Test yourself – what good ideas can be found in your research?

Which of your research results have the potential to solve a problem in a new way? Take UU Innovation’s self-test to see whether what you are developing in your research has the potential to create value for others as well.

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Raising researchers’ awareness that the assets they are building are potentially very valuable is at the core of UU Innovation’s self-test.

“We want to help more researchers realise what they are actually producing in their research in the form of datasets, methods and models, for example, and for whom these results could create value. Digging deeper where you stand is simply the first step in ultimately being able to create value from your research even outside of the immediate research environment,” says Hillevi Englund at UU Innovation.

The self-test does not require any prior knowledge, is quick, and can be taken by any researcher, regardless of field. One of the aims of the test is to show that innovation is something for researchers in all disciplines, and not something that has to originate from a technological invention.

“In short, innovation is about new solutions that create value for others – individuals, groups, organisations or society at large. The starting point for you as a researcher is to identify the research results that have the potential to be utilised and create value in society,” states Hillevi Englund.

With a greater understanding of what you actually create in your research, it is easier to think strategically about both its utilisation and your continued research. For those who want a sounding board and hands-on support to help them evaluate and develop the value-creating potential of their results, there is UU Innovation.

“The self-test will give you a first glimpse of the golden nuggets among your research results. From there, we can help you explore the potential for utilisation in more detail. There are many different forms of research results that can benefit society, given the right conditions and support. Daring to test your idea is key! For you as a researcher, there is very little risk to testing your idea, and if it does not pan out, you often learn a lot along the way,” explains Hillevi Englund.

So you do not need to worry that you have not made enough progress with your thoughts or your idea?

“Not at all! UU Innovation’s support is geared towards the very first phase of development, and we work together to draw up a plan for what needs to be done to explore and strengthen the viability of the idea. Among other things, it is important to know at an early stage whether the idea meets a real need and whether it needs to be protected in some way. These are questions that we help to answer,” says Hillevi Englund.


  • Get an introduction to the self-test and more inspiration by taking part in a seminar on 15 June, 15:15–16:00: Identify the hidden potential in your research.
    Register to the seminar via: Link to registration 
    More opportunities will come during the autumn, starting already in August.
  • Do the self-test at Link to the self-test

Text: Sara Gredemark 

