Jonas Cederlöf to University of Edinburgh
Jonas Cederlöf has accpeted the offer of a lecturer position, or perhaps more commonly known as an assistant professor position, at The School of Economics at University of Edinburgh. He defended his thesis Job Loss: Consequences and Labor Market Policy on the 15th of May and will start his new position on the 1st of October. In between, he intends to spend time with his son on some well earned parental leave.
Congratulations on your new job, Jonas! What will you be doing?
Thank you! The position primarily entails doing research and in my case the field of study is applied econometrics and labor economics. There is also some teaching where I will be in charge of designing and lecturing one or two courses a year.
What do you think that you, your research, and your time at UU will bring to your new job?
At the moment The School of Economics at Edinburgh have several researchers doing theoretical work, so I think their intention with recruiting me was to expand the number of people doing empirical work. So, coming from Uppsala University with its long tradition of empirical labor economics, I hope to be able to contribute with my ability and knowledge of how to take the predictions from economic theory to data and test them empirically.
What are you looking forward to in particular in your new job?
I’m really looking forward to getting to know my new colleagues and being able to absorb at least some of the broad and vast knowledge they possess, which in turn will hopefully make my own research better. Edinburgh is also a lovely city so me and my family are also very excited about moving there.