Congratulations Maria Klemm!

Maria Klemm has been awarded close to 200 000 SEK to develop a pedagogical model for interdisciplinary project work.

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Maria Klemm has been awarded close to 200 000 SEK (Swedish Krona) to develop a pedagogical model for interdisciplinary project work.

The project is called "Interdisciplinarity in Practice. A Pedagogic Model for Experimental Learning and Collaborative Problem Solving". Read about the allotment of funds here, (in Swedish). 

How will you use the funds?

The purpose of this project is to develop, and also apply, a pedagogical model for interdisciplinary project work designed for undergraduate students (Bachelor’s level) which builds on the principles of active student participation and experiential learning approaches. The project work itself concerns practical problem-solving in collaboration with third-party actors working on complex issues in the field of sustainable energy and planning. This could be Region Gotland, Länsstyrelsen or any company or an interested NGO. 

As a secondary purpose, and if the pedagogic model proves rewarding, we will explore possibilities to upscale and involve other disciplines and programs at Campus Gotland to join (parts of) the project course at upcoming occasions.

In which courses will you try our your model?

The pedagogic model which we will develop during the autumn will be used in two upcoming courses (spring term 2021) which offer an immediate empirical case.  These courses are mandatory parts of the final semester of two programs at Campus Gotland: the international Bachelor’s Programme in Sustainable Energy Transition — Sustainability and leadership and the Swedish Bachelor’s program in Urban and Regional Planning— Environment, Resources, and Globalization. It would be beneficial if we can have this shared interdisciplinary project work on campus instead of digital.

How will you share your results?

Besides presenting the learning outcomes at a pedagogic conference at Uppsala university, the plan is also for students to present their project outcomes for other students and staff in a seminar at Campus Gotland at the end of the course. This seminar will be open to the public and other students can attend as well.

Here you can read about our international Bachelor´s Programme; Energy Transition - Sustainability and Leadership.

Here you can read about the Swedish Bachelor´s programme: Kandidatprogram i samhällsplanering - miljö, resurser och globalisering 2020/2021

