Jonas Cederlöf receives an honorable mention in the 2020 Upjohn Institute Dissertation Award

The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research awards Jonas Cederlöf an honourable mention for his dissertation Job Loss: Consequences and Labor Market Policy.

The award committee praised the thesis for excelling "in both areas that we focused on: technical quality of the research and policy relevance. The committee was particularly impressed with [the] work on the consequences of worker dislocation and qualities that make for good case workers."

-I am very happy and truly honoured to even be considered for the Upjohn award. A lot of time and effort has been put into this thesis so it is always fun when somebody recognises your work. At the same time I would have to point out that even though I stand as the recipient of this prize, I share it with all of my co-authors who have contributed tremendously to making the thesis to what it became, says Jonas Cederlöf.

The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research annually awards a prize for the best PhD dissertation on employment-ralated issues. Dissertations are evaluated on the basis of policy relevance and technical quality of the reserach. The winner of this years prize was Claire Montialoux, ENSAE Paris Tech-CREST Polytechnique and the other honourable mention went to John Grigsby, University of Chicago.

