Nominate your candidate for the Hjärnäpplet Innovation Prize

Now you have the opportunity to nominate a colleague for Uppsala University's innovation prize Hjärnäpplet, which draws attention to contributions to translate valuable knowledge into innovation and sustainable benefit. Welcome with your nomination no later than April 24, 2022.

(Image removed) Sara Mangsbo and Joachim Gullbo, former recipients of Hjärnäpplet

In 2021, Joachim Gullbo, alumnus with a pharmacy degree from the Faculty of Pharmacy, received the Uppsala University innovation prize Hjärnäpplet for his key role in the development of better drugs for cancer. In 2020, Sara Mangsbo, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pharmacy, was awarded the prize. Now you can nominate your candidate for the 2022 award, which draws attention to new research results or knowledge assets that have resulted in an innovation.

“Innovations are important to society and Hjärnäpplet is a prize that highlights those who, through successful research and commitment to utilization, lay the foundation for innovative innovations. This is a work that requires creativity, innovation and a driving spirit, says Coco Norén, Deputy vice-chancellor and chair of the nomination committee.

The nomination criteria for the Hjärnäpplet Prize state that the award "aims to recognise, reward and stimulate the driving energy of researchers and doctoral students from all disciplines who want to understand their environment, describe it, and help translate valuable knowledge into innovation and sustainable benefits for society and humanity."

Welcome with your nomination no later than April 24, 2022.


