Teaching Entrepreneurship for Sustainability

The project examines how the intersection of entrepreneurship and sustainability is addressed in higher education.

  • Period: 2020-09-01 – 2023-12-08

About the project

This project studies the intersection between entrepreneurship and sustainability, as they are addressed in higher education. In a collaboration between Uppsala university, Nord universitet in Norway and Rijksuniversitet Groningen, campus Fryslan in the Netherlands, we investigate where strategies for entrepreneurship and sustainability coincide, strengthen and create synergies, and where – possibly – they divert or even contradict one another. We explore pedagogical theories, best practices as well as create a teaching module, test run and evaluate it.

The project aims at implementing sustainability in a comprehensive way in entrepreneurship education. This goes two ways: involve sustainability more strongly in the entrepreneurship courses and "marry" sustainability with the entrepreneurship approach in one module. It should create a better understanding of in which ways and dimensions sustainability and entrepreneurship are compatible, and in which ways and dimensions they are not. Additionally, the project needs to contribute to the quality of teaching in sustainability and entrepreneurship education. Furthermore, the project aims at developing a working approach which students can adopt in order to achieve sustainable results in a highly uncertain and changing environment. This work approach focuses on soft skills development for students as future actors of sustainable entrepreneurship, as there is not a “syllabus” to follow in reality. This includes re-gearing entrepreneurial processes to a variety of contexts and situations and embedding uncertainty into the learning process.

Unit for Global Partnerships, Uppsala University, Nord University, University of Groningen.

