Here you will find publications from researchers affiliated with the Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies.

Journal Articles

Andersson, H. (2023). "Do asylum seekers respond to policy changes? Evidence from the Swedish-Syrian Case" The Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Angelov, N., Waldenström, D. (2023). “The Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Activity: Evidence from Administrative Tax Registers” International Tax and Public Finance.

Angelov, N. and D. Waldenström (2023). “COVID-19 and Income Inequality: Evidence from Monthly Population Registers” Journal of Economic Inequality.

Bastani, S. and D. Waldenström, D (2023). “Taxing the Wealthy: The Choice Between Wealth and Capital Income Taxation” Oxford Review of Economic Policy.

Bengtsson, N. (2023). "Default options and tax avoidance: Evidence from the church tax." Journal of Public Economics Plus.

Carozzi, F., D. Cipullo, and L. Repetto. (2023). "Powers that be? Political alignment, government formation, and government stability" Journal of Public Economics.

Chan, H., A. Önder, S. Schweitzer and B. Torgler. (2023). “Twitter and Citations” Economics Letters.

Chen, D. L., Michaeli, M., and D. Spiro. (2023). "Non-confrontational extremists" European Economic Review.

Di Porto, E. and C. Tealdi "Heterogeneous paths to stability" Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series A, forthcoming.

Elinder, M., O. Erixson and M. Öhman. (2023). “Cognitive ability, health policy, and the dynamics of COVID-19 vaccination” Journal of Health Economics.

Elinder, M., O. Erixson and O. Hammar. (2023). ”Where would Ukrainian refugees go if they could go anywhere?” International Migration Review.

Erlingsson, G. Ó., Klarin, J., and E. Mörk (2024). "Does size matter? Evidence from municipal splits". Journal of Regional Science.

Garz, M. and A. Schneider. (2023). "Data sharing and tax enforcement: Evidence from short-term rentals in Denmark" Regional Science and Urban Economics.

Garz, M. and A. Schneider. (2023). "Taxation of short-term rentals – Evidence from the introduction of the “Airbnb tax” in Norway" Economics Letters.

Gars, J., and D. Spiro. (2023). "Approximately optimal forest rotation in a nonstationary environment" Natural Resource Modeling.

Hallman, A. and D. Spiro. (2023). "A theory of hypocrisy" Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Harstad, B. and T. Mideksa. (2024). "Contracts and Induced Institutional Change." The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.

Juranek, S., D. Schindler, and A. Schneider. (2023). "Royalty Taxation under Tax Competition and Profit Shifting" Canadian Journal of Economics.

Kunuroglu, F. and A. Önder. (2023). “German-Jewish Scholars in Turkish Exile”, Migration Letters.

Nyman, P., L. Aggeborn and R. Ahlskog. (2023). "Filling in the blanks: How does information about the Swedish EITC affect labour supply?" Labour Economics.

Repetto, L. and M. Sosa Andrés. (2023). "Divided government, polarization, and policy: Regression-discontinuity evidence from US states." European Journal of Political Economy.


Angelov, N. and D. Waldenström. (2023). Pandemin och pengarna: En ESO-rapport om inkomster, skatter, fördelning och stödåtgärder under covid-19. Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi 2023:5, Stockholm: Elanders.

Elinder, M., O. Erixson and O. Hammar. (2023). Under ytan: Hur många och vilka vill lämna sina länder för att flytta till EU och Sverige? Delmi Rapport, 4.

Lyhagen, J. and H. Shahnazarian. (2023). Samspelet mellan finans- och penningpolitik i Sverige, bilaga 5 till Långtidsutredningen, SOU 2023:90.

Waldenström, D. Global Wealth Report 2023, UBS and Credit Suisse. (Databook of the report).

Articles in peer reviewed international journals 2022

Adema, J., Nikolka T., Poutvaara P., and U. Sunde (2022). “On the stability of risk preferences: Measurement matters” Economics Letters.

Adermon, A. and L. Hensvik (2022). “Gig-jobs: Stepping stones or dead ends?” Labour Economics.

Andersson, T., Erlansson, A., Spiro, D., and R. Östling (2022). “A Simple Model of the Production-Health Trade-off During an Epidemic”, Economics Bulletin.

Andersson, D., Karadja M., and E. Prawitz (2022). “Mass Migration and Technological Change” Journal of the European Economic Association.

Andersson, H., Lajevardi, N., Lindgren K-O., and S. Oskarsson (2022). “Effect of Settlement into Ethnic Enclaves on Immigrant Voter Turnout” Journal of Politics.

Andersson, H. and K. Jutvik (2022). “Do Asylum-Seekers respond to Policy Changes” Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Armelius, H., C.A. Claussen, and A. Reslow (2022). “Withering Cash: Is Sweden ahead of the curve or just special?” International Journal of Central Banking.

Ashton, L., Friedman J., Goldemberg D., Zakir Hussain M., Kenyon T., Khan A., and M. Zhou (2022). “A Puzzle with Missing Pieces: Explaining the Effectiveness of World Bank Development Projects.” The World Bank Research Observer.

Belloni, A., Hansen C., and W.K. Newey (2022). “High Dimensional Linear Models with Many Endogenous Variables” Journal of Econometrics.

Carozzi, F., Cipullo D., and Repetto L. (2022). “Political fragmentation and government stability: evidence from local governments in Spain.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

Chernozhukov, V., Newey W.K., and R. Singh (2022). ”Automatic Debiased Machine Learning of Structural and Causal Effects” Econometrica.

Chernozhukov, V., Escanciano J.C.,Ichimura H., Newey W.K., and J.M. Robins (2022). “Locally Robust Semiparametric Estimation” Econometrica.​

Chernozhukov, V., Newey W.K., and R. Singh (2022). “De-Biased Machine Learning of Global and Local Parameters Using Regularized Riesz Representers” Econometrics Journal.

Chernozhukov, V., Newey W.K., Quintas-Martinez WK., and V. Syrgkanis (2022). “RieszNet and ForestRiesz: Automatic Debiased Machine Learning with Neural Nets and Random Forests” Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning.

Cipullo, D., and A. Reslow (2022). “Electoral Cycles in Macroeconomic Forecasts” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Di Porto, E., Naticchioni P., and V. Scrutinio (2022). “Lockdown, essential sectors, and Covid-19: Lessons from Italy”. Journal of Health Economics.

Dufwenberg, M., and K. Nordblom (2022). ”Tax evasion with a conscience“ Journal of Public Economic Theory.

Edin, P-A., and H. Selin (2022) “Financial Risk-taking and the Gender Wage Gap“ Labour Economics.

El Gohary, F., Nordin M., Juslin P., and C. Bartusch (2022). “Evaluating user understanding and exposure effects of demand-based tariffs” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

Elinder, M., Erixson O., and O. Hammar (2022). “Where Would Ukrainian Refugees Go if They Could Go Anywhere?” International Migration Review.

Elinder, M., Hagen J., Nordin M., and J Säve-Söderbergh (2022). “Who lacks pension knowledge, why and does it matter? Evidence from Swedish retirement savers” Public Finance Review.

Engström, P., Nordblom K., and A. Stefánsson (2022). “Loss aversion and indifference to tax rates: Evidence from tax filing data” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Escobar, S., Ohlsson H., and H. Selin (2023) “Giving to the Children or the Taxman? Lessons from a Swedish Inheritance Tax Loophole“ European Economic Review.

Gars, J., Spiro D., and H. Wachtmeister (2022). “The effect of European fuel-tax cuts on the oil income of Russia” Nature Energy.

Gars, J., Spiro D., and H. Wachtmeister (2022). “Policy brief: European fuel tax cuts increase Russian oil profits” Nature Energy.

Gärtner, N., Lindhe A., Wahtra J., Söderqvist T., Lång L.-O., Nordzell H., Norrman J., and L. Rosén (2022). “Integrating Ecosystem Services into Risk Assessments for Drinking Water Protection” Water.

Haaparanta, P., Kanbur R., Paukkeri T., Pirttilä, J., and M. Tuomala (2022). ”Promoting education under distortionary taxation: equality of opportunity versus welfarism” Journal of Economic Inequality.

Hagen, J., and A. Malisa (2022). “Financial fraud and individual investment behavior” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Hagen, J., and H. Malmberg (2022). “A cofinancing model for disability insurance and local government employers” Social Policy & Administration.

Hagen, J. (2022). “Partial recall: Differences between actual and self-reported annuitization decisions in Sweden” Journal of Pension Economics and Finance.

Hagen, J., Malisa A., and T. Post (2022). “Trading behavior of Swedish retirement investors during the COVID-19 pandemic” Review of Behavioral Finance.

Harstad, B., and T. Mideksa (2022). “Contracts and Induced Institutional Changes” The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.

Hu, X., and C-Y. Liang (2022). “Does income redistribution prevent residential segregation?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Ichimura, H., and W.K. Newey (2022). “The Influence Function of Semiparametric Estimators” Quantitative Economics.

Johansson, P. and M. Nordin (2022). “Inference in experiments conditional on observed imbalances in covariates” The American Statistician

Krolage, C., Peichl, A., and D. Waldenström (2022). “Long-run trends in top income shares: The role of income and population growth” Journal of Economic Inequality.

Kunuroglu, F. and A.S. Önder (2022). “The Role of Out-group Network in the Choice of Migration Destination: Evidence from Turkey” Migration Letters.

Miclo, L., Spiro, D., and J. Weibull (2022). “Optimal epidemic suppression under an ICU constraint” Journal of Mathematical Economics.

Mideksa T. (2022). “Pricing Pollution in a Non-Cooperative World” The Journal of Public Economics Plus.

Munk M.D., Nikolka T., and P. Poutvaara (2022). “International family migration and the dual-earner model” Journal of Economic Geography.

Newey, W.K. and S. Stouli (2022). “Heterogeneous Coefficients, Control Variables, and Identification of Multiple Treatment Effects” Biometrika.

Nordin, M. and M. Schultzberg (2022). “Properties of restricted randomization with implications for experimental design” Journal of Causal Inference

Mussio, I., Sosa Andrés, M., and A. Kidwai (2022). “Higher order risk attitudes in the time of COVID-19: an experimental study” Oxford Economic Papers.

Wei, C., Xu Y., and Li C.Z. (2022). “Recent advances in China’s sustainable transition studies.” Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences.

Books, policy reports and popular science 2022

Adema, J., Albrecht C., Giesing Y., Panchenko T., and P. Poutvaara (2022). “Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund und Geflüchtete in Bayern und ihre Bedeutung für den bayerischen Arbeitsmarkt” (People With a Migration Background and Refugees in Bavaria and Their Importance for the Bavarian Labor Market), ifo Institut, München, 2022, ifo Forschungsberichte / 136.

Adermon, A., Laun L., Lind P., Olsson M., Sauermann J., and A. Sjögren (2022). “Coronapandemin, arbetsinkomsterna och välfärdssystemets skyddsgrad - Befolkningens inkomstutveckling under 2020”, Underlagsrapport till SOU 2022:10 Sverige under pandemin.

Balma, L., Heidland, T., Jävervall, S., Mahlkow, H., Mukasa, A. N., and A. Woldemichael (2022). “Long-Run Impacts of the Conflict in Ukraine on Food Security in Africa” Kiel Policy Brief, Ukraine Special No. 1.

Bartels, C., and D. Waldenström (2022). “Inequality and Top Incomes”, in Zimmermann, K.F. (ed.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer.

Bastani, S., and D. Waldenström (2022). “Wealth and Inheritance Taxation: Theory and Evidence from the Nordic Countries”, in Jacobs, B., and S. Cnossen (eds.). Tax by Design for the Netherlands, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bergman, M., and H. Jordahl (2022). “Svensk marknads- och konkurrenspolitik”, in L. Hultkrantz and P. Österholm, Marknad och politik, 289-329, Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Cheng, Y S, Man Kit C., and T C Kwok (2022). “China's Development Finance: Towards a New Direction For the Belt and Road Initiative? “ Report commissioned by the Ford Foundation.

Edvinsson, R., Jacobson T., and D. Waldenström (2022). “Introduction”, in: Edvinsson, R., Jacobson T. and D. Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 3, Stockholm: Ekerlids förlag.

Elinder, M., Erixson O., and O. Hammar (2022). “Hur många kommer fly från Ukraina och vilka EU-länder kommer de söka sig till?”, Delmi Policy Brief 2022:3. Stockholm: Delegationen för Migrationsstudier.

Engdahl, M., Forslund A., and U. Vikman (2022). “(Kommunala) insatser för att underlätta arbetsmarknadsinträdet för flyktingar och deras anhöriga” Swedish Research Council.

Heller Sahlgren, G., and H. Jordahl (2022). “Skattenytta i skolan”, Kommissionen för Skattenytta.

Giesing, Y., Panchenko T., and P. Poutvaara (2022). “Anpassungs- und Integrationsstrategien von Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine in Deutschland” (Adaptation and Intergration Strategies of Refugee from Ukraine in Germany), ifo Institut, München, ifo Forschungsberichte / 135.

Giesing Y., Panchenko T., and P. Poutvaara (2022). “Können Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine zu einer Reduktion des Fachkräftemangels beitragen?” (Can refugees from Ukraine contribute to reducing the shortage of skilled workers?), ifo Schnelldienst, 75, Nr. 09, 42-49.

Miao, D., Selin H., och M. Söderström (2022) “En utvärdering av avtrappningen av jobbskatteavdraget“, IFAU-rapport 2022:19.

Mideksa, T. (2022). “Att välja ett bättre sätt att prissätta koldioxid.” Ekonomisk Debatt 5/2022.

Panchenko ,T., and P. Poutvaara (2022). “Intentions to Stay and Employment Prospects of Refugees from Ukraine” EconPol Policy Brief 46.

Poutvaara P. (2022). “Die ökonomischen Auswirkungen der Flüchtlingskrise auf europäische Arbeitsmärkte und Sozialsysteme” (The Economic Impact of the Refugee Crisis on European Labor Markets and Social Systems), Verlag Alma Mater, Saarbrücken, 2022, in: Chiusi T., und A. Rennig (Hrsg.): Flüchtlingskrise, Migrationskrise, Europakrise?, 61 – 71.

Spiro, D. (2022) “10 alternativa stöd till elkonsumenter” Report.

Svaleryd, H., and J. Vlachos (2022). "COVID-19 and School Closures", in: Zimmermann K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham, 2022.

Waldenström, D. (2022). “The Swedish Bond Market, 1835-2020”, in: Edvinsson R., Jacobson T., and D. Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 3: Banking, Bonds, National Wealth, and Stockholm House Prices, 1420-2020, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.

Waldenström, D. (2022). “The National Wealth of Sweden”, in: Edvinsson R., Jacobson T., and D. Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 3: Banking, Bonds, National Wealth, and Stockholm House Prices, 1420-2020, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.

Waldenström, D. (2022). Fondägandets struktur i Sverige: En empirisk studie. Stockholm: Fondbolagens förening.

Önder, A.S. (2022). “Ostdeutsche Wissenschaft nach der Wende: Institutioneller Umbau und Produktivität [East German Science after Re-unification: Institutional Restructuring and Productivity]”, ifo Dresden Berichtet.

Ph.D. Dissertations 2022

van Maarseveen, R. (2022). “Urbanization and Education”, Economic Studies 206, Department of Economic, Uppsala University.

Yakymovych, Y. (2022). “Workers and Occupations in a Changing Labour Market: The Heterogeneous Effects of Mass Layoffs and Social Safety Nets”. Economic Studies 205, Department of Economic, Uppsala University.

Bougt, D. (2022). “A Sequence of Essays on Sequences of Auctions”, Economic Studies 203, Department of Economic, Uppsala University.

Poignant, A. (2022). “Gold, Coal and Iron: Essays on Industrialization and Economic Development”, Economic Studies 202, Department of Economic, Uppsala University.

Articles in peer reviewed international journals 2021

Adermon, A., M. Lindahl and M. Palme (2021). “Dynastic Human Capital, Inequality, and Intergenerational Mobility”, American Economic Review.

Aksoy, C.G. and P. Poutvaara (2021). “Refugees' and irregular migrants' self-selection into Europe”, Journal of Development Economics.

Aldén, L., Bastani, S. and M. Hammarstedt (2021). "Ethnic Background and the Value of Self-Employment Experience: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

Aldén, L., Bastani, S., Hammarstedt, M. and C. Miao (2021). "Immigrant-Native Differences in Long-Term Self-Employment", Small Business Economics

Andersson, H., Berg H. and M. Dahlberg (2021). “Migrating Natives and Foreign Immigration”, Journal of Urban Economics.

Andersson, O., Campos-Mercade, P., Meier A. N. and E. Wengström (2021). "Anticipation of COVID-19 vaccines reduces willingness to socially distance". Journal of health economics.

Andersson, O., Campos‐Mercade, P., Carlsson, F., Schneider, F. and E. Wengström (2021). "The impact of stay‐at‐home policies on individual welfare", The Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Andersson, O., Ingebretsen Carlson, J. and E. Wengström (2021). "Differences attract: An experimental study of focusing in economic choice", The Economic Journal.

Angelis, J, A H Glenngård and H Jordahl (2021). “Management practices and the quality of primary care”, Public Money & Management.

Aronsson, T., and L. Micheletto (2021). "Optimal redistributive income taxation and efficiency wages", Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Backman, M., Hagen, J., Kekezi, O., Naldi, L., and T. Wallin (2021). “In the Eye of the Storm: Entrepreneurs and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis”, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice.

Barnes, H., G. Espi-Sanchis, M. Leibbrandt, D. McLennan, M. Noble, J. Pirttilä, W. Steyn, B. Van Vrede, and G. Wright (2021). “Analysis of the Distributional Effects of COVID-19 and State-led Remedial Measures in South Africa”, International Journal of Microsimulation.

Bartels, C. and S. Morelli (2021). “A tale of two countries: The long shadow of the crisis on income and wealth in Germany and Italy”, Journal of Modern European History.

Bartels, C. and D. Neumann (2021). “Insurance and redistribution around the world”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Bastani, S. and H. Selin (2021). "The Anatomy of the Extensive Margin Labor Supply Response", Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Bastani, S. and D. Waldenström (2021). "The Ability Gradient in Tax Responsiveness", Journal of Public Economics Plus.

Bastani, S. and D. Waldenström (2021). "Perceptions of Inherited Wealth and the Support for Inheritance Taxation", Economica.

Blomquist, B., W. Newey, A. Kumar, and C.-Y. Liang (2021). “On bunching and the identification of the taxable income elasticity”, Journal of Political Economy.

Cipullo D. (2021). “Voting Systems and Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Runoff and Plurality Elections”, National Tax Journal.

Dahlberg, M. (2021). "Comment on E. Eerola: Low-income housing policies: affordability and integration", Nordic Economic Policy Review.

Di Porto, E., Belotti, F. and G. Santoni (2021). “The Effect of Local Taxes on Firm Performance: Evidence from Geo-Referenced Data”, Journal of Regional Science.

Di Porto, E., Ohlsson, H. and E. M. Martino (2021). “Avoiding Taxes by Transfer within the Family”, International Tax and Public Finance.

Dominguez, M. and D. Montolio (2021). "Bolstering community ties as a means of reducing crime". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Dufwenberg, M. and K. Nordblom (2021). ”Tax evasion with a conscience” Journal of Public Economic Theory.

Elinder, M., Erixson, O. and P. Engström (2021). ” The last will: Estate divisions as a testament of to whom altruism is directed”, PLoS ONE.

Guo, J., C.Z. Li, and C. Wei (2021). “Decoupling economic and energy growth: aspiration or reality?”, Environmental Research Letters. Hagen, J. (2021).“Partial recall: Differences between actual and self-reported annuitization decisions in Sweden”, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. Hagen, J., Hallberg, D. and G. Sjögren Lindquist (2021), “A nudge to quit? The effect of a change in pension information on annuitization, labor supply and retirement choices among older workers in Sweden”, The Economic Journal.

Jordahl, H and L Persson (2021). “The end of a trend? Retraction of choice in Swedish elderly care”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform.

Laun, T. and J. Wallenius (2021). “Having It All? Employment, Earnings and Children”, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Meya, J.,Poutvaara, P. and R. Schwager (2021). “How Important are Pocketbook Voting, Social Preferences and Expressive Motives in Referenda?” CESifo Forum.

Rickne, J. (2021). "Who cleans my house if the government pays? Refugees, low-educated workers, and long-term unemployed in tax-subsidized domestic service firms". IZA Journal of Labor Policy.

Poutvaara, P. (2021). “Zuwanderung von Fachkräften fördern“, ifo Schnelldienst.

van Maarseveen, R. (2021). "The urban–rural education gap: do cities indeed make us smarter?", Journal of Economic Geography, 21(5), 683-714.

Vlachos, J., E. Hertegård and H. Svaleryd (2021). “The effects of school closures on SARS-CoV-2 among parents and teachers”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.

Books, policy reports and popular science 2021

Andersson, O., Wengström, E. and P. Campos-Mercade (2021). "Attityder och beteenden under covid-19-pandemin." Ekonomisk debatt.

Andersson, T., Fredriksson, P., Hassler, J., Johansson, P., Krusell, P., Mörk, E. and J. Svensson (2021) ”2021 års ekonomipris till David Card, Joshua Angrist och Guido Imbens”, Ekonomisk Debatt.

Bastani, S. "Hur bör konsumtion beskattas?" SNS Förlag, Stockholm.

Bengtsson, N. (2021). ”Vi lever i den bästa av alla möjliga världar”, Ekonomisk Debatt.

Blix, M. and H. Jordahl, Privatizing Welfare Services: Lessons from the Swedish Experiment, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dahlberg, M., Egebark, J., Vikman, U. and G. Özcan (2021). ”Arbetsmarknadsetablering av nyanlända lågutbildade flyktingar – resultat från en experimentell studie”, Ekonomisk debatt.

Elinder, M. (2021). ”Den kalla handen”. Ekonomisk Debatt 49(8), 3–4.

Elinder, M. (2021). ”Därför behövs förmögenhetsstatistik”. Ekonomisk Debatt.

Elinder, M. and O. Erixson (2021). “En beklaglig förlust? En ESO-rapport om erfarenheter och lärdomar av arvsskatt”, ESO-rapport.

Elinder, M. and L. Persson (2021). ”Debatten om vårt framtida skattesystem”. Ekonomisk Debatt.

Elinder, M. and L. Persson (2021). ”Ekonomisk Debatts digitala framtid”. Ekonomisk Debatt.

Fredriksson, P., Jävervall S., Mörk E., Persson T. and J. Svensson (2021). “Alleviating Global Poverty: A Note on the Experimental Approach” in Lundahl M., Rahuhut, D. and N. Hatti (ed) Poverty in Contemporary Economic Thought, Routledge, London.

Meya, J., Poutvaara, P. and R. Schwager (2021). “Plånboksröstning och sociala preferenser”, Ekonomisk Debatt.

Nordblom K. (2021). “Folkbildande om skatter”, Ekonomisk Debatt.

Selin, H. (2021). ”Dags för en ny skattereform?”, Ekonomisk Debatt.

Svaleryd, H and J. Vlachos (2021), ”Skolresultat och psykisk ohälsa bland elever”, Underlagsrapport till Coronakommissionen.

Waldenström, D. (2021). ”Pedagogiskt och tänkvärt om skatternas framtid”, Ekonomisk Debatt.

Ph.D. Dissertations 2021

Cipullo, D. (2021). “Political Careers, Government Stability, and Electoral Cycles”. Economic Studies 194, Department of Economic, Uppsala University.

Hammar, O. (2021). The Mystery of Inequality: Essays on Culture, Development, and Distributions”, Economic Studies 195, Department of Economic, Uppsala University.

Jävervall, S. (2021). “Corruption, Distortions and Development”, Economic Studies 197, Department of Economic, Uppsala University.

Reslow, A. (2021), “Electoral Incentives and Information Content in Macroeconomic Forecasts”. Economic studies 193, Department of Economics, Uppsala University.

Articles in peer reviewed international journals 2020

Adermon, A., M. Lindahl & M. Palme (2020). “Dynastic human capital, inequality and intergenerational mobility”, American Economic Review (forthcoming).

Aggeborn, L. & M. Öhman (2020). “The effects of fluoride in drinking water”, Journal of Political Economy.

Aggeborn, L. & P. Nyman (2020). "Intergenerational transmission of party affiliation within political families ". Political Behavior (forthcoming).

Aggeborn, L., N. Lajevardi & P. Nyman (2020). "Disentangling the impact of civil association membership on political participation: Evidence from Swedish panel data" British Journal of Political Science (forthcoming)

Aggeborn, L., N. Lajevardi, K.-O. Lindgren, P. Nyman & S. Oskarsson (2020). "Parents, peers, and politics: The long-term effects of vertical social ties", Quarterly Journal of Political Science.

Andersson, O., H.J. Holm, J-R. Tyran & E. Wengström (2020). "Robust inference in risk elicitation tasks." Journal of Risk and Uncertainty .

Andersson, O., H.J. Holm, J‐R. Tyran, & E. Wengström (2020). "Risking other people's money: Experimental evidence on the role of incentives and personality traits." The Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Andersson, O., H.J. Holm & E. Wengström (2020). "Grind or gamble? An experiment on effort and spread seeking in contests" Economic Inquiry.

Andersson, H., H. Berg & M. Dahlberg (2020). “Migrating natives and foreign immigration: Is there a preference for ethnic residential homogeneity?” Journal of Urban Economics (forthcoming).

Bastani, S., T. Giebe & C. Miao (2020). "Ethnicity and tax filing behavior" Journal of Urban Economics.

Bastani, S. & D. Waldenström (2020). “How should capital be taxed?” Journal of Economic Surveys.

Bastani, S., S. Blomquist & L. Micheletto (2020). "Child care subsidies, quality, and optimal income taxation", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Bastani, S., S. Blomquist & L. Micheletto (2020). "Pareto efficient income taxation without single-crossing", Social Choice and Welfare.

Berg, H. (2020) “On the returns to holding office (Is it worth it?)”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Berg, H. (2020). “Politicians’ payments in a proportional party system” European Economic Review.

Blomquist, S., W. Newey, A. Kumar & C-Y. Liang (2020). “On bunching and identification of the taxable income elasticity” Journal of Political Economy (forthcoming).

Bratu, C., M. Dahlberg, M. Engdahl & T. Nikolka (2020). ”Spillover effects of stricter immigration policies” Journal of Public Economics.

Brewer, M. & Gardiner, L. (2020). “The initial impact of COVID-19 and policy responses on household incomes” Oxford Review of Economic Policy.

Brewer, M. & Hoynes, H. (2020). “In work credits in the UK and the US“, Fiscal Studies.

Engström, G., Gars J., Krishnamurthy, C., Spiro, D., Calel R., Lindahl, T., & B. Narayanan (2020). ”Carbon pricing with planetary boundaries" Nature communications.

Engström, G., Gars J., Jaakkola, N., Lindahl, T., Spiro, D., & A. van Benthem (2020). "What policies address both the corona virus crisis and the climate crisis?" Environmental and Resource Economics.

Engström, G., Gren, Å., Li, C. Z., & C.K.B. Krishnamurthy (2020). ”Valuing biodiversity and resilience: an application to pollinator diversity in the Stockholm region” Spatial Economic Analysis.

Erixson, O. & S. Escobar (2020). "Deathbed tax planning" Journal of Public Economics.

Folke, O., & J. Rickne (2020). ”All the single ladies: Job promotions and the durability of marriage” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

Folke, O., & J. Rickne (2020). ”Who wins preference votes? An analysis of party loyalty, ideology, and accountability to voters”. Journal of Theoretical Politics.

Folke, O., Rickne, J., Tanaka, S., & Y. Tateishi (2020). Sexual harassment of women leaders. Daedalus.

Gahvari, F. & L. Micheletto (2020). "Wage endogeneity, tax evasion and optimal nonlinear income taxation" Journal of Public Economic Theory.

Hagen, Johannes. "Partial recall: differences between actual and self-reported annuitization decisions in Sweden." Journal of Pension Economics & Finance(2020): 1-30.

Hall, C., K. Kotakorpi, L. Liljeberg & J. Pirttilä (2020). ”Screening through activation? Differential effects of a youth programme’ activation” Journal of Human Resources (forthcoming).

Hammar, O. & D. Waldenström (2020). “Global earnings inequality, 1970-2018”, Economic Journal.

Jagers, S. C., Matti, S., & Nordblom, K. (2020). “The evolution of public policy attitudes: comparing the mechanisms of policy support across the stages of a policy cycle” Journal of Public Policy.

Jordahl, H. & L. Persson (2020). "The end of a trend? Retraction of choice in Swedish elderly care" Journal of Economic Policy Reform (forthcoming)

Jäntti, M., J. Pirttilä & R. Rönkkö (2020). “The determinants of redistribution around the world” Review of Income and Wealth.

Löfgren, Å., & K. Nordblom (2020). ”A theoretical framework of decision making explaining the mechanisms of nudging” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Klarin, J. (2020). “Bring out the steamrollers, it’s election year again!”, FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis.

Kumar A. & C-Y. Liang (2020). “Estimating taxable income responses with elasticity heterogeneity” Journal of Public Economics.

Laun, T. (2020), “Optimal Social Insurance with Endogenous Health”, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics Vol 122, pp 464-493.

Li, C. Z., Wei, C. & Yu, Y. (2020). “Income threshold, household appliance ownership, and residential energy consumption in urban China” China Economic Review.

Meya, J., P. Poutvaara & R. Schwager (2020). “Pocketbook voting, social preferences, and expressive motives in referenda” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Mörk, E. & M. Nordin (2020) “Voting, taxes and heterogeneous preferences: Evidence from Swedish local elections”, Economics and Politics.

Mörk, E,. A., Sjögren & H. Svaleryd (2020). "Consequences of parental job loss on the family environment and on human capital formation. Evidence from workplace closures” Labour Economics.

Ohlsson, H., J. Roine & D. Waldenström (2020). "Inherited wealth over the path of development: Sweden 1810-2016" Journal of the European Economic Association.

Repetto, L. & A. Solis (2020). “The price of inattention: Evidence from the Swedish housing market” Journal of the European Economic Association.

Rubolino, E., & D. Waldenström (2020). “Tax progressivity and top Incomes: Evidence from tax reforms” Journal of Economic Inequality.

Schröder, C., Bartels, C., Grabka, M., Kroh, M. & R. Siegers (2020). "A novel sampling strategy for surveying high-worth individuals - An application using the socio-economic panel" Review of Income and Wealth. 54. Spiro, D. (2020) “Multigenerational transmission of culture”, Journal of Economic Theory.

Södersten, J. (2020). "Why the Norwegian shareholder income tax is neutral" International Tax and Public Finance.

R. van Maarseveen (2020). “The urban–rural education gap: do cities indeed make us smarter?” Journal of Economic Geography.

Wu, S., Zheng, X., Guo, J., Li, C.Z. & C. Wei (2020). “Quantifying energy consumption in household surveys: An alternative device-based accounting approach” Field Methods.

Öhman, M., J. Woodford, & L. von Essen (2020). “Socioeconomic consequences of parenting a child with cancer for fathers and mothers in Sweden: A population‐based difference‐in‐difference study” International Journal of Cancer.

Books, policy reports and popular science 2020

Manduca, R., M. Hell, A. Adermon, J. Blanden, E. Bratberg, A.C. Gielen, H. van Kippersluis, K. Bok Lee, S. Machin, M.D. Munk, M. Nybom, Y. Ostrovsky, S. Rahman & O. Sirniö, “Trender i absolut inkomströrlighet i Europa och Nordamerika”, IFAU Rapport 2020:13.

Adermon, A. & L. Hensvik, “Gigekonomin som dörröppnare?", IFAU Rapport 2020:22.

Andersson, T., T. Ellingsen, P. Fredriksson, E. Mörk, T. Persson, P. Strömberg & I. Werner (2020) ”2020 års Ekonomipris till Paul Milgrom och Robert Wilson”, Ekonomisk Debatt 48:8.

Elinder, M. & L-M. Ellegård (2020). ”Hur är det egentligen med den ekonomiska ojämlikheten?” Ekonomisk Debatt 48:3.

Elinder, M. & L-M. Ellegård (2020). ”Pandemins långa skuggor”, Ekonomisk Debatt 48:8.

Elinder, M., Nordin M., Hagen J., & J. Säve-Söderbergh, ”Svenska folkets kunskaper om pensionen”, IFAU Rapport 2020: 23.

Hagen, J., Malmberg, H., Ekonomiska drivkrafter vid hälsorelaterade utträden ur arbetslivet, IFAU Rapport 2020:17.

Mörk, E., A. Sjögren & H. Svaleryd (2020). ”Ojämlikhet i hälsa under uppväxten”, Ekonomisk Debatt 48:4.

Poutvaara, P. & H. Jordahl (2020). "Public sector outsourcing" IZA World of Labor 65.

Poutvaara, P. M. Valeyatheepillay (2020). “Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and a Way Forward”, EconPol Policy Report 30.

Waldenström, D. (2020). “Perspektiv på den ekonomiska ojämlikheten i Sverige” Ekonomisk Debatt 48(4): 13–25.

Publications from UCFS

