Tim Melander-Bowden group

Introbild Melander Bowden

Synthetic strategies and materials characterization of functional polymers

Our research

One important research area is within the biomedical field. Tailoring the functional polymer properties enables us to address scientific questions concerning interactions with the surrounding biological system for a better performance in a given application. To control the interactions is crucial for the development of next generation biomaterials that interact and direct the biological response, taking a more active role in the treatment of deceases. A recent example from the research environment is the study of anti-inflammatory polymers that has the potential to attenuate or treat an ongoing inflammatory process by scavenge pro inflammatory molecules using the polymer functionality as reactive counterpart.

Another area where functional polymers find use is within energy storage materials such as lithium ion batteries. In the battery polymers are used as both binders for the electrodes and as potential replacement for flammable organic solvents as electrolyte host material (solid polymer electrolyte). Key properties for the solid polymer electrolyte is the ionic conductivity and the electrochemical stability. We try by using tailored functional polymers to understand ionic mobility in solid polymers in order to overcome the limitations of poor ionic conductivity found polymers in general.


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