Burkina Faso in focus
The upcoming week will focus on Burkina Faso and the recent socio-political transformations that the country has undergone since ex-President Compaoré was ousted from power in a popular revolution in October 2014.
1) Tuesday 13 Sept. at 18 in the Ihre-Hall, Engelska Parken, the film “Une révolution africaine” will be screened with English subtitles: http://www.afrikastudier.uu.se/Download.aspx?dialog=false&id=Roo0%2bSbAtnM%3d
2) Thursday 15 Sept. at 16 in the Ihre-Hall, Engelska Parken, the Nelson Mandela Memorial Lecture will be given by Professor Augustin Loada, Joseph Ki-Zerbo Ouagadougou University on “Political Transition in Burkina Faso”: http://www.afrikastudier.uu.se/Download.aspx?dialog=false&id=RAtci63XIsU%3d
3) Saturday 17 Sept. 9.30-19.00 in Engelska Parken, Thunbergsvägen 3H, a thematic day “Burkina Faso i backspegeln…” is hosted together with the Burkina Faso-Sweden Friendship Association (ASSAMBUS): http://www.afrikastudier.uu.se/Download.aspx?dialog=false&id=91CcPFGMZ6s%3d