Research on Educational Leadership (REL)

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Education, learning, leadership and contexts where these concepts can be applied to are the core of the research environment Educational Leadership. This means that research objects are present in pre-schools and schools as well as in other parts of society.

Leadership forms many levels of politics, policy and governance and is expressed in various institutional, organisational or informal contexts. This research environment is interested in how leadership is formulated, transformed and interpreted in different contexts. Here concepts such as sustainable development, democracy, equity and humanity constitute important starting points. Situations in which leadership and learning are the focus can often be studied from several scientific perspectives; both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary.

As it is the ambition to contribute to knowledge on the relationship between education, leadership and learning, the research group works with transdisciplinary approaches where different theoretical and methodological starting points meet. What unites this research environment is, however, an interest in leadership practice and the conditions that underpin and limit leadership.

The Educational Leadership Research Environment was developed from the STEP Group (Research Unit for Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy). STEP was initially started by Professor Ulf P. Lundgren in 2000. The research focused on socialisation and education, in particular on organisation, sampling and legitimacy of knowledge in educational institutions.


Katina Thelin, Daniel Nordholm,

Our links to education

Several members of the group teach in the field of education at the undergraduate and advanced level (Master's and postgraduate courses); they teach independent courses and courses within the BA program in Human Resource Management and Working Life and the BA program in Behavioral Sciences.

Several of the members of Educational Leadership also teach courses within preschool, primary and upper secondary school teacher training programs, in Educational Management for school principals and courses for exchange students.

Educational Leadership also participates in university courses for teachers and educational leaders.


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