Drugs in the Environment one of many new freestanding courses at the Faculty of Pharmacy

In 2021, the Faculty of Pharmacy is expanding its already wide range of freestanding courses. This year’s news includes Drugs in the Environment, Biologicals and Introduction to Nanomedicine - themes that respond well to society's challenges.

(Image removed) Welcome to apply for a freestanding course at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Deputy Dean Anja Sandström, why is the faculty expanding its catalog of freestanding courses?
“The Swedish government is investing in knowledge and lifelong learning, and our faculty is receiving funding to develop courses with a focus on current challenges in society and healthcare. Already in 2021 we can offer a relevant and exciting mix, but will of course continue to fine-tune our range, partly based on the expertise we possess, partly based on what participants, society and industry demand.”

(Image removed) Anja Sandström, The Faculty of Pharmacy

What is in focus of this year's news?
“Environment and sustainability is definitely an issue in todays pharmacy, and our new course Drugs in the environment, led by Björn Wettermark who has joined us from KI, has all the prerequisites to be successful. We are also turning our investments in Drug Formulation and Drug Delivery and Biologicals into courses that will undoubtedly include the latest research. The fact that we are also investing extra in online courses, for example Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, will increase our reach far beyond the Uppsala region. In short, we follow many interesting tracks.”

What can the participants expect from the courses?
“Above all, to update their pharmaceutical competencies with current knowledge, as our teachers are firmly established in both frontline research and contemporary challenges. It is also a unique opportunity to build networks among tomorrows Swedish and international pharmaceutical experts, as the courses are also optional for students at our Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy and Master's Programmes.”

(Image removed) Christina Wedén, expert on Truffle-Forming Fungi

Who are your courses primarily aimed at?
“We meet many professionals in industry and healthcare who want to deepen and update their knowledge. Other groups are students and newly graduated alumni who want to specialise in their skills. But of course you don’t have to be a trained pharmacist to enjoy the content. Several of our courses attract curious people from completely different fields, a popular combination is a holiday on Gotland and our summer course Chemistry, Biology and Ecology of Truffle-Forming Fungi.”

What is required to attend a freestanding course?
“Our ambition is for everyone to be able to participate regardless of conditions. That is why we offer both digital distance courses and on-site teaching. We have courses in English and Swedish, in the evening and during the day, during semesters and holiday weeks. If someone still does not have the opportunity to participate in our courses for practical reasons, it is obviously something we will take into account for the years to come.”

What further development can we expect in the foreseeable future?
“We continuously monitor society to identify new and future challenges. This week, for example, we received a report from the International Pharmaceutical Federation, FIP, calling for an increased element of digital health in pharmaceutical teaching, both during University years and regularly when working in pharmacies. The same report also shows that many pharmacists lack sufficient knowledge of artificial intelligence, a subject close to Bioinformatics where our faculty offers more and more courses. All in all, we play an important role, and freestanding courses are easier to navigate than multi-year programs to meet new needs.”

More information

Also read

  • Report FIP ​​digital health in pharmacy education (Link removed)


(Image removed) Anja Sandström
Deputy Dean, first and second cycle education
anja.sandstrom@ilk.uu.se, 018-471 5026

text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt


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