High school anthropology
High school students in Uppsala can study anthropology during their final year. By 2019/20, it was offered for the first time for one class. But due to the subject’s popularity, it is being expanded to two classes for the next academic year.
At Lundellska skolan, a high school in Uppsala, students can take the course Cultural Anthropology. They examine human culture as expressed through themes such as violence, love and magic. During the course, students are also visited by anthropologists from Uppsala University who present some of their research.
The exams are based on practical field studies which allow students to practice participant observation and interviewing. They have participated in everything from football training to rehearsal with black metal bands and witch rituals and have been hanging out with pensioners and roller derby practitioners. One task was to follow an informant between different roles, and to document these roles through photographs. Two informants followed were a nun and a priest, and the pictures were taken as an effort to document their different roles.
(Image removed) The different roles of a nun documented in photographs taken by students.