Acta Sepulcreti Valsgaerdiae Regiae Universitatis Upsaliensis
The series is published by the department within the frame of the project The Viking Phenomenon.
Editors: John Ljungkvist and Neil Price
- E. Nordahl 2018. Valsgärde 14 Link to fulltext
This burial was excavated in 1949 under the direction of Else Nordahl (a co-worker and honorary doctor at our department) and Bengt Schönbäck. Else worked with the publication for a long time before she passed away. At that time, the process of publication had advanced greatly, and she had produced both a manuscript, illustrations and plates. The material has now been edited and published in a way that we hope is according to Else's wishes.
The book is the forst of a renewed series of works on the Valsgärde burials that build on the publications of Valsgärde 6, 7 and 8, all by Greta Arwidsson. Additionally, this is the first book in the series produced within the frames of the project the Viking Phenomenon.
Read more about the Viking Phenomenon here
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