ERC Starting Grant to Ingela Lanekoff
Prof. Ingela Lanekoff, within the research programme for Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry - BMC, has received a research grant from the European Research Council (ERC), in the form of a so-called ERC Starting Grant.
ERC Starting Grants can be applied for by talented researchers early in their careers (2-7 years after a doctoral degree) with a very promising scientific track record, to work independently as a research leader.
Uppsala University writes in its press release: "In her ERC project, she will develop a novel analytical approach for time-resolved metabolomics of individual living cells. This approach will enable controlled exposure of a single cell at a pre-defined time prior to analysis. Furthermore, metabolomics, lipidomics, secretomics, and transcriptomics will be combined in analysis of the same cell to understand the origin and action of the cell’s behaviour. “After developing the system, I will use it to decipher the dysfunctional intracellular metabolism of b-cells in type 2 diabetes with the goal of identifying therapeutic targets for b-cell recovery,” says Lanekoff."