August Wadell Leimdörfer
- Health Economics Analyst at Macanda

Interview with our alumnus August Wadell Leimdörfer about his work at the start-up Macanda

Bild August Wadell Leimdörfer

August Wadell Leimdörfer

What do you do?

I work as a health economics analyst at Macanda, a consulting start-up that helps pharmaceutical and medical device companies with different types of analytical and strategic questions related to the step after their product has received regulatory approval to be sold, i.e., their product has been shown to be clinically effective and safe to use. For example, we calculate the cost-effectiveness of the product to inform decisions on whether it should be reimbursed and used in the Nordic countries.

What do you do at work?

My day can vary quite substantially, but a large part of our work can be summarized in three steps:

1) Evaluate our customers' products in relation to existing treatments in terms of efficacy as well as cost.
2) Map out for our customers what is required for their products to be reimbursed, and present proposals for solutions to various analytical and strategic issues.
3) Compile the material in a document that is sent to the decision makers who decide whether the treatment should be reimbursed and used in the respective Nordic countries.

How has your education in economics helped you?

Economics and econometrics have strengthened my logical intuition and helped me to approach and model different types of questions and relationships in a systematic way. In addition, my studies in game theory have helped me understand how actors act and interact strategically.

Have you used your knowledge of economics in your daily work?

The health economics method, which is based on economics and econometrics, is a cornerstone of my work and permeates most of what I do at work.

Why study economics?

It opens the door to exciting roles in a wide variety of fields by giving you the tools to analyse social issues in a quantitative way.

Best memory from your studies?

There are many, but the first Valborg weekend in Uppsala is of course special!


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