Welcome Marcelo

We warmly welcome our new PhD candidate Marcelo Pacheco to the department! Marcelos research will be on migration from the Bolovian Highlands to La Paz, and focus on psychosocial dynamics connected to climate change. 

I am Marcelo Pablo Pacheco Camacho and I join the Department of Cultural Anthropology at Uppsala University through the ASDI Doctorate Scholarship (Swedish Cooperation to Bolivia) between the International Science Programme (ISP) and DIPGIS, the research unit of Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, in La Paz. I am also part of the Psychology Department at UMSA, working for its Institute of Research, Interaction and Graduate Studies. My research at Uppsala will be carried out with migrants from the Bolivian highlands, belonging specifically to Batallas and Tiwanaku populations that currently live in La Paz, in the context of climate change psychosocial dynamics. I am seeking for ways to build and restore mental health, individual resilience and specially to find mechanisms that would enable Human Agency to cancel out thought-process precariousness and generate value for life projects. My interests also include Peacebuilding, Cognitive Anthropology, Community Psychology and how Culture influences our sense of self within a Neuroanthropological perspective.

