Close up on ionisations source of mass spectrometry instrument.

Facility for masspectrometry-based proteomics

Welcome to the mass spectrometry-based proteomics facility at Uppsala University. We are located at the Department of Chemistry - BMC, Analytical Chemistry. We offer tailored proteomic solutions for projects from both academia and industry.

Översikt av de olika stegen i proteomikanalys: 1. En petriskål med celler som symboliserar proteinextraktion. 2. Ett Eppendorfrör med proteinfragment som symboliserar proteinnedbrytning 3. Tre stycken masspektrum som symboliserar masspektrumanalys. 4. Masspektrum av peptidfragment som symboliserar kartläggning av peptidsekvenser. 5. En dator, ett utdrag ur en databas och ett diagram över sökträffar som symboliserar databassökning samt proteinidentifikation och kvantifiering. 


  • Qualitative proteomics. Identification of proteins in complex biological samples.
  • Quantitative proteomics. Label-free and labeling techniques.
  • Body fluid proteomics, e.g. cerebrospinal fluid and plasma.
  • Characterisation of post-translational modifications, e.g. protein phosphorylation and glycosylation.
  • Proteomics of samples from non-human species, e.g. cats, dogs, plants, bacteria and parasites.
  • Protein identification from solution and gel spots/bands.
  • Analysis of proteins from tissue samples stored in biobanks (FFPE/OCT storage).
  • Immunoprecipitation and identification of target proteins. The facility offers advice on experimental set up for identification of immunoprecipitated and co-immunoprecipitated proteins with MS.
  • Protein extraction. Selective extraction of proteins from cells and tissues.
  • Protein separation (1-D SDS-PAGE, Ion chromatography fractionation, SCX, ERLIC)
  • Training services. We provide courses and workshops.


  • QExactive Plus Orbitrap MS (Thermo Scientific)
  • Easy nanoLC 1000 och Easy nanoLC II (Thermo Scientific)
  • 1260 Infinity LC (Agilent Technologies)


  • Characterisation of truncated and modified proteins, elucidation of enzymatic cleavage sites.
  • In-depth cerebrospinal fluid proteome analyses and determination of biomarkers for various disease states.
  • Simultaneous extraction of membrane bound and cytosolic proteins from cells and tissues, followed by MS-analysis.
  • Comprehensive characterisation of phosphoproteins and phosphoproteomes.


Time booking & questions: Anna Widgren (Researcher, Phd), 073-575 48 96.

Facility director: Jonas Bergquist (Prof.).

