Curriculum Studies
Photo: Micke Lundström
Curriculum studies as a field of research and area of knowledge deals with matters relating to the content of education and teaching. The subject of curriculum studies is deeply rooted in both scientific traditions and teaching practices.
The research questions which constitute the core of curriculum studies arise at the meeting point between specific subject-matter and the teaching and learning of that subject-matter which takes place under some form of activity. It is therefore of interest to study, for example, the content of the teaching and what justifies the selection of that content, who the teaching is aimed at and how their learning process works, how the subject-material is handled in the teaching and who has power over the selection process.
Curriculum studies as a field of research and area of knowledge therefore deals with questions found at the point of intersection between an area of activity or knowledge, and education, teaching, learning and socialisation.
Research groups
- Civics Education Design Lab (CEDEL)
- Laboratory for Teaching Practices (TePlab)
- Mathematics Education
- Science and Technology Education
- Social Sciences and Humanities Education (ÄDISH)
- Studies of Comparative Didactics (SCOD)
- Studies of Language Practices (STOLP)
- Uppsala Studies of History and Education (SHED)
Research projects
- Developing, implementing and researching Lesson Design Workshops
- Developing Primary Teacher Education Research (DePTER)
- Manners of teaching about controversial sustainability issues and students learning
- School and the Making of Social Class
- SEGA:D - Serious educational games against disinformation
- The Kindergarten as a Factor of Inclusion for Migrant Children and their Families (KINDINMI)
- Teaching and Learning the Embedded Economy