Completed Ph.D. projects

This is a presentation of completed Ph.D. projects at the department, with links to abstract or thesis. In many cases, the full text of the thesis is downloadable from Diva, which is an open access archive.

If you want to purchase the book instead, many are available via (external site).







Bornfalk Back, Anders

Från stenkrigare till borgjarl. Befästningskonsten i östra Sverige 375–750 e.Kr. Uppsala 2023. 352 pp.



Sjöstrand, Alexander

Changes, Activities and Bones: Intra-site analysis of the Pitted Ware Culture site Ajvide on the Baltic Sea island of Gotland.



Neiß, Michael

Förvandlingar i vikingatidens djurornamentik: Del 1 : En multiperspektivisk studie om figurknoppspännen av Birkatyp







Nuttall, Christopher

Seascape Dialogues: Human-sea interaction in the Aegean from Late Neolithic to Late Bronze Age



Rödland, Henriette

Swahili Social Landscapes: Material expressions of identity, agency, and labour in Zanzibar, 1000–1400 CE



Kjellberg, Joakim

Den medeltida stadens dynamik: – urbanitet, sociala praktiker och materiell kultur i Uppsala 1100–1550.



Hennius, Andreas

Outlanders?: Resource colonisation, raw material exploitation and networks in Middle Iron Age Sweden







Kjällquist, Mathilda

Kulturkontakter i Sydskandinavien under mesolitikum: Hantverkstraditioner, råmaterialval och mobilitet för 9000 år sedan, med utgångspunkt från Norje Sunnansund i Blekinge (lic.)



Frejman, Axel

With Gods as Neighbours: Extra-temenal activity at Greek rural sanctuaries, 700–200 BCE







Therus, Jhonny

Den yngre järnålderns gravskick i Uppland: Framväxten av den arkeologiska bilden och en materialitet i förändring



Fraser Magdalena Birgitta

People of the Dolmens and Stone Cists. An archaeogenetic investigation of megalithic graves from the Neolitic period on Gotland. 2018







Eriksson Thomas

Kärl och social gestik. Keramik i norra Mälardalen 1500 BC-400 AD. Uppsala 2009.



Menander Hanna

Den goda döden. Arkeologiska studier av gravar och begravningspraxis i S:t Olofkonventet i Skänninge. Uppsala 2017. 284 pp.



Mtetwa Ezekia

Technology, Ideology and Environment. The Social Dynamics of Iron Metallurgy in Great Zimbabwe. Uppsala 2017.



Petek Nik

Archaeological Perspectives on Risk and Community Resilienbce in the Baringo Lowlands, Kenya. Uppsala 2018.



Shoemaker Anna

Pastoral pasts in the Amboseli landscape. An archaeological exploration of the Amboseli ecosystem from the later Holocene to the colonial period. Uppsala 2018.







Klingborg Patrik

Greek Cisterns: Water and risk in Ancient Greece, 600-50 BC



Ojala Karin

I bronsålderns gränsland. Uppland och frågan om östliga kontakter. Uppsala 2016. 285 pp







Hermodsson Örjan

Det arkeologiska landskapet. Fornlämningsbild och bebyggelsehistoria i tre uppländska bygder under bronsålder och äldre järnålder. 2015



Madiquida Hilario

Archaeological and Historical Reconstructions of the Foraging and Farming Communities of the Lower Zambezi: From the mid Holocene to the second Millennium AD



Peyroteo Neves Romeiro Stjerna Rita

On Death in the Mesolithic. The mortuary practices of the last Hunter-Gatherers of the South-Western Iberian peninsula, 7th-6th millenium BCE. Uppsala 2016. 511 pp.







Lindgren Liljenstolpe Erika

Sempronia's Song: Attitudes to Women's Music-making in Ancient Rome



Tobin Fredrik

The Chamber Tombs of San Giovenale and the Funerary Landscapes of South Etruria







Kohtamäki Marjaana

Transitions: A landscape approach to social and cultural changes in southern Mozambique 5000 BC -- 1000 AD. Uppsala 2014.



Svedjemo Gustaf

Landscape Dynamics: Spatial analyses of villages and farms on Gotland AD 200-1700. Uppsala 2014. 255 pp.







Ilves Kristin

Seaward Landward: Investigations on the archaeological source value of the landing site category in the Baltic Sea region. Uppsala 2012.



Landström Lars Edvin

DÄRFÖR UPPSALA: Utdrag, iakttagelser och resultat från studien MED UPPSALA I CENTRUM. Uppsala 2012.



Matenga Edward

The Soapstone Birds of Great Zimbabwe. Archaeological Heritage, Religion and Politics in Postcolonial Zimbabwe and the Return of Cultural Property. Uppsala 2011.



Weilguni Marina

Streets, Spaces and Places: Three Pompeiian Movement Axes Analysed



Wood Marilee

Interconnections. Glass beads and Trade in Southern and Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean 7th to 16th Centuries AD. Uppsala 2011.







Hagström Yamamoto Sara

I gränslandet mellan svenskt och samiskt: Identitetsdiskurser och förhistorien i Norrland från 1870-tal till 2000-tal. Uppsala 2010. 222 pp.



Karlenby Leif

I gränslandet mellan svenskt och samiskt: Identitetsdiskurser och förhistorien i Norrland från 1870-tal till 2000-tal. Uppsala 2010. 222 pp.



Winkler Andreas Filip

Looking at the Future: Divination and Astrology in Ancient Egypt



Vogel Pierre

Vardagslivets aktiva orörändring. En studie av kultur genom arkeologi och stenåldersboplatser. Uppsala 2010. 307 pp.







Berg Henrik

Constructing Athenian Masculinities: Masculinities in Theophrastus' Characters and Menander's Comedies



Edenmo Roger

Prestigeekonomi under yngre stenåldern. Gåvoutbyten och regionala identiteter i den svenska båtyxekulturen. (Prestige Economy in the Younger Stone Age. Gift Exchange and Regional Identities in the Swedish Boat Axe Culture.) Uppsala 2008. 298 pp., 78 figs and 11 tables.



Hillerdal Charlotta

People in Between. Ethnicity and Material Identuty, a New Approach do Deconstructed Concepts. Uppsala 2009. 318 pp., 11 figs.



Löwenborg Daniel

Excavating the Digital Landscape. GIS analyses of social relations in Central Sweden in the 1st millennium AD. Uppsala 2010.







Alkarp Magnus

Det Gamla Uppsala: Berättelser & Metamorfoser. Uppsala 2009.



Angerth Karlström Anna

Preserving Impermanence. The creation of heritage in Vientiane, Laos.



Larsson Åsa

Breaking and Making Bodies and Pots. Material and Ritual Practices in Sweden in the Third Millennium BC. Uppsala 2009.



Mejsholm Charlott

Gränsland. Konstruktion av tidig barndom och begravnings-ritual vid tiden för kristnandet i Skandinavien. (Borderland. Constructions of Early Childhood and Burial Rituals during the Christianisation in Scandinavia). Uppsala 2009. 298 pp., 21 figs and 18 tables.



Ojala Erik Carl-Gösta

Sámi Prehistories. The politics of Archaeology and Identity in Northernmost Europe. Uppsala 2009. 353 pp, 33 figs and 2 tables.



Strandberg Åsa

The Gazelle in Ancient Egyptian Art: Image and Meaning







Hallgren Fredrik

Identitet i praktik: Lokala, regionala och överregionala sociala sammanhang inom nordlig trattbägarkultur



Hedlund Nils Ragnar

"...achieved nothing worthy of memory": Coinage and authority in the Roman empire c. AD 260-295



Michel Marcos

Patrones de Asentamiento Precolombino del Altiplano Boliviano: Lugares Centrales de la Región de Quillacas, Departamento de Oruro, Bolivia



Sanchez Canedo G. Walter

Inkas, “flecheros” y mitmaqkuna: Cambio social y paisajes culturales en los Valles y en los Yungas de Inkachaca/Paracti y Tablas Monte (Cochabamba-Bolivia, siglos XV-XVI)



Swan Lorraine M

Lägg Minerals and managers: production contexts as evidence for social organization in Zimbabwean prehistory. Uppsala 2008.







Larsson Anna Gunilla Elisabet

Ship and Society. Maritime ideology in Late Iron Age Sweden. Uppsala 2007.



Larsson Annika

Klädd Krigare: Skandinaviskt dräktskifte omkring år 1000. Uppsala 2007. 370 pp., 54 figs and 7 tables.



Ljungkvist John

En hiar atti rikR. Om elit, struktur och ekonomi kring Uppsala och Mälaren under yngre järnålder. Uppsala 2006.



Weiberg Erika

Thinking the Bronze Age. Life and death in Early Helladic Greece, 2007.







Delgahawattage Raj Kumar Somadewa

Urban Origins in Southern Sri Lanka. Uppsala 2006.



Fallgren Jan-Henrik

Kontinuitet och förändring: bebyggelse och samhälle på Öland 200-1300 e.Kr.



Fischer Svante

Roman Imperialism and Runic Literacy: The Westernization of Northern Europe (150-800 AD). 260 pp. Uppsala 2005.



Källén Anna

And through Flows the River: Archaeology and the pasts of Lao Pako. Uppsala 2004.



Lindbom Peter

Vapnen i wreccornas tid, 150-500 e.Kr, om de romerska auxiliarpilspetsarna och den västliga traditionens framväxt. Uppsala 2006.



Lindholm Karl-Johan

Wells of Experience. A pastoral land-use history of Omaheke, Namibia. Uppsala 2006.



Macamo Solange Laura

Privileged Places in South Central Mozambique. The Archaeology of Manyikeni, Niamara Songo and Degue-Mufa. Uppsala 2005.



Manyanga Munyaradzi

Resilient Landscapes. Socio-environmental dynamics in the Shashi-Limpopo basin, Southern Zimbabwe c. AD 800 to the present.



Petersson Maria

Djur, människor och landskap i västra Östergötland under yngre bronsålder och äldre järnålder



Saenz Virginia

Symbolic and Material Boundaries: an archaeological genealogy of the Urhus of Lake Poopó, Bolivia. Uppsala 2008. Defence version







Andersson Fredrik

Med historien i ryggen: om den arkeologiska uppgiften. (With History at our Backs. On the Archaeological Mission. Uppsala 2005. 186 pp., 3 figs.



Backe Forsberg Yvonne Birgitta

Crossing the Bridge: An Interpretation of the Archaeological Remains in the Etruscan Bridge Complex at San Giovenale, Etruria



Bergqvist Lars-Göran

En enkel till Himlingöje. Dödens mode 1: ett virrvarr av varianter. Makt och monumentalitet vid gravens rand eller Döden: en berättelse om livet? Praktgravar i Sydskandinavien under 1000 år: ca 150 e.Kr.-ca 1050 e.Kr. Uppsala 2005. 307 pp., 66 figs, 4 maps.



Carlsson Susanne Rosa

Hellenistic Democracies: Freedom, Independence and Political Procedure in Some East Greek City-States



Ekblom Anneli

Changing Landscapes. An Environmental History of Chibuene, Southern Mozambique. Uppsala 2004.



Laében-Rosén Viktoria

Age of rust.: Court and power in the Severan age (188-238 AD)



Markus Felicia

Living on Another Shore: Early Scandinavian Settlement on the North-Western Estonian Coast. Uppsala 2004. 226 pp., 53 figs, 6 tables.



Sundström Lars

Det hotade kollektivet: Neolitiseringsprocessen ur ett östmellansvenskt perspektiv







Blundell Geoffrey

Nqabayo's Nomansland. San Rock Art and the Somatic Past. Uppsala 2004.



Juma Abdurahman

Unjuja Ukuu on Zanzibar: an archaeological study of early urbanism. Uppsala 2004.



Lejdegård Hans

Honorius and the city of Rome: Authority and legitimacy in late antiquity



Siapkas Johannes

Heterological Ethnicity. Conceptualizing identities in ancient Greece, 2003.







Billing Nils

Nut - The Goddess of Life in Text and Iconography



Häggman Sofia

Directing Deir el-Medina: The External Administration of the Necropolis



Ingvarsson Anne

Children Lost and Found: A bioarchaeological study of Middle Helladic children in Asine with a comparison to Lerna



Lekberg Per Magnus

Yxors liv, människors landskap: En studie av kulturlandskap och samhälle i Mellansveriges senneolitikum



Malmberg Simon

Dazzling Dining: Banquets as an Expression of Imperial Legitimacy



Price Neil

The Viking Way. Religion and War in Late Iron Age Scandinavia. Uppsala 2002



Victor Helena

Med graven som granne: om bronsålderns kulthus (The Grave as a Neighbour: On Bronze Age Ritual Houses). Uppsala 2002. Out of print.







Apel Jan

Daggers, Knowledge and Power. Uppsala 2002



Engsheden Åke

La reconstitution du verbe en égyptien de tradition 400-30 avant J.-C.



Isendahl Christian

Common Knowledge: Lowland Maya urban farming at Xuch. Uppsala 2002.



Johansson de Chateau Lena

Roman and Native: Colonialism and the archaeology of rural water management in the Mahgreb. Uppsala 2009.



Klynne Allan

The Prima Porta Garden Archaeological Project. Terra sigillata from the Villa of Livia, Rome. Consumption and discard in the early Principate.



Landgren Linn

Den synliga tron. Runstenskors som en spegling av kristnandet i Sverige Uppsala 2002.



Lundh Patrik

Actor and Event: Military Activity in Ancient Egyptian Narrative Texts from Tuthmosis II to Merenptah



Ros Jonas

Stad och gård. Sigtuna under sen vikingatid och tidig medeltid. (Town and house. Sigtuna during late Viking Age and Early Medieval period). Uppsala 2009. 288 pp., 85 figs.



Wallin Patrik

Celestial Cycles: Astronomical Concepts of Regeneration in the Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts







Göthberg Hans

Bebyggelse i förändring. Uppland från slutet av yngre bronsålder till tidig medeltid. (Changing settlements. Uppland from the end of the Late Bronze Age to the Early Middle Ages). Uppsala 2000. 262 pp., 87 figs.



Kinahan Jill

Cattle for Beads: the archaeology of historical contact and trade on the Namib coast. Uppsala, Windhoek. 2001



Leppänen Sjöberg Birgitta

Asine and the Argolid in the Late Helladic III Period: A Socio-Economic Study



Liljenstolpe Peter

Studies in Roman architecture: Configuring the classical orders



Lindblom Michael

Marks and makers: Appearance, distribution and function of Middle and Late Helladic manufacturers' marks on Aeginetan pottery



Ndoro Murungweni Webber

Your Monument Our Shrine: the preservation of Great Zimbabwe.



Notelid Michel

Det andra påseendet. En studie av övergångar i den arkeologiska disciplinens historia. (The Second Glance: A study of transitions in the history of archaeological discipline). Uppsala 2000. 227 pp., 2 figs.



Sundkvist Anneli

Hästarnas land. Aristokratisk hästhållning och ridkonst i Svealands yngre järnålder. Uppsala 2001.







Meurman Richard

Silverberg i Järnbärarland. Bergshanteringens begynnelse i ljuset av Schmidt Testhammardateringar. (Silver mountains in iron ore country. The beginning of mining as reflected in Schmidt's Testhammer datings.) Uppsala 2000. 184 pp., 74 figs.



Sahlqvist Leif

Det rituella landskapet Kosmografiska uttrycksformer och territoriell struktur. (The Ritual Landscape. Cosmographic Expression and Territorial Structure). Uppsala 2000. 210 pp., 110 figs.







Landenius Enegren Hedvig

The people of Knossos. Prosopographical studies in the Knossos Linear B archives, 2008.



Norr Svante William

To Rede and to Rown. Expressions of Early Scandinavian Kingship in Written Sources. Uppsala 1998. 253 pp., 4 plates



Radimilahy Marie De Chantal

Mahilaka: an archaeological investigation of an early town in northwestern Madagascar.



Segerberg Ann Lisbet

Bälinge Mossar. Kustbor i Uppland under yngre stenåldern.(The Bälinge bogs. Neolithic coastal swettlement in Uppland, eastern middle Sweden) 1999.



Taffinder Jacqueline

The Allure of the Exotic. The social use of non-local raw materials during the Stone Age in Sweden. 1998.















Hegardt Johan

Relativ betydelse. Individualitet och totalitet i arkeologisk kulturteori. (Relative Meaning: Individuality and totality in archaeological cultural theory). Uppsala 1997. 277 pp., 2 figs.


