Anglers can play an important role in creating a sustainable future for fish and aquatic ecosystems

Sport fishing can help people create meaningful relationships both with fishing grounds and with nature in general, which could make sport fishing more sustainable. This is shown in a doctoral thesis by Lotte van den Heuvel at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.

Sportfiske kan hjälpa människor att skapa betydelsefulla relationer både till fiskeplatser och till naturen i stort, något som skulle kunna göra sportfisket mer hållbart. Det visar en doktorsavhandling av Lotte van den Heuvel vid Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland.

Lotte van den Heuvel

Lotte van den Heuvel believes that there are great opportunities for local organisations and authorities to benefit from the knowledge and commitment of anglers.

Annually, more than 10% of the Swedish population goes angling and fishing tourism attracts many international tourists to Swedish waters. Sport fishing includes all rod and reel fishing activities (e.g. fly fishing and spinning) that do not constitute one's main source of food or income. Despite the economic and health benefits of sport fishing, there is also a risk of ecological damage if sport fishing is carried out irresponsibly. Encouraging fishermen's involvement in nature conservation and environmental management can be a promising strategy towards sustainable angling that both strengthens fishermen's relationship with nature and reduces their ecological impact.

For an interview with Lotte van den Heuvel see the Swedish news page.

For more information contact Lotte van Heuvel:
Telephone: 018-471 84 39

Link till to the PhD thesis in Diva.

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