Alumni Association Farmis increases the visibility of the pharmaceutical professions
“All of us students, alumni and employees benefit from committed networking”, states Elin Svedin, chair of Alumni Association Farmis, which in May launched the new digital inspiration series Industry Profiles.
(Image removed) Elin Svedin, chair, Alumni Association Farmis
Why should you be a member of an alumni association? And what do they actually do? The Faculty of Pharmacy's Alumni Association, Farmis, shall - according to its statutes - promote contacts between former students, teachers, researchers and students at the Faculty of Pharmacy ... but what concrete benefit does this generate in practice?
“All of us students, alumni and employees at the Faculty of Pharmacy benefit from committed networking and mutual exchange, through study time and professional life. Together, we can promote the position of pharmaceutical professions in Uppsala and the world,” states Elin Svedin, chair of Farmis and employee at the Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Lif.
During the pandemic, the Alumni Association has had to adapt its contact surfaces to current restrictions. The meeting places have periodically been fewer, but as more and more people adapt to the new ways of working via digital platforms, Elin Svedin identifies opportunities to engage even more people to participate actively in the network.
“I believe that the barrier is lowered with every digital event taking place. Of course we aim to seize this, and we recently launched Farmis new inspiration series ”Profiler i branschen” (Industry Profiles) where we will meet prominent people with a pharmaceutical background who create pride and show the breadth of everything we can achieve with a pharmaceutical education.”
(Image removed) Bengt Julander, Industry profile
The premiere guest, Bengt Julander, is a pharmacist and healthcare profile with a central position and solid background in Swedish business. During a lunch hour, he told about his journey from lower middle class without study experience to financially independent investor. He also found time to answer questions and offer the audience some well-chosen career tips.
“We want to provide inspiration and new insights to alumni, pharmacy students and everyone with an interest in the pharmaceutical world, and our first broadcast attracted many participants who afterwards expressed their appreciation. After the summer, we will continue this initiative with new exciting meetings. We already have a few names on our wish list, but welcome suggestions for additional profiles that we might all learn from,” Elin Svedin, concludes.
- The Alumni Association Farmis welcomes all former and current students and staff at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Students, teachers, researchers and professional alumni gather at the association’s many meeting places.
- There is also an association for alumni from the faculty’s Master’s programme in clinical pharmacy.
More information
- Alumni Association Farmis on LinkedIn (in Swedish)
- Alumni Association Farmis (in Swedish)
(Image removed) Elin Svedin, chair
Alumni Association Farmis
text: Magnus Alsne, photo: LIF, Sveriges Farmaceuter a o