The Faculty of Pharmacy to inaugurate seven new professors
From fragile peptides to 3D-printed drugs. From optimised drug dosages to more effective drug use. Tuesday 16 November, the new professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy will give lectures directly from the frontline of pharmaceutical research before the Inauguration of Professors 2021.
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In November, the new professors of Uppsala University will be inaugurated. At the Faculty of Pharmacy, seven researchers have been promoted or recruited as professors since 2019. Tuesday 16 November, they will present their research as part of the inaugural lectures in Uppsala University Hall, IV.
“That our relatively small faculty is about to inaugurate seven new professors is of course very positive. They all conduct research in very interesting disciplines, and I am really looking forward to Tuesday's lectures, which I warmly recommend to everyone with an interest in science” states Mathias Hallberg, Dean at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The Faculty of Pharmacy inaugural lectures begin at 09.15 and last until 11.30. Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, Professor of Social pharmacy, gives her lecture Blodiglar och 3D-skrivare - olika perspektiv på läkemedel i samhället (Blood lice and 3D printers - different perspectives on drugs in society) at the Inauguration of Professors on Friday 19 November in the Uppsala University main auditorium.
Faculty of Pharmacy's inaugural lectures
Date November 16, at 09.15–11.30
Venue Uppsala University main building, hall IV or online
(Image removed) Introduction
Mathias Hallberg, Professor
Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy
(Image removed) Christel Bergström
Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics
Department of Parmacy
- Datorbaserad formulering och 3D-skrivna läkemedel för utveckling av effektiva och individanpassade mediciner. (Computer-based formulation and 3D-printed drugs for the development of effective and individualised drugs)
Learn more about Christel Bergström’s research
- Presentation Professor’s installation 2021(in Swedish)
- Research in Advanced drug delivery systems & computational pharmaceutics at Uppsala University
(Image removed) Andrew C Hooker
Professor of Pharmacometrics
Department of Parmacy
- Nya möjligheter att hitta den optimala läkemedelsdosen med matematiska modeller (New opportunities to find the optimal drug dose with mathematical models)
Learn more about Andrew C Hooker’s research
- Presentation Professor’s installation 2021(in Swedish)
- Research in Pharmacometrics at Uppsala University
(Image removed) Johan Lennartsson
Professor of Pharmaceutical Cell Biology
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
- Ett receptorproteins liv och död (Life and death of a receptor protein)
Learn more about Johan Lennartsson’s research
- Presentation Professor’s installation 2021(in Swedish)
- Research in Pharmaceutical Cell Biology at Uppsala University
(Image removed) Ola Spjuth
Professor of Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
- Kan artificiell intelligens och automation effektivisera läkemedelsutveckling? (Can artificial intelligence and automation streamline drug development?)
Learn more about Ola Spjuth’s research
- Presentation Professor’s installation 2021(in Swedish)
- Research in Pharmaceutical Biosciences at Uppsala University
(Image removed) Björn Wettermark
Professor of Pharmacoepidemiology
Department of Parmacy
- Recept på register – historier om hälsodata för en bättre läkemedelsanvändning (Prescriptions on registers - stories about health data for better drug use)
Learn more about Björn Wettermark’s research
- Presentation Professor’s installation 2021(in Swedish)
- Research in Pharmacoepidemiology at Uppsala University
(Image removed) Anja Sandström
Professor of Medicinal chemistry
Department of Medicinal chemistry
- Från bräckliga peptider till läkemedelskandidater (From fragile peptides to drug candidates)
Learn more about Anja Sandström’s research
- Presentation Professor’s installation 2021(in Swedish)
- Research in Peptides and Peptiomimetics in Drug Discovery at Uppsala University
Inauguration of Professors 2021
(Image removed) Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong
Professor of Social pharmacy
Department of Parmacy
- Blodiglar och 3D-skrivare - olika perspektiv på läkemedel i samhället (Blood lice and 3D printers - different perspectives on drugs in society)
Learn more about Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong’s research
- Presentation Professor’s installation 2021(in Swedish)
- Research in Social pharmacy at Uppsala University
- The inauguration and all lectures are open to the public.
- Tickets for the inauguration can be collected in the University Hall's stairwell from 10:00, Thursday 18 November to 15:00, Friday 19 November. No tickets are needed for the lectures during the week.
- The Inauguration of Professors on November 19 will be recorded but not broadcast live.
Gabriella Almqvist
Deputy academy steward
text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt