SEK 30 million for materials research for a green transition
The Swedish Research Council has awarded SEK 30 million to an interdisciplinary research environment at Uppsala University. The project titled From minerals to functional magnets is being coordinated by Olle Eriksson, Professor of Theoretical Magnetism at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
The Swedish Research Council has awarded grants totalling SEK 234 million for 2025–2030 to a total of 8 interdisciplinary research environments at Sweden’s higher education institutions. The grants aim to provide opportunities for research groups to develop interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary research environments, where breakthroughs and ground-breaking discoveries may be expected.
- Bjarne Almqvist, Department of Earth Sciences
- Johan Cedervall, Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory
- Heike Herper, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Martin Sahlberg, Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory
- Tapati Sarkar, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Alena Vishina, Department of Physics and Astronomy
The research environment From minerals to functional magnets at Uppsala University will receive SEK 30 million for the period 2025 through to 2030. The coordinator is Professor Olle Eriksson of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Project participants:
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