Chief of Police Jale Poljarevius in University forum on gang crime and drugs

“The fight against gang crime and drugs requires broad societal mobilisation,” states Chief of Police Jale Poljarevius that will participate in Uppsala University's seminar Gängkriminalitet, missbruk & framtidstro (Gang crime, addiction & belief in the future).

(Image removed) Mathias Hallberg, U-FOLD, and Jale Poljarevius, Chief of Police

On Tuesday 23 November, U-FOLD and Uppsala University invite to a regional gathering of forces against the major challenges that drugs and organised crime constitute to our society. Due to the current relevance of the subject and the extensive public interest, the forum's management has chosen to arrange the meeting at the Uppsala University main auditorium.

“U-FOLD, uniting researchers, policy makers and professionals, is since a decade one of our region's most important arenas for joint actions in the field of addiction. During the pandemic, we have mainly worked online, but with eased restrictions, the great demand for our seminars and the development we observe in society, we are convinced that it is the time to meet again here in Uppsala, says Mathias Hallberg, professor at Uppsala University and chair of U-FOLD.

(Image removed) A significant reason for U-FOLD to open its doors right now are the many notorious acts of violence committed in our cities and suburbs. In several cases, the suspects are children under the age of 15 and the weapons acquired by older people in charge of criminal gangs handling and selling drugs. A number of police initiatives are underway aiming to reverse the trend and Chief of Police Jale Poljarevius will attend the meeting to provide a current status report on the link between gangs and drugs and to participate in a panel debate.

“If we are to succeed in our long term struggle to reduce drugrelated and gang crime, a broad societal mobilisation is necessary. Therefore, I believe that it is extremely important that U-FOLD's work is supported by as many organisations as possible, and I am grateful for the opportunity to represent the Police Authority at this meeting and to contribute to the direction of our common way forward,” says Jale Poljarevius .

At the seminar, Ing-Marie Wieselgren, SKR, will present the ongoing national gathering for mental health, and Sara Lindholm, chair of Svenska Spel's research council, will present the efforts surrounding gambling addiction. Two very important initiatives in line with U-FOLD's ambition to, through interdisciplinary collaboration, strengthen the ties between psychiatric research and treatment.

“Together with our regional and national partners, U-FOLD plays a prominent role in the development and implementation of preventive and treatment interventions against addiction. Still, the mechanisms surrounding this field are more complex than ever, so we need to act on an even broader front. November 23, we will gather our region in order to strengthen our common approach and take the next step in breaking the paths to addiction, says Fred Nyberg, senior advisor in U-FOLD.


  • Is Uppsala University's Forum for research on drug addiction.
  • Was inaugurated in Uppsala in 2011 as a regional gathering of forces against the challenges of addiction.
  • Gathers twenty regional organisations that work together for a better society.



(Image removed) Mathias Hallberg, chair, U-FOLD
Phone  018–471 41 41

(Image removed) Fred Nyberg, senior advisor, U-FOLD
Phone  018–471 41 66

text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Magnus Alsne, Mikael Wallerstedt

