: An academic literacies approach. Studies in Higher Education, 23 (2), 157-72.

For further guidelines use the Uppsala University Library resources:


Except for the author biography, try to work around using footnotes. If necessary, acceptable usage is explanations that would interrupt flow of argument in text, or to signify empirical data.


Include keywords: three to five terms to describe your text. Keywords are in English, even when main text and title are in Swedish.

Submission types

Scientific article

Maximum of 6000 words, excluding abstract, references, keywords and notes.

Include an abstract of around 150 words which summarizes the article. Abstracts are in English, even when main text and title are in Swedish.

Keep with the structure of a sound scientific article in your discipline.


Maximum of 3000 words, excluding abstract, references, keywords and notes.

Include an abstract of around 150 words which summarizes the article. Abstracts are in English, even when main text and title are in Swedish.

Include pictures and photographs when appropriate, with the correct attribution. Use the template for description formatting. Submit image(s) as separate .jpeg or .png file(s), clearly marking in the text where they should be placed.

References are not required but can be included if needed and appropriate.


Maximum of 1000 words, excluding keywords and notes. Include references when appropriate, not necessary to be included


Contact editor beforehand to propose a review of a specific media. We publish reviews of for example books, exhibitions, software and films with a topical relevance to the journal and a recent publication date (if applicable).

Maximum 3000 words.

Include references to reviewed media. If it concerns popular media, use references to place the review in academic discussions.

