Facility for masspectrometry-based proteomics
Welcome to the mass spectrometry-based proteomics facility at Uppsala University. We are located at the Department of Chemistry - BMC, Analytical Chemistry. We offer tailored proteomic solutions for projects from both academia and industry.
- Qualitative proteomics. Identification of proteins in complex biological samples.
- Quantitative proteomics. Label-free and labeling techniques.
- Body fluid proteomics, e.g. cerebrospinal fluid and plasma.
- Characterisation of post-translational modifications, e.g. protein phosphorylation and glycosylation.
- Proteomics of samples from non-human species, e.g. cats, dogs, plants, bacteria and parasites.
- Protein identification from solution and gel spots/bands.
- Analysis of proteins from tissue samples stored in biobanks (FFPE/OCT storage).
- Immunoprecipitation and identification of target proteins. The facility offers advice on experimental set up for identification of immunoprecipitated and co-immunoprecipitated proteins with MS.
- Protein extraction. Selective extraction of proteins from cells and tissues.
- Protein separation (1-D SDS-PAGE, Ion chromatography fractionation, SCX, ERLIC)
- Training services. We provide courses and workshops.
- QExactive Plus Orbitrap MS (Thermo Scientific)
- Easy nanoLC 1000 och Easy nanoLC II (Thermo Scientific)
- 1260 Infinity LC (Agilent Technologies)
- Characterisation of truncated and modified proteins, elucidation of enzymatic cleavage sites.
- In-depth cerebrospinal fluid proteome analyses and determination of biomarkers for various disease states.
- Simultaneous extraction of membrane bound and cytosolic proteins from cells and tissues, followed by MS-analysis.
- Comprehensive characterisation of phosphoproteins and phosphoproteomes.
Time booking & questions: Anna Widgren (Researcher, Phd), 073-575 48 96.
Facility director: Jonas Bergquist (Prof.).